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Spotlight on year 6 Scratch!

Year 6 have started an ambitious Scratch project to code a

science animation related to the five kingdoms (the first
big division of living things in the classification system).
Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively,
reason systematically and work collaboratively - it also
requires a lots of perseverance!

Newsletter - 25th September 2014

Church of England Primary School
Getting into the term
names now as I have taught nearly
they are all fantastic kids.
I hope you all like the new school
bell a bit nicer than a whistle!
Summer Storm
We are very excited to announce that Mrs Richards who works
in the Foundation Stage Unit has been awarded a University of
Worcester Scholarship for Academic Achievement in recognition
of her excellent academic achievements during the last
academic year. Mrs Richards has used the FSU to complete her
studies. This has made for very reflective practice within the
school. We are very lucky to have such a talented lady in our
Unit and are so pleased that her efforts have been rewarded in
this way.
Budleigh Salterton
Decorative and Fine Arts
Society (Budfas) invited all
Year 6 pupils from St
Peter's Church of England
Primary School to
promote and sign copies
of their fantastic book 'Summer Storm' at the Budleigh
Literacy Festival on Saturday.
Thank you to the Year 6 pupils who represented our school.
Headteacher awards
Well done Mrs Richards!
Stay and Play!
Thanks to all the parents

I know the children enjoyed it. Look at the fun Nursery had
making bugs in the Science Garden. They even found our
old friend Mrs Taylor, back to help!
What I have loved about the awards this week is all the
inspired. Well done to: the aliens Poppy, Jessica, Abbie, Ruby,
George x2 and Oscar super describing! Owen and Oliver for
super swimming; Miles, Finlay, Lola and Scarlett for their Anglo
Saxon work; Ruby for her cave painting and homemade bow.
Emily for swimming so well ; Joel for his home learning; Esme,
Emily and Charlie for the RE; Nate, Hannah, Leah and Olivia for
great maths; Grace for good dog training; Jaykob for an
excellent attitude; Alice for RE; Leah for her homemade
caveman spear; Emily for fantastic vocab in Science; Sadia for
her Baby Brains work; Georgia for her sailing award; Harvey for
his amazing home learning; Joshua for great writing; Henry for
great Maths; and William for his shape work.
Please keep checking this
section for upcoming dates
and events.
Next Messy Church at
Thurs 16th Oct at 3:45pm.
Next Family Service at

Sunday 12th October for
Harvest Festival.
Thurs 25th Sept - SPSA
Committee Meeting at 8pm
Second Hand Uniform Sale -
26th Sept 3:20pm - 3:45pm
Tue 30th Sept -
Coffee Morning - In the
School Hall - Every First
Friday of the Month - 3rd
October 9am-10am
Parents Evening 22nd/23rd
October from 4-7pm
Wed 12th Nov Letters and
Sounds tea party FSU
21st Nov - Non-Uniform Day
28th Nov Christmas Fayre.
Term starts again on
Tuesday 6th January.
Wed 10th Dec KS1 Xmas
Performance at 10am and
at 2pm
Thurs 11th Dec KS2 Xmas
at 7pm

Moor Lane, Budleigh Salterton,
Devon, EX9 6QF.
01395 443167

Headteacher: Steve Hitchcock
Contact details
Did you know about?
Shout- Junior Choir for Years 5 and 6 at Exmouth College
Exmouth Community Choir have informed us that they are going to be running their 'Shout' Junior Choir
at Exmouth Community College (in the Music Dept) from 3.45-4.45pm on Tuesdays. The aim is to enable
both primary and secondary musicians to sing and perform together, hopefully helping ease the
transition at the end of Year 6 and to have fun. If you would like a letter containing more information
and a permission slip then please speak to Mrs Lewis or e-mail Mrs Lewis to let her know your are
interested Thank you!
Swim time!
Fun swims 1 per person:
Saturdays 10:30am 12:00pm
Thursdays 3.30pm-4.30pm
Peripatetic Music Teaching
We are really keen as a school to continue to build on our Music tradition over the coming year. We are
currently using Music Devon to provide peripatetic music lessons on a range of instruments to children
in the school. If you would like your child to have peripatetic music lessons this academic year, then
please let Mrs Lewis know. On the Music Devon website ( you can see all
the instruments you can have lessons in and also there is a copy of the peripatetic music lessons pricing
structure. You can register for lessons online directly with Music Devon via their website too. We are
hoping to organise a workshop later in the term to showcase some of the instruments that are available
to learn.
Fun Swim
Fun Swim will take place on Thursday. Please accept our apologies for the cancellation last
week and for any inconvenience/upset this caused.
Fun Swim Parental Supervision
Please note that all pupils (with the exception of pupils in Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6) must be
accompanied and supervised by an adult. We understand and accept that due to work/family
commitments you may make arrangements for another family member or another parent to
accompany and supervise your child on your behalf.
Donations gratefully received!
We would be very grateful if any parents can donate any of the following to the school to help
with some of our resources: any 'Guess Who' games; wooden garages, dolls houses or
furniture; cars or animals (plastic ones ELC etc) Thank you!
Parent Forum come and meet Mr Hitchcock!
We hope that you will be able to join us next Tuesday (30th September) at 7pm for our Parent
Forum Meeting- everyone is very welcome. If you have an item that you would like to go on
the agenda then please post it into the Parent Forum suggestions box in the school
entrance or e-mail directly. It is also a chance to
come and meet Mr Hitchcock and give him a grilling! Thank you.
Some important notices
I hope you all had a chance to read the two important notes this week. Please do have your
say on the school crossing issue at
We really do need your support next Thursday (2nd) with the school meals. If this is the only
day your child has school meals it will make a huge difference to our ability to fund this area of

Lastly, I am now aware I have lots of ways to support families that are in need (for whatever
reason). If times are tough and you need help in any way, please do come and see me and I am
sure I can help, whether it is financially or emotionally! Just ask.
Normally we wouldn't mention lost jumpers in the newsletter
- the lost property box is full of unnamed ones! However,
William Beaver had followed our advice and has written his
name clearly on the label of his missing jumper - so this one
should be easier to find! Please return the jumper to Year 6 if
you have accidentally taken it home.
Key Stage 2 Cycling Club
Go Ride cycling club takes place on Monday from 15:45 to 16:30. Pupils need to bring their
own bicycle (in good working condition) and their own helmet. The club will involve a mix of
cycle skills, cycling games and some cyclo-cross racing on the school field. There are plans for
cycling events this Autumn and so joining this club will be excellent preparation.

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