Unbenannt 1

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Carl Warner


In this Picture you can first see the skyline of
London but when you look for a second time you
realise that this skyline is build of differend types
of food.
Westminster abbey for example is build of green
Asparagus and bred and the trees are broccoli.

By letting the things fade out on the sindes and
using slightly round lines for the wall infrond of
the buildings he creates depth in this picture.
And I think that the different layers help to create
this efect.

I think Carl Warner build these different buildings
and took pictures of them from a setted camera
e didnt build the skyline up as one pice because
you can see that there are differend layers. !or
example where the towerbridge ends.

If I would ha"e to recreate this picture I would
first build one building take a picture of it and
than build the next one and so on because since
these are all real "agtebals# fruits.... they
wouldent look fresh and good after a wile.

I think Carl Wagner is a really uni$ue
Artist%Photographer and I like how much work he
puts in each Picture.
is Pictures are called &!oodscapes' and they
are created in his (tudio in London.

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