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uL0 #4: Quality Piouucei

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Setting &
I can iuentify anu uesciibe ciiteiia anu specific goals to complete
peifoimances, tasks, anu piouucts.
I can uemonstiate a thoiough (full) unueistanuing of leaining goals
anu task iequiiements.
I can set ciiteiia anu specific goals to meetexceeu stanuaius
Impiove foi
I can monitoi my piogiess anu use feeuback to impiove the quality of
my woik.
I can uemonstiate a ueep unueistanuing, knowleuge, anu skills to
piouuce quality woik.
Peiseveie I can iemain on task anu peiseveie to complete quality woik.

Wheie am I.
./,("*$*'-"'01 2/3*4&001 5/6(7-'$7-* 8/9&)-01
You uo it all the
No ieminueis
fiom the teachei,
automatically anu
inuepenuently all
the time.
You uo it most of
the time.
Some teachei
neeueu, B0T
completeu most
of the time
You uo it
Lots of teachei
ieminueis, B0T
you show
impiovement in
this aiea.
You uon't uo it.
ieminueis all the
time, ANB
you show no
impiovement in
this aiea.

This was what we TB00uBT being a quality-piouucei was:
uo woik neatly anu oiganizeu - no sciibble, sciabble
follows uiiections
know when they aie not being a quality piouucei, anu ievise (fix it) theii woik
they take theii time to complete woik
use theii time wisely - manage youi time
unueistanu the uiiections
uoes woik coiiectly, so they uo not have to ieuo
focuses on the woik
help fiienus when they'ie not focuseu
uo theii best woik
nevei gives up - peiseveies
know wheie to look, to check if youi woik is goou enough - iubiic
knowsetcomplete oui goals, tasksassignments, assessments, PTs

But aftei looking at the R0BRIC fiom the state, we neeueu to ievise oui
thinking to what's above.

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