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Chapter 1: Introduction to Elec Comm

1. Communication is the process of

Ans: exchanging information
2. Two key barriers to human communication are
Ans: distance and language
3. Electronic communications was discovered in which
Ans: 19
4. hich of the followin! is not a ma"or communications
Ans: Water
#. $andom interference to transmitted si!nals is called
Ans: noise
%. The communications medium causes the si!nal to be
Ans: attenuated
&. hich of the followin! is not a source of noise?
Ans: Another communications signal
'. (ne)way communications is called
Ans: simplex
*. +imultaneous two)way communications is called
Ans: Full duplex
1,. The ori!inal electrical information si!nal to be transmitted
is called the
Ans: Baseband signal
11. The process of modifyin! a hi!h fre-uency carrier with
the information to be transmitted is called
Ans: modulation
12. The process of transmittin! two or more information
si!nals simultaneously over the same channel is called
Ans: Multiplexing
13. Continuous voice or video si!nals are referred to as
Ans: Baseband
14. $ecoverin! information from a carrier is known as
Ans: etection
1#. Transmission of !raphical information over the telephone
network is accomplished by
Ans: facsimile
16. .easurin! physical conditions at some remote location
and transmittin! this data for analysis is the process of
Ans: !elemetr"
1&. $eceivin! electroma!netic emissions from stars is called
Ans: #adio$astronom"
1'. / personal communications hobby for individuals is
Ans: ham radio
1*. $adar is based upon
Ans: reflected radio signals
2,. / fre-uency of 2&.01 has a wavelen!th of
Ans: 11m
21. $adio si!nals are made up of
Ans: Electric and magnetic fields
22. The voice fre-uency ran!e is
Ans: %&& to %&&& '(
23. /nother name for si!nals in the 03 ran!e is
Ans: short)a*es
24. Television broadcastin! occurs in which ran!es?
Ans: +'F
2#. Electroma!netic waves produced primarily by heat are
Ans: infrared ra"s
2%. / micron is
Ans: ,ne$millionth of a meter
2&. The fre-uency ran!e of infrared rays is appro2imately
Ans: &-. to 1&&/m
2'. The appro2imately wavelen!th of red li!ht is
Ans: .&&& 0
2*. hich of the followin! is not used for communications
Ans: 1$ra"s
3,. / si!nal occupies the spectrum space from 1.11# to
1.122 401. The bandwidth is
Ans: . M'(
31. 5n the united states6 the electroma!netic spectrum is
re!ulated and mana!ed by
Ans: FCC
32. 3or a !iven bandwidth si!nal6 more channel space is
available for si!nals in the ran!e of
Ans: E'F
Chapter 2: AM and 33B Modulation
1. 0avin! an information si!nal chan!e some
characteristic of a carrier si!nal is called
Ans: modulation
2. hich of the followin! is not true about /.?
Ans: !he carrier fre4uenc" changes
3. The opposite of modulation is
Ans: emodulation
4. The circuit used to produced modulation is called a
Ans: demodulator
#. / modulator circuit performs what mathematical
operation on its two inputs?
Ans: Multiplication
%. The ratio of the peak modulatin! si!nal volta!e to the
peak carrier volta!e is referred to as
Ans: the modulation index
7. 5f m is !reater than 16 what happens?
Ans: information signal is distorted
'. 3or ideal /.6 which of the followin! is true?
Ans: m 5 1
*. The outline of the peaks of a carrier has the shape of
the modulatin! si!nal and is called the
Ans: en*elop
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
1,. (vermodulation occurs when
Ans: +m > +c
11. The values of 7ma2 and 7min as read from an /.
wave on an oscilloscope are 2.' and ,.3. The percenta!e of
modulation is
Ans: 7&-? @
12. The new si!nals produced by modulation are called
Ans: sidebands
13. / carrier of '', k01 is modulated by a 3.# k01 sine
wave. The 8+9 and :+9 are6 respectively6
Ans: 7.?-A and 77%-A B'(
14. / display of si!nal amplitude versus fre-uency is
called the
Ans: fre4uenc" domain
1#. .ost of the power in an /. si!nal is the
Ans: Carrier
1%. /n /. si!nal has a carrier power of # . The
percenta!e of modulation is ', percent. The total sideband
power is
Ans: 1-? W
1&. 3or 1,, percent modulation6 what percenta!e of
power is in each sideband?
Ans: 2A percent
1'. /n /. transmitter has a percenta!e of modulation of
''. The carrier power is 44, . The power in one sideband
Ans: 7A W
1*. /n /. transmiiter antenna current is measured with
no modulation and found to be 2.% /. ith modulation6 the
current rises to 2.* /. The percenta!e of modulation is
Ans: .& percent
2,. hat is the carrier power in the problem above if the
antenna resistance is &# ohms?
Ans: A&. W
21. 5n an /. si!nal6 the transmitted information is
contained within the
Ans: sidebands
22. /n /. si!nal without the carrier is called a;n<
Ans: 3B
23. hat is the minimum /. si!nal needed to transmit
Ans: ,ne sideband
24. The main advanta!e of ++9 over standard /. or
=+9 is
Ans: <ess spectrum space is used
2#. 5n ++96 which sideband is the best to use?
Ans: neither upper or lo)er
2%. The typical audio modulatin! fre-uency ran!e used in
radio and telephone communications is
Ans: %&& '( to % B'(
2&. /n /. si!nal with a ma2imum modulatin! si!nal
fre-uency of 4.# k01 has a total bandwidth of
Ans: 9 B'(
2'. =istortion of the modulatin! si!nal produces
harmonics which cause an increase in the si!nal
Ans: band)idth
2*. The process of translatin! a si!nal6 with or without
modulation6 to a hi!her or lower fre-uency for processin! is
Ans: fre4uenc" con*ersion
3,. 3re-uency translation is carried out by a circuit called
Ans: con*erter
31. /n input si!nal of 1.' .01 is mi2ed with a local
oscillation of # .01. / filter selects the difference si!nal. The
output is
Ans: %-2 M'(
32. The output of an ++9 transmitter with a 3.'# .01
carrier and a 1.# k01 sine wave modulatin! tone is
Ans: %-7AC %-7D7AC and %-7A1A M'(
33. /n ++9 transmitter produces a 4,, 7 peak)to)peak
si!nal across a #2 ohms antenna load. The >E> output is
Ans: %7D-A W
? #2
2 2
>E> = =
34. The output power of an ++9 transmitter is usually
e2pressed in terms of
Ans: EeaB en*elope po)er
3#. /n ++9 transmitter has a >E> ratin! of 1 k. The
avera!e output power is in the ran!e of
Ans: 2A& to %%% W
= = C
= =
Chapter %: AM Circuits
1. /mplitude modulation is the same as
Ans: Analog multiplication
2. 5n a diode modulator6 the ne!ative half of the /.
wave is supplied by a;n<
Ans: !uned circuit
3. /mplitude modulation can be produced by
Ans: 'a*ing the carrier *ar" a resistance
4. /mplitude modulators that vary the carrier amplitude
with the modulatin! si!nal by passin! it throu!h an
attenuator work on the principle of
Ans: +ariable resistance
5. 5n 3i!. 3)46 =1 is a
Ans: +ariable resistor
%. The component used to produce /. at very hi!h
fre-uencies is a
Ans: +aractor
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
&. /mplitude modulation !enerated at a very low volta!e
or power amplitude is known as
Ans: <o)$le*el modulation
'. / collector modulator has a supply volta!e of 4' 7.
The peak)to)peak amplitude of the modulatin! si!nal for 1,,
percent modulation is
Ans: 9? +
7mp)p @ 27c . m @ *% 7
*. / collector modulated transmitter has a supply
volta!e of 24 7 and a collector current of ,.# /. The
modulator power for 1,, percent modulation is
Ans: 12 W
> @ 75 @ 24 2 ,.# @ 12
1,. The circuit that recovers the ori!inal modulatin!
information from an /. si!nal is known as a
Ans: demodulator
11. The most commonly used amplitude demodulator is
Ans: En*elope detector
12. / circuit that !enerates the upper and lower
sidebands but no carrier is called a;a<
