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I am not quick to jump into bed or to contact women without considerable thought. Though I
might find sexual attractiveness, we as human beings are more than animals seeking to satisfy
whatever lower instinct happens upon us. Yes, sex is enjoyable, but it can also be entrapping.
Because as a man and a woman engage sexually we become emotionally attached to each
other. That in itself is good, and desirable, but without proper foresight may leave one or both
partners regretful of what life has become. With forethought issues can be discerned well
before, and avoided, or planned for. Understanding each other before becoming emotionally
entrapped, allows two to evaluate their relationship, and determine whether emotional
attachment and the commitment to ensue are what both desire.
Essentially sex is the glue that binds a man and a woman together. It leads to an emotional
attachment, which we are not fully in control of. Becoming emotionally attached renders a
commitment. And once committed and emotionally attached, few desire or are willing to break
the bonds.
Of course all this assumes a limited amount of sexual contact previously, IE fewer in numbers,
not years with one. The more sexual partners one may have had, decreases the natural bonding
process which can establish a long relationship between two partners. This is in no way
absolute, many factors come into play between a man and a woman establishing a successful
relationship, too many to account for, there are no rules as to what constitutes a good
relationship between a man and a woman. I only write here concerning what I know to be true
in a sexual relationship I may enter into. The paradox, regardless of how well one may try to
assess the future of anything, there is an element of risk and faith enters into the question. In
the matter between a man and a woman, faith in each other.

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