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An equation is a mathematical statement that has two expressions separated by an equal sign.
The expression on the left side of the equal sign has the same value as the expression on the right
One or both of the expressions may contain variables. Solving an equation means manipulating
the expressions and finding the value of the variables.
An example might be:
x = !"
to solve this equation we would add and " and find that x = #$.
Solving equations
Note: To %eep an equation equal& we must do exactly the same thing to each side of the equation:
'f we add (or subtract) a quantity from one side& we must add (or subtract) that same
quantity from the other side.
'f we multiply (or divide) one side by a quantity& we must multiply (or divide) the other
side by that same quantity.
Example 1:
x * + = ,
to solve this equation we would add + to both sides. The equation would become x * + ! + = , !
+. This becomes x = , ! + or x = ".
Example 2:
Solve the equation: -x = $#
'n order to solve this equation we would divide both sides by -. The equation would become
-x.- = $#.-. /hen simplified& this would become x = $#.- or x = +.
't is possible to substitute the value of x bac% into the original equation -0+=$#.
Example 3:
Solve the equation: "x*$=#
1irst& add two to each side of the equation so that "x*$!$=#!$ or "x=#2.
'n order to solve this equation we would divide both sides by ". The equation would become
"x." = #2.". /hen simplified& this would become x = #2." or x = $.
't is possible to substitute the value of x bac% into the original equation "0$*$=#.

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