Ans: Balanced modulator
13. The inputs to a balanced modulator are 1 .01 and a
carrier of 1.# .01. The outputs are
Ans: A&& B'( and 2-A M'(
14. / widely used balanced modulator is called the
Ans: lattice modulator
1#. 5n a diode rin! modulator6 the diodes act like
Ans: s)itches
1%. The output of a balanced modulator is
Ans: 3B
1&. The principal circuit in the popular 14*%A1#*% 5C
balanced modulator is a
Ans: ifferential amplifier
1'. The most commonly used filter in ++9 !enerator uses
Ans: #C net)orBs and op$amps
1*. The e-uivalent circuit of a -uart1 crystal is a
Ans: 3eries resonant circuit and parallel resonant circuit
2,. / crystal lattice filter has crystal fre-uencies of 2&.#
and 2&.#,2 .01. The bandwidth is appro2imately
Ans: 2 B'(
9 @ f2 B f1 @ 2&.#,2.01B2&.#.01 @ 2 k01
21. /n ++9 !enerator has a sideband filter centered at
3., .01. The modulatin! si!nal is 3 k01. To produce both
upper and lower sidebands6 the followin! carrier fre-uencies
must be producedC
Ans: 299. and %&&% B'(
8+9 @ 3., .01 B 3 k01 @ 2**& k01
:+9 @ 3., .01 D 3 k01 @ 3,,3 k01
22. 5n the phasin! method of ++9 !eneration6 one
sideband is canceled out due to
Ans: phase shift
23. / balanced modulator used to demodulate a ++9
si!nal is called a;n<
Ans: con*erter
24. 3re-uency translation is done with a circuit called a
Ans: mixer
25. The inputs to a mi2er are fo and fm. 5n down
conversion6 which of the followin! mi2er output si!nals is
Ans: fo $ fm
2%. .i2in! for fre-uency conversion is the same as
Ans: <iner summing
2&. hich of the followin! can be used as a mi2er
Ans: Balanced modulatorC FE! and iode modulator
2'. The desired output from a mi2er is usually selected
with a
Ans: Cr"stal filter
29. The two main inputs to a mi2er are the si!nal to be
translated and a si!nal from a;n<
Ans: <ocal oscillator
3,. /n EE%,2 mi2er 5C has a difference output of 1,.&
.01. The input is 14%.' .01. The local oscillator fre-uency
Ans: 1A.-A M'(
fo @ 14%.' .01 D 1,.& .01
Chapter D: FM
1. The amount of fre-uency deviation from the carrier
center fre-uency in an 3. transmitter is proportional to what
characteristic of the modulatin! si!nal?
Ans: Amplitude
2. 9oth 3. and >. are types of kind of modulation?
Ans: Angle
3. 5f the amplitude of the modulatin! si!nal decreases6
the carrier deviation
Ans: decreases
4. (n an 3. si!nal6 ma2imum deviation occurs at what
point on the modulatin! si!nal?
Ans: Both positi*e and negati*e peaB amplitude
#. 5n >.6 a fre-uency shift occurs while what
characteristic of the modulatin! si!nal is chan!in!?
Ans: Amplitude
%. .a2imum fre-uency deviation of a >. si!nal occurs
Ans: =ero crossing points
&. 5n >.6 carrier fre-uency deviation is not proportional
Ans: Carrier amplitude and fre4uenc"
'. To compensate for increases in carrier fre-uency
deviation with an increase in modulatin! si!nal fre-uency6
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
what circuit is used between the modulatin! si!nal and the
phase modulator?
Ans: <o)$pass filter
*. The 3. produced by >. is called
Ans: Indirect FM
1,. 5f the amplitude of the modulatin! si!nal applied to a
phase modulator is constant6 the output si!nal will be
Ans: !he carrier fre4uenc"
11. / 1,, .01 carrier is deviated #, k01 by a 4 k01
si!nal. The modulation inde2 is
Ans: 12-A
,,, #,
m = =
12. The ma2imum deviation of an 3. carrier is 2 k01 by a
ma2imum modulatin! si!nal of 4,, 01. The deviation ratio is
Ans: A
,,, 2
m = =
13. / &, k01 carrier has a fre-uency deviation of 4 k01
with a 1,,, 01 si!nal. 0ow many si!nificant sideband pairs
are produced?
Ans: .
,,, 4
m = =
By usin! 9esselFs Table6 a modulation inde2 of 46 has &
si!nificant sidebands.
14. hat is the bandwidth of the 3. si!nal described in
-uestion 13 above?
Ans: 1D B'(
9 @ 2Efma2
9 @ 2 ;&< ;1,,,< @ 14 k01
1#. hat is the relative amplitude of the third pair of
sidebands of an 3. si!nal with m @ %
Ans: &-11
1%. / 2,, k01 carrier is modulated by a 2.# k01 si!nal.
The fourth pair of sidebands are spaced from the carrier by
Ans: 1& B'(
sideband @ 4 ;2.# k01< @ 1, k01
1&. /n 3. transmitter has a ma2imum deviation of 12
k01 and a ma2imum modulatin! fre-uency of 12 k01. The
bandwidth by CarsonFs rule is
Ans: D7 B'(
9 @ 2 ;Gma2 D fma2<
9 @ 2 ;12 k01 D 12 k01< @ 4' k01
18. The ma2imum allowed deviation of the 3. sound
si!nal in T7 is 2# k01. 5f the actual deviation is 1' k016 the
percent modulation is
Ans: .2@
,,, 1'
m = =
19. hich of the followin! is not a ma"or benefit of 3.
over /.?
Ans: <o)er complexit" and cost
2,. The primary disadvanta!e of 3. is its
Ans: Excessi*e use of spectrum space
21. Eoise is primarily
Ans: 'igh fre4uenc" spiBes
22. The receiver circuit that rids 3. of noise is the
Ans: <imiter
23. The phenomenon of a stron! 3. si!nal dominatin! a
weaker si!na on a common fre-uency is referred to as the
Ans: capture effect
24. The /. si!nals !enerated at a low level may only be
amplified by what type of amplifier?
Ans: <inear
2#. 3re-uency modulation transmitters are more efficient
because their power is increased by what type of amplifier
Ans: class C
2%. Eoise interferes mainly with modulatin! si!nals that
Ans: high fre4uencies
2&. >re)emphasis circuits boost what modulatin!
fre-uencies before modulation?
Ans: high fre4uencies
2'. / pre)emphasis circuit is a
Ans: high pass filter
2*. >re)emphasis is compensated for at the receiver by
Ans: lo)$pass filter
3,. The cut)off fre-uency of pre)emphasis and de)
emphasis circuits is
Ans: 2-122 B'(
Chapter A: FM Circuits
1. /nother name for a 77C is
Ans: *aractor diode
2. The depletion re!ion in a "unction diode forms what
part of a capacitor
Ans: dielectric
3. 5ncreasin! the reverse bias on a varactor diode will
cause its capacitance
Ans: decrease
4. The capacitance of a varactor diode is in what !eneral
Ans: pF
#. 5n 3i!. #)36 the varactor diode is biased by which
Ans: #1C #2
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
6. 5n 3i!. #)36 if the reverse bias on =1 is reduced6 the
resonant fre-uency of C1
Ans: decreases
&. The fre-uency chan!e of a crystal oscillator produced
by a varactor diode is
Ans: small
'. / phase modulator varies the phase shift of the
Ans: carrier
*. The widest phase variation is obtained with a;n<
Ans: <C resonant circuit
10. 5n 3i!. #)&6 $4 is the
Ans: de*iation control
11. The small fre-uency chan!e produced by a phase
modulator can be increased by usin! a;n<
Ans: fre4uenc" multiplier
12. / crystal oscillator whose fre-uency can be chan!ed
by an input volta!e is called a;n<
Ans: +1,
13. hich oscillators are preferred for carrier !enerators
because of their !ood fre-uency stability?
Ans: cr"stal
14. hich of the followin! fre-uency demodulators
re-uires an input limiter?
Ans: Foster$3eele" discriminator
1#. hich discriminator avera!es pulses in a low)pass
Ans: Fuadrature detector
1%. hich fre-uency demodulator is considered the best
Ans: E<<
1&. 5n 3i!. #)'6 the volta!e at point / when the input
fre-uency is below the 3. center fre-uency is
Ans: positi*e
18. 5n 3i!. #)'6 $3 and C% form which kind of circuit?
Ans: e$emphasis
19. 5n 3i!. #)1,6 the volta!e across C% is
Ans: directl" proportional to fre4uenc" de*iation
2,. 5n a pulse avera!in! discriminator6 the pulses are
produced by a;n<
Ans: (ero crossing detector
21. / reactance modulator looks like a capacitance of 3#
p3 in parallel with the oscillator)tuned circuit whose
inductance is #, H0 and capacitance is 4, p3. hat is the
center fre-uency of the oscillator prior to 3.?
Ans: 2&? M'(
8C 2

