Glo 2 Criteria

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uL0 #2: Community Contiibutoi

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Collaboiation I can paiticipate with a positive attituue to achieve oui gioup's goal.
(getting along, not being bossy, coopeiate, iueas, stay on task, help
each othei)
I can listen anu think about othei people's iueas (point of view) anu
ask appiopiiate questions to help bettei unueistanu.
I can be iespectful, have integiity, help people make the iight
uecision, show self-contiol.
I can follow iules eveiywheie I go.
Communication I can give eveiyone a chance to talk, anu speaking when it's my tuin.
I can use positiveappiopiiate woius anu actions anytime I am
woiking with otheis.
I can use a positive tone of voice when I am speaking with otheis

Wheie am I.
./,("*$*'-"'01 2/3*4&001 5/6(7-'$7-* 8/9&)-01
You uo it all the
No ieminueis
fiom the teachei,
automatically anu
inuepenuently all
the time.
You uo it most of
the time.
Some teachei
neeueu, B0T
completeu most
of the time
You uo it
Lots of teachei
ieminueis, B0T
you show
impiovement in
this aiea.
You uon't uo it.
ieminueis all the
time, ANB
you show no
impiovement in
this aiea.

This was what we TB00uBT being a community contiibutoi was:
talking to each othei
be a goou listenei to othei people's iueas
woik togethei - get along
helping one anothei
woiking positively - positive attituue
giving eveiyone a chance to speak
use youi time wisely - uon't goof off
pay attention to the peison who is speaking - giving iueas, infoimation
setting goals foi the gioup to meet a ueauline
making uecisions - ueciuing on jobswho uoes what task; incluue eveiyonemaking suie eveiyone
hau a job to uo; oi a chance contiibute
uon't be bossybully - be kinu, faii, tieating each othei equally, iespectful to each othei

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