CT @ 3# p3 D 4, p3 @&# p3
0<;&#p3< ;#, 2I
f = =

22. hich of the followin! is true about the EE#%% 5C?

Ans: it is a +C,
23. /n 3. demodulator that uses a differential amplifier
and tuned circuits to convert fre-uency variations into
volta!e variations is the
Ans: ifferential peaB detector
24. The output amplitude of the phase detector in a
-uadrature detector is proportional to
Ans: pulse )idth
2#. The input to a >88 is 2 .01. 5n order for the >88 to
be locked6 the 7C( output must be
Ans: 2 M'(
2%. =ecreasin! the input fre-uency to a locked >88 will
cause the 7C( output to
Ans: Gump to the free$running fre4uenc"
2&. The ran!e of fre-uencies over which a >88 will track
input si!nal variations is known as the
Ans: locB range
2'. The band of fre-uencies over which a >88 will ac-uire
or reco!ni1e an input si!nal is called the
Ans: capture range
2*. (ver a narrow ran!e of fre-uencies6 the >88 acts like
Ans: Bandpass filter
3,. The output of a >88 fre-uency demodulator is taken
Ans: lo)$pass filter
Chapter ?: #adio !ransmitters
1. hich of the followin! circuits is not typically part of
every radio transmitter?
Ans: mixer
2. Class C amplifiers are not used in which type of
Ans: 33B
3. / circuit that isolates the carrier oscillator from load
chan!es is called a
Ans: buffer amplifier
4. / class 9 amplifier conducts for how many de!rees of
an input sine wave?
Ans: 17&
#. 9ias for a class C amplifier produced by an input $C
network is known as
Ans: signal bias
%. /n 3. transmitter has a * .01 crystal carrier
oscillator and fre-uency multipliers of 26 36 4. The output
fre-uency is
Ans: 21? M'(
f @ * .01 2 2 2 3 2 4 @ 21% .01
&. The most efficient $3 power amplifier is which class
Ans: C
'. Collector current in a class C amplifier is a
Ans: Eulse
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
*. The ma2imum power of typical transistor $3 power
amplifiers is in what ran!e?
Ans: 'undreds of )atts
1,. +elf)oscillation in a transistor amplifier is usually
caused by
Ans: internal capacitance
11. Eeutrali1ation is the process of
Ans: cancelling the effect of internal de*ice capacitance
12. .a2imum power transfer occurs when what
relationship e2ists between the !enerator impedance J5 and
the load impedance Jl?
Ans: =i 5 =l
13. hich of the followin! is not a benefit of a toroid $3
Ans: 3elf$supporting
14. / toroid is a
Ans: Magnetic core
1#. hich of the followin! is not commonly used for
impedance matchin! in a transmitter?
Ans: #esisti*e attenuator
16. To a match a % ? amplifier impedance to a &2 ?
antenna load6 a transformer must have a turns ration E>AE+
Ans: &-279
,. 2'*
= =
1&. 5mpedance matchin! in a broadband linear $3
amplifier is handled with a;n<
Ans: balun
18. / class C amplifier has a supply volta!e of 24 7 and a
collector current of 2.# /. 5ts efficiency is ', K. The $3
output power is
Ans: D7
L 1,, KC
>1,, @ 75 @ %,
L ', KC
>', @ ,.' >1,,
>', @ ,.' ;%,< @ 4'
1*. hich of the followin! is not a benefit of speech)
processin! circuits?
Ans: impro*ed fre4uenc" stabilit"
2,. 5n an /. transmitter6 a clipper circuit eliminates
Ans: splatter
21. 5n a speech)processin! circuit6 a low)pass filter
Ans: excessi*e signal band)idth
22. The !ain of a transistor amplifier is
Ans: directl" proportional to collector current
23. hat values of 8 and C in an 8 network are re-uired
to match a 1, ? transistor amplifier impedance to a #, ?
load at 2& .01?
Ans: < 5 117 n'C C 5 2%? pF
M8@ 2Nf8
= =
11'n0 11&.'*n0
;2&.< 2
= =

$ $
2 1
= = =
;2&.<;2#< 2
f 2
= = =

Chapter .: Communications #ecei*ers
1. The simplest receiver is a;n<
Ans: tuned circuit
2. The key conceptual circuit in a superhet receiver is
Ans: mixer
3. .ost of the !ain and selectivity in a superhet is
obtained in the
Ans: IF amplifier
4. The sensitivity of a receiver depends upon the
receiverFs overall
Ans: Hain
#. The ability of a receiver to separate one si!nal from
others on closely ad"acent fre-uencies is called the
Ans: selecti*it"
%. / mi2er has a si!nal input of #, .01 and an 8(
fre-uency of #* .01. The 53 is
Ans: 9 M'(
53 @ fo B fs @ #* .01 B #, .01 @ * .01
7. / si!nal 2 times the 53 away from the desired si!nal
that causes interference is referred to as a;n<
Ans: Image
'. / receiver has a desired input si!nal of 1' .01 and
an 8( fre-uency of 1*.% .01. The ima!e fre-uency is
Ans: 21-2 M'(
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
53 @ 1*.% .01 B 1' .01 @ 1.% .01
fsi @ fs D 253
fsi @ 1' .01 D 2 ;1.% .01<
fsi @ 21.2 .01
*. The main cause of ima!e interference is
Ans: Eoor front$end selecti*it"
1,. 3or best ima!e re"ection6 the 53 for a 3, .01 si!nal
would be
Ans: AA M'(
11. / tuned circuit is resonant at 4 .01. 5ts O is 1,,. The
bandwidth is
Ans: D& B'(
9 @ fr A O @ 4 .01 A 1,, @ 4, k01
12. / crystal filter has a % d9 bandwidth of 2.% k01 and a
%, d9 bandwidth of 14 k01. The shape factor is
Ans: A-%7
+hape factor @ %, d9 9 A % d9 9
+hape factor @ 14 k01 A 2.% k01 @ #.3'
13. .ost internal noise comes from
Ans: thermal agitation
14. hich of the followin! is not a source of e2ternal
Ans: thermal agitation
1#. Eoise can be reduced by
Ans: narro)ing the BW
1%. Eoise at the input to a receiver can be as hi!h as
Ans: micro*olts
1&. hich circuit contributes most to the noise in a
Ans: mixer
1'. hich noise fi!ure represents the lowest noise
Ans: 1-? dB Ismallest *alueJ
1*. hich filter shape factor represents the best skirt
Ans: 1-? Ismallest *alueJ
20. hich input si!nal below represents the best receiver
Ans: &-A /+
21. Transistor with the lowest noise fi!ure in the
microwave re!ion is a;n<
Ans: ME3FE!
22. The /4C circuits usually control the !ain of the
Ans: IF amplifier
23. +electivity is obtained in most receivers from
Ans: double$tuned circuits
24. idest bandwidth in a double)tuned circuit is obtained
Ans: o*ercoupling
2#. /utomatic !ain control permits a wide ran!e of si!nal
amplitudes to be accommodated by controllin! the !ain of
Ans: IF amplifier
26. 5n an 53 amplifier with reverse /4C6 a stron! si!nal
will cause the collector current to
Ans: decrease
2&. :sually /4C volta!e is derived by the
Ans: demodulator
2'. /n /3C circuit is used to correct for
Ans: fre4uenc" drift in the <,
2*. / circuit keeps the audio cut off until a si!nal is
received is known as
Ans: a s4uelch
3,. / 93( is used in the demodulation of which types of
Ans: 33B or CW
31. hich of the followin! circuits are not typically shared
in an ++9 transceiver?
Ans: mixers
32. The basic fre-uency synthesi1er circuit is a;n<
Ans: E<<
33. The output fre-uency increment of a fre-uency
synthesi1er is determined by the
Ans: reference input to the phase detector
34. The output of the fre-uency synthesi1er is chan!ed
by varyin! the
Ans: fre4uenc" di*ision ratio
35. 5n 3i! &)2'6 if the input reference is 2# k01 and the
divide ratio is 1446 the 7C( output fre-uency
Ans: %-? M'(
3%. The bandwidth of a parallel 8C circuit can be
increased by
Ans: decreasing 1<
3&. The upper and lower cutoff fre-uencies of a tuned
circuit are 1.& and 1.# .01 respectively. The circuit O is
Ans: 7
9 @ 1.& .01 B 1.# .01 @ 2,, k01
fr @ 1.# .01 D ;2,, k01 A 2< @ 1,, k01
O @ fr A 9 @ '
38. The noise volta!e across a 3,, ? input resistance to
a T7 set with a % .01 bandwidth and a temperature of 3,
Ans: A-A /+
4kT9$ 7 =
.01<;3,,< 3,<;% 4k;2&3 7 + =
Where k = 1.3806503 x 10
7 @ #.# H7
39. The sta!e !ains in a superheterodyne are follows $3
amplifier6 1,d9P mi2er6 %d9P two 53 amplifiers6 each 33 d9P
detector6 )4 d9P /3 amplifier6 2' d9. The total !ain is
Ans: 1&?
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
4T @ 41 D 42 D .. D 4n
4T @ 1, D % D 33 D 33 D )4 D 2' @ 1,% d9
40. / tuned circuit resonates at 12 .01 with an
inductance of # H0 whose resistance is % ?. The circuit
bandwidth is
Ans: 191 B'(
M8 @ 2Nf8 @ 2N;12 .01<; # H0< @ 3&%.**
O @ M8 A $ @ 3&%.** A % @ %2.'3
9 @ fr A O @ 12 .01 A %2.'3 @ 1*,.** k01
41. 5n a receiver with noise)derived s-uelch6 the presence
of an audio si!nal causes the audio amplifier to be
Ans: enabled
Chapter 7: Multiplexing
1. .ultiple2in! is the process of
Ans: sending multiple signals simultaneousl" o*er a single
2. 5n 3=.6 multiple si!nals
Ans: share a common band)idth
3. Each si!nal in a an 3=. system
Ans: modulates a subcarrier
4. 3re-uency modulation in 3=. systems is usually
accomplished with a
Ans: +C,
#. hich of the followin! is not a typical 3=. application
Ans: secure communications
%. The circuit the performs demultiple2in! in an 3=.
system is a;n<
Ans: Bandpass filter
&. .ost 3=. telemetry systems use
Ans: FM
'. The best fre-uency demodulator is the
Ans: E<< discriminator
*. The modulation used in 3=. telephone systems is
Ans: 33B
1,. The 3=. telephone systems accommodate many
channels by
Ans: using multiple le*els of multiplexing
11. 5n 3. stereo broadcastin!6 the 8 D $ si!nal
Ans: modulates the FM carrier
12. 5n 3. stereo broadcastin!6 the 8 B $ si!nal
Ans: 3B modulates a subcarrier
13. The +C/ si!nal if used in 3. broadcastin! is
transmitted via
Ans: A ?. B'( subcarrier
14. 5n T=.6 multiple si!nals
Ans: taBe turns transmitting
1#. 5n T=.6 each si!nal may use he full bandwidth of the
Ans: !rue
1%. +amplin! an analo! si!nal produces
Ans: EAM
1&. The ma2imum bandwidth that an analo! si!nal use
with a samplin! fre-uency of 1,' k01 is
Ans: AD B'(
fn @ fb A 2 @ 1,' k01 A 2 @ #4 k01
1'. >ulse)amplitude modulation si!nals are multiple2ed
by usin!
Ans: FE! s)itches
1*. 5n >/. demultiple2in!6 the receiver clock is derived
Ans: !he EAM signal itself
2,. 5n >/.AT=. system6 keepin! the multiple2er and
=E.:M channels step with one another is done by a
Ans: 3"nc pulse
21. Transmittin! data as serial binary words is called
Ans: ECM
22. Convertin! analo! si!nals to di!ital is done by
samplin! and
Ans: Fuanti(ing
23. / -uanti1er is a;n<
Ans: AK con*erter
24. Emphasi1in! low)level si!nals and compressin!
hi!her)level si!nals is called
Ans: Companding
2#. hich of the followin! is not a benefit of compandin!?
Ans: Minimi(es signal band)idth
2%. / telephone system usin! T=. and >C. is called
Ans: !$1
27. /n 5C that contains /A= and =A/ converters6
companders and parallel)to)serial converters is called
Ans: Codec
2'. >ulse)code modulation is preferred to >/. because
of its
Ans: 3uperior noise immunit"
Chapter 9: Antennas and !ransmission lines
1. The most commonly used transmission line is a
Ans: Coax
2. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line
does not depend upon its
Ans: none of the abo*e
Choices )ere:
<engthC Conductor iameter and Conductor spacing
3. hich of the followin! is not a common transmission
line impedance?
Ans: 12& L
4. 3or ma2imum absorption of power at the antenna6 the
relationship between the characteristic impedance of the line
J( and the load impedance Jl should be
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
Ans: =, 5 =l
5. The mismatch between antenna and transmission line
impedances cannot be corrected for by
Ans: AdGusting the length of transmission line
%. / pattern of volta!e and current variations alon! a
transmission line not terminated in its characteristic
impedance is called
Ans: 3tanding )a*es
&. The desirable +$ on a transmission line is
Ans: 1
8. / #, ? coa2 is connected to a &3 ? antenna. The
+$ is
Ans: 1-D?
5f $8 Q J( C
+$ @ $8 A J( @ &3 A #, @ 1.4%
*. The most desirable reflection coefficient is
Ans: &
10. / ratio e2pressin! the percenta!e of incident volta!e
reflected on a transmission line is know as the
Ans: #eflection coefficient
11. The minimum volta!e alon! a transmission line is 2%,
76 while the ma2imum volta!e is 3*, 7. The +$ is
Ans: 1-A
2%, 3*,
2%, ) 3*,
7min 7ma2
7min ) 7ma2
R S R =
,.2 1
,.2 1
R S R 1
R S R 1
+$ =


12. Three feet is one wavelen!th at a fre-uency of
Ans: %27 M'(
13. /t very hi!h fre-uencies6 transmission lines are used
Ans: !uned Circuits
14. / shorted -uarter)wave line at the operatin!
fre-uency acts like a;n<
Ans: Earallel #esonant
1#. / shorted half)wave line at the operatin! fre-uency
acts like a;n<
Ans: 3eries #esonant Circuit
1%. / popular half)wavelen!th antenna is the
Ans: ipole
1&. The len!th of a doublet at 2& .01 is
Ans: 1.-%% ft
= = =
1'. / popular vertical antenna is the
Ans: Hround plane
1*. The ma!netic field of an antenna is perpendicular to
the earth. The antennaFs polari1ation
Ans: is hori(ontal
2,. /n antenna that transmits or receives e-ually well in
all directions is said to be
Ans: ,mnidirectional
21. The hori1ontal radiation pattern of a dipole is a
Ans: figure of 7
22. the len!th of a !round plane vertical at 14% .01 is
Ans: 1-? ft
= = =
23. The impedance of a dipole is about
Ans: .% L
24. / direction antenna with two or more elements is
known as a;n<
Ans: Arra"
25. The hori1ontal radiation pattern o a vertical dipole is
Ans: circle
2%. 5n a Ta!i antenna6 ma2imum direction of radiation is
toward the
Ans: irector
2&. Conductors in multielement antennas that do not
receive ener!y directly from the transmission line are known
Ans: Earasitic elements
2'. / coa2 has an attenuation of 2.4 db per 1,, ft. The
attenuation for 2&# ft is
Ans: ?-? db
%.%d9 2&#
ft 1,,
= =
29. /n antenna has a power !ain of 1#. The power
applied to the antenna is 32 . The effective radiated power
Ans: D7& W
> @ 4T>T @ ;1#<;32< @ 4',
3,. hich beamwidth represents the best antenna
Ans: .
31. The radiation pattern of collinear and broadside
Ans: Bidirectional
32. hich antenna has a unidirectional radiation pattern
and !ain
Ans: Magi
33. / wide)bandwidth multielement driven array is the
Ans: <og$periodic
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
34. 4round)wave communications is most effective in
what fre-uency ran!e?
Ans: %&& B'( to % M'(
3#. The ionosphere causes radio si!nals to be
Ans: refracted
3%. The ionosphere has its !reatest effect on si!nals in
what fre-uency ran!e?
Ans: % to %& M'(
3&. The type of radio wave responsible for lon!)distance
communications by multiple skips is the
Ans: 3B")a*e
3'. .icrowave si!nals propa!ate by way of the
Ans: irect )a*e
3*. The line)of)si!ht communications is not a factor in
which fre-uency ran!e?
Ans: 'F
4,. / microwave)transmittin! antenna is ##, ft hi!h. The
receivin! antenna is 2,, ft hi!h. The ma2imum transmission
distance is
Ans: A%-2 mi-
2 d
r t
+ =
#3.1%mi 2;4,,< < 2;##, d = + =
41. To increase the transmission distance of a :03
si!nal6 which of the followin! should be done?
Ans: Increase antenna height
42. / coa2 has a velocity factor of ,.%'. hat is the
len!th of a half wave at 3, .01?
Ans: 11-2 ft
< ;3,,<;,.%'
c 7
= = = =
= =
43. hich transmission line has the lowest attenuation?
Ans: !)in lead
44. $efer to 3i!. *)3*. The beam width of this antenna
patter is appro2imately
Ans: ?&
4#. / receiver)transmitter station used to increase the
communications ran!e of 7036 :036 and microwave si!nals
is called a;n<
Ans: #epeater
Chapter 1&: Micro)a*e !echni4ues
1. The main benefit of usin! microwaves is
Ans: More spectrum space
2. $adio communications are re!ulated in the :nited
+tates by the
Ans: Federal Communications Commission
3. hich of the followin! is not a disadvanta!e of
Ans: higher$cost e4uipment
4. hich of the followin! is a microwave fre-uency
Ans: 22 H'(
#. hich of the followin! is not a common microwave
Ans: mobile radio
%. Coa2ial cable is not widely used for lon! microwave
transmission lines because of its
Ans: high loss
&. +tripline and microstrip transmission lines are usually
made with
Ans: ECBs
'. The most common cross section of a wave !uide is a
Ans: rectangular
*. / rectan!ular wave!uide has a width of 1 in. and a
hei!ht of ,.% in. 5ts cutoff fre-uency is
Ans: A-9 H'(
1 in @ ,.,2#4 m
z #.*40
mAs 1, 3

= =
1,. / wave!uide has a cutoff fre-uency of 1& 401. hich
of the si!nals will not be passed by the wave!uide?
Ans: 1A H'(
11. +i!nal propa!ation in a wave!uide is by
Ans: Electric and magnetic fields
12. hen the electric field in a wave!uide is
perpendicular to the direction of wave propa!ation6 the mode
is said to be
Ans: !rans*erse electric
13. The dominant mode in most wave!uides is
Ans: !E&C1
14. / ma!netic field is introduced into a wave!uide by a
Ans: Erobe
1#. / half)wavelen!th6 closed section of a wave!uide that
acts as a parallel resonant circuit is known as a;n<
Ans: Ca*it" resonator
1%. =ecreasin! the volume of a cavity causes its resonant
fre-uency to
Ans: Increase
1&. / popular microwave mi2er diode is the
Ans: Hunn
1'. 7aractor and step)recovery diodes are widely used in
what type of circuit
Ans: Fre4uenc" multiplier
1*. hich diode is a popular microwave oscillator
Ans: Hunn
2,. hich type of diode does not ordinarily operate with
reverse bias
Ans: !unnel
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
21. 8ow)power 4unn diodes are replacin!
Ans: #eflex Bl"strons
22. hich of the followin! is not a microwave tube?
Ans: Cathode$ra" tube
23. 5n a klystron amplifier6 velocity modulation of the
electron beam is produced by the
Ans: Buncher ca*it"
24. / refle2 klystron is used as a;n<
Ans: ,scillator
2#. 3or proper operation6 a ma!netron must be
accompanied by a
Ans: Eermanent magnet
2%. The operatin! fre-uency of klystrons and ma!netrons
is set by the
Ans: Ca*it" resonator
2&. / ma!netron is used only as a;n<
Ans: oscillator
2'. / common application for ma!netrons is in
Ans: #adar
2*. 5n a TT6 the electron beam is density)modulated by
Ans: 'elix
3,. The main advanta!e of a TT over a klystron for
microwave amplification is
Ans: Wider band)idth
31. 0i!h)power TTs are replacin! what in microwave
Ans: Bl"strons
32. The most widely used microwave antenna is a
Ans: horn antenna
33. hat happens when a horn antenna is made lon!er?
Ans: Hain increases
34. / pyramidal horn used at # 401 has an aperture that
is & by * cm. The !ain is about
Ans: 1&-A db
1, #
1, 3
< ,.# 4
/ 4

= =

4d9 @ 1, lo! 1,.**#% @ 1,.41 d9
3#. 4iven the fre-uency and dimensions in Ouestion 34
above the beamwidth is about
Ans: A%
1, #
1, 3
4 =

= =
3%. The diameter of a parabolic reflector should be at
least how many wavelen!ths at the operatin! fre-uency?
Ans: 1&
3&. The point where the antenna is mounted with respect
to the parabolic reflector is called
Ans: Focal point
3'. :sin! a small reflector to beam waves to the lar!er
parabolic reflector is known as
Ans: Cassegrain feed
39. 5ncreasin! the diameter of a parabolic reflector
causes which of the followin!
Ans: ecreasing beam)idth and increasing gain
4,. / helical antenna is made up of a coil and a
Ans: #eflector
41. The output of a helical antenna is
Ans: Circularl" polari(ed
42. / common omnidirectional microwave antenna is the
Ans: Bicone
Chapter 11: Introduction to 3at$Com
1. /s the hei!ht of a satellite orbit !ets lower6 the speed
of the satellite
Ans: Increases
2. The main functions of a communications satellite is a
Ans: #epeater
3. The key electronic component in a communications
satellite is the
Ans: !ransponder
4. / circular orbit around the e-uator with a 24 h period
is called a;n<
Ans: Heostationar" orbit
#. / satellite stays in orbit because the followin! 2 factor
are balanced
Ans: Hra*itational pull and inertia
%. The hei!ht of a satellite in a synchronous e-uatorial
orbit is
Ans: 22%&& mi
&. .ost satellites operate in which fre-uency band?
Ans: % H'( to %& H'(
'. The main power sources for a satellite are
Ans: 3olar cells
*. The ma2imum hei!ht of an elliptical orbit is called
Ans: Apogee
1,. 9atteries are used to power all satellite subsystems
Ans: uring eclipse periods
11. The satellite subsystem that monitors and controls the
satellite is the
Ans: !elemetr"C tracBing and command subs"stem
12. The basic techni-ue used to stabili1e a satellite is
Ans: 3pin
13. The "et thrusters are usually fired to
Ans: Maintain altitude
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
14. .ost commercial satellite activity occurs in which
Ans: C and 8u
1#. 0ow can multiple earth stations share a satellite on
the same fre-uency
Ans: Fre4uenc" reuse
1%. The typical bandwidth of a satellite band is
Ans: A&& M'(
1&. hich of the followin! is not usually a part of a
Ans: Modulator
1'. The satellite communications channels in a
transponder are defined by the
Ans: Bandpass filter
1*. The 0>/s in most satellites are
Ans: 8l"strons
2,. The physical location of a satellite is determined by its
Ans: <atitude and longtitude
21. The receive 4CE system in an earth station performs
what function;s<
Ans: emodulation and demultiplexing
22. hich of the followin! types of 0>/ is not used in
earth stations
Ans: Magnetron
23. / common up)converter and down)converter 53 is
Ans: .& M'(
24. The type of modulation used on voice and video
si!nals is
Ans: FM
25. The modulation normally used with di!ital data is
Ans: FE38
2%. hich of the followin! is not a typical output from a
4>+ receiver?
Ans: 3peed
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Chapter 12: ata
1. =ata communications refer to the transmission of
Ans: +oiceC +ideoC and Computer data
2. =ata communications uses
Ans: igital methods
3. hich of the followin! is not primarily a type of data
Ans: !elet"pe
4. The main reason that serial transmission is preferred
to parallel transmission is that
Ans: 3erial re4uires multiple channels
#. .ark and space refer respectively to
Ans: Binar" 1 and binar" &
%. The number of amplitude6 fre-uency6 or phase
chan!es that take place per second is known ad the
Ans: Baud rate
&. =ata transmission of one character at a time with start
and stop bits is known as what type of transmission?
Ans: As"nchronous
8. The most widely used data communications code is
Ans: A3CII
*. The /+C55 code has
Ans: . bits
1,. =i!ital si!nals may be transmitted over the telephone
network if
Ans: the" are con*erted to analog first-
11. +tart and stop bits6 respectively6 are
Ans: 3pace and marB
12. hich of the followin! is correct?
Ans: !he bit rate ma" be greater than the baud rate
13. / modem converts
Ans: both analog signals to digital and digital signals to
analog signals
14. +low)speed modems use
Ans: F38
1#. / carrier recovery circuit is not needed with
Ans: E38
1%. The basic modulator and demodulator circuits in >+V
Ans: Balanced modulators
1&. The carrier used with a 9>+V demodulator is
Ans: !he BE38 signal itself
1'. / *%,, baud rate si!nal can pass over the voice)
!rade telephone line if which kind of modulation is used?
Ans: FAM
1*. Ouadrature amplitude modulation is
Ans: AM plus FE38
2,. / O/. modulator does not use a;n<
Ans: 1;,#
21. / rule or procedure that defines how data is to be
transmitted is called a;n<
Ans: Erotocol
22. / popular >C protocol is
Ans: 1modem
23. / synchronous transmission usually be!ins with
which character?
Ans: 3M;
24. The characters makin! up the messa!e in a
synchronous transmission are collectively referred to as a
Ans: BlocB
2#. 9it errors in data transmission are usually cause by
Ans: ;oise
2%. hich of the followin! is not a commonly used
method of error detection?
Ans: #edundanc"
2&. hich of the followin! words has the correct parity
bit? /ssume odd parity. The last bit is the parity bit
Ans: 11&&11& 1
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
2'. /nother name for parity is
Ans: +ertical redundanc" checB
2*. Ten bit errors occur in two million transmitted. The bit
error rate is
Ans: A x 1&
1, #
1, 2


3,. The buildin! block of a parity or 9CC !enerator is a;n<
Ans: 1,#
31. / lon!itudinal redundancy check produces a;n<
Ans: BlocB checB character
32. =ividin! the data block by a constant produces a
remainder that is used for error detection. 5t is called the
Ans: C#C
33. / C$C !enerator uses which components?
Ans: 3hift register
34. hich of the followin! is not a 8/E?
Ans: Cable !+ s"stem
3#. The fastest 8/E topolo!y is the
Ans: Bus
3%. hich is not a common 8/E medium?
Ans: !)in <ead
3&. / mainframe computer connected to multiple
terminals and >Cs usually uses which confi!uration?
Ans: 3tar
3'. / small telephone switchin! system that can be used
as a 8/E is called a
Ans: EB1
3*. hich medium is the least susceptible to noise?
Ans: Fiber$optic cable
4,. hich medium is the most widely used in 8/Es?
Ans: !)isted pair
41. Transmittin! the data si!nal directly over the medium
is referred to as
Ans: Baseband
42. The techni-ues of usin! modulation and 3=. to
transmit multiple data channels of a common medium is
known as
Ans: Broadband
43. hat is the minimum bandwidth re-uired to transmit a
#% kbitsAs binary si!nal with no noise?
Ans: 27 B'(
9 @ fbA2 @ #% kbitsA2 @ 2' k01
44. +i2teen different levels ;symbols< are used to encode
binary data. The channel bandwidth is 3% .01. The
ma2imum channel capacity is
Ans: 277 MbitsKs
. 29lo! C
.bitsAs 2'' ;1%<< ;lo! 2;3%.01< C
= =
4#. hat is the bandwidth re-uired to transmit at a rate of
1,.bitsAs in the presence of a 2')db +AE ratio?
Ans: 1-&.A M'(
C @ 9 lo!2;1D+AE<
+AEd9 @ 1, lo! ;+AE<
%3,.*% 1,
= =

( )
%3,.*% 1 lo!
4%. hich circuit is common to bot fre-uency)hoppin!
and direct)se-uence ++ transmitters?
Ans: Fre4uenc" of operation
4&. +pread spectrum stations sharin! a band are
identified by and distin!uished from one another by
Ans: E3; code
4'. The type of modulation most often used with direct)
se-uence ++ is
Ans: E38
4*. The main circuit in a >+E !enerator is a;n<
Ans: 1,#
#,. To a conventional narrowband receiver6 an ++ si!nal
appears to be like
Ans: ;oise
#1. hich of the followin! is not a benefit of ++?
Ans: ;oise proof
#2. +pread spectrum is a form of multiple2in!
Ans: true
#3. The most critical and difficult part of receivin! a direct)
se-uence ++ si!nal is
Ans: 3"nchronism
Chapter 1%: Fiber ,ptic Communications
1. hich of the followin! is not a common application of
fiber)optic cable?
Ans: Consumer !+
2. Total internal reflection takes place if the li!ht ray
strikes the interface at an an!le with what relationship to the
critical an!le?
Ans: greater than
3. The operation of a fiber)optic cable is based on the
principle of
Ans: #eflection
4. hich of the followin! is not a common type of fiber)
optic cable?
Ans: 3ingle$mode grade$index
#. Cable attenuation is usually e2pressed in terms of
Ans: dBKBm
%. hich cable len!th has the hi!hest attenuation?
Ans: 2 Bm
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
&. The upper pulse rate and information)carryin!
capacity of a cable is limited by
Ans: Attenuation
'. The core of a fiber)optic cable is made of
Ans: Hlass
*. The core of a fiber)optic cable is surrounded by
Ans: Cladding
1,. The speed of li!ht in plastic compared to the speed of
li!ht in air is
Ans: <ess
11. hich of the followin! is not a ma"or benefit of fiber)
optic cable?
Ans: <o)er cost
12. The main benefit of li!ht)wave communications over
microwaves or any other communications media are
Ans: Wider band)idth
13. hich of the followin! is not part of the optical
Ans: 1$ra"s
14. The wavelen!th of visible li!ht e2tends from
Ans: D&& to .A& nm
1#. The speed of li!ht is
Ans: %&&C&&&C&&& mKs
1%. $efraction is the
Ans: Bending of light )a*es
17. The ratio of the speed of li!ht in air to the speed of
li!ht in another substance is called the
Ans: Index of refraction
1'. / popular li!ht wavelen!th in fiber)optic cable is
Ans: 1-% /m
1*. hich type of fiber)optic cable is the most widely
Ans: Multimode step$index
2,. hich type of fiber)optic cable is best for very hi!h
speed data?
Ans: 3ingle mode step$index
21. hich type of fiber)optic cable has the least modal
Ans: 3ingle mode step$index
22. hich of the followin! is not a factor in cable li!ht
Ans: #eflection
23. / distance of ' km is the same as
Ans: A mi
24. / fiber)optic cable has a loss of 1# dbAkm. The
attenuation in a cable 1,,,ft lon! is
Ans: D-A. dB
1,,,ft @ ,.3,4' km
4.#&d9 ,.3,4' 1# W = =
2#. 3iber)optic with attenuations of 1.'6 3.46 #.* and 1'
d9 are linked to!ether. The total loss is
Ans: 29-1 dB
8ossT @ 1.' D 3.4 D #.* D 1' @ 2*.1 d9
2%. hich li!ht emitter is preferred for hi!h)speed data in
a fiber)optic system?
Ans: <aser
2&. .ost fiber)optic li!ht sources emit li!ht in which
Ans: +isible
2'. 9oth 8E=s and 58=s operate correctly with
Ans: For)ard bias
2*. +in!le)fre-uency li!ht is called
Ans: Monochromatic
3,. 8aser li!ht is very bri!ht because it is
Ans: Coherent
31. hich of the followin! is not a common detector?
Ans: Ehoto*oltaic diode
32. hich of the followin! is the fastest li!ht sensor?
Ans: A*alanche photodiode
33. >hotodiodes operate properly with
Ans: #e*erse bias
34. The product of the bit rate and distance of a fiber)
optic system is 24bits)kmAs. hat is the ma2imum rate at #
Ans: D&& MbitsKs
$atema2 @ 4,,bitsAs
km #
kmAs ) 4bits 2,
3#. hich fiber)optic system is better?
Ans: % repeaters
Chapter 1D: Modern Comm Apps
1. >rinted documents to be transmitted by fa2 are
converted into a baseband electrical si!nal by the process of
Ans: 3canning
2. The most commonly used li!ht sensor in a modern
fa2 machine is a
Ans: Charge coupled de*ice
3. 5n 3. fa26 the fre-uencies for black and white are
Ans: 1A&& and 2%&& '(
4. hich resolution produces the best -uality fa2?
Ans: D&& lines per inch
#. 4roup 2 fa2 uses which modulation?
Ans: +estigial sideband AM
%. The most widely used fa2 standard is
Ans: Hroup %
&. 4roup 3 fa2 uses which modulation?
Ans: FAM
'. .ost fa2 printers are of which type?
Ans: !hermal
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
*. 3acsimile standards are set by the
Ans: CCI!!
1,. hat type of !raphics is commonly transmitted by
radio fa2?
Ans: 3atellite )eather photos
11. The transmission speed of !roup 4 fa2 is
Ans: A? BbitsKs
12. The master control center for a cellular telephone
system is the
Ans: Mobile telephone s)itching office
13. Each cell site contains a
Ans: #epeater
14. .ultiple cells within an area may use the same
channel fre-uencies
Ans: !rue
1#. Cellular telephones use which type of operation?
Ans: Full$duplex
1%. The ma2imum fre-uency deviation of an 3. cellular
transmitter is
Ans: 12 B'(
1&. The ma2imum output power of a cellular transmitter is
Ans: % W
1'. $eceive channel 22 is '&,.%% .01. $eceive channel
23 is
Ans: 7.&-?9 M'(
fC0 23 @ fC0 22 D 3, k01X
fC0 23 @ '&,.%% .01 D 3, k01
fC0 23 @ '&,.%* .01
*in cellular radio systems, receie channels are s!aced 30
k"# a!art
1*. / transmit channel has a fre-uency of '3&.% .01.
The receive channel fre-uency is
Ans: 772-? M'(
freceive @ ftransmit D 4# .01X
freceive @ '3&.% .01 D 4# .01
freceive @ ''2.% .01
*in cellular radio systems, the transmit and receie
$re%uencies are s!aced 30 k"# a!art
2,. / receive channel fre-uency is '&2.4 .01. To
develop an '2.2 .01 536 the fre-uency synthesi1er must
supply an 8( si!nal of
Ans: 9AD-? M'(
f8( @ fr D 53
f8( @ '&2.4 .01 D '2.2 .01
f8( @ *#4.% .01
21. The output power of a cellular radio is controlled by
Ans: M!3,
22. hen the si!nal from a mobile cellular unit drops
below a certain level6 what action occurs?
Ans: !he unit is Nhanded offO to a closer cell
23. 5n a cellular radio6 the duple2er is a
Ans: Eair of sharp bandpass filter
24. The time from the transmission of a radar pulse to its
reception is ,.12 ms. The distance to the tar!et is how many
nautical miles?
Ans: 9-. nmi
= @ *.&nmi
= =
2#. The ability of a radar to determine the bearin! to a
tar!et depends upon the
Ans: Antenna directi*it"
2%. The pulse duration of a radar si!nal is %,, ns. The
>$3 is 1'# pulses per second. The duty cycle is
Ans: 1-1 @
>$T @ #.4,#ms
= =
=uty Cycle @
=uty Cycle @ ,.,111 1,,
2&. The =oppler effect is used to produce modulation of
which type of radar si!nal?
Ans: CW ;Continuous)wave<
2'. The =oppler Effect allows which characteristics of a
tar!et to be measured?
Ans: 3peed
2*. The =oppler Effect is a chan!e in what si!nal
characteristic produced by relative motion between the radar
set and a tar!et?
Ans: Fre4uenc"
3,. The most widely used radar transmitter component is
Ans: Magnetron
31. 8ow)power radar transmitters and receiver 8(s use
which component?
Ans: Hunn diode
32. hat component in a duple2er protects the receiver
from the hi!h)power transmitter output?
Ans: 3parB gap
33. .ost radar antennas usa a
Ans: 'orn and parabolic reflector
34. The most common radar display is the
Ans: Elan position indicator
3#. / radar antenna usin! multiple dipoles or slot
antennas in a matri2 with variable phase shifters is called
Ans: Ehased arra"
3%. >olice radars use which techni-ue?
Ans: CW ;Continuous)wave<
3&. hich of the followin! is a typical radar operatin!
Ans: 1& H'(
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<
3'. The T7 si!nal uses which types of modulation for
picture and sound respectively?
3*. 5f a T7 sound transmitter has a carrier fre-uency of
1*&.&# .016 the picture carrier is
Ans: 19%-2A M'(
+C/$$5E$ @ >C/$$5E$ D 4.# .01
>C/$$5E$ @ +C/$$5E$ ) 4.# .01
>C/$$5E$ @ 1*&.&# .01 ) 4.# .01
>C/$$5E$ @ 1*3.2# .01
4,. The total bandwidth of an ET+C T7 si!nal is
Ans: ? M'(
41. hat is the total number of interlaced scan lines in
one complete frame of a ET+C :.+. T7 si!nal?
Ans: A2A
42. hat keeps the scannin! process at the receiver in
step with the scannin! in the picture tube at receiver?
Ans: 3"nc pulses
43. hat is the black)and)white or monochrome
bri!htness si!nal in T7 called
Ans: <uminance M
44. hat is the name of the solid)state ima!in! device
used int T7 cameras that converts the li!ht in a scene into
an electrical si!nal?
Ans: CC
4#. The 5 and O composite color si!nals are multiple2ed
onto the picture carrier by modulatin! a 3.#' .01 subcarrier
Ans: 3B AM
4%. The assembly around the neck of a picture tube that
produces the ma!netic fields that deflect and scan the
electron beams is called the
Ans: MoBe
4&. The picture and sound carrier fre-uencies in a T7
receiver 53 are respectively
Ans: DA-.A and D1-2A M'(
4'. The sound 53 in a T7 receiver is
Ans: D1-2A M'(
4*. hat type of circuit is used to modulate and
demodulate the color si!nals?
Ans: Balanced demodulator
#,. hat circuit in the T7 receiver is used to develop the
hi!h volta!e needed to operate the picture tube?
Ans: hori(ontal output
#1. hat ensures proper color synchroni1ation at the
Ans: %-A7 M'( color burst
#2. hich of the followin! is not a benefit of cable T7?
Ans: <o)er$cost reception
#3. hat techni-ue is used to permit hundreds of T7
si!nals to share a common cable?
Ans: FM
62&&7 Created b" 8ai #aimi 9 B'C C,MM:;ICA!I,; E<EC!#,;IC 2
EI!I,; $ F#E;=E<

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