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Biology Syllabus

Campbell High School
Learning Today for Tomorrows World!

Dr. Jody Hubbell

I. Course Description
Biology is a required course in which students will learn and understand biological
functions and systems at molecular, cellular, systemic, organismal, and environmental
levels. Students will also be able to implement applications of biological processes to
everyday situations.

II. Text and Resources
Glencoe Science, Biology
Other resources will be posted on Edmodo

III. Units of Study
Biology Fundamentals

IV. Standards/EOCT
SB1 Students will analyze the relationships between structures and functions
in living cells.
SB2 Students will analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive
SB3 Students will derive the relationship between single-celled and multi-
celled organisms and the increasing complexity of systems.
SB4 Students will assess the dependence of all organisms on one another
and the flow of energy and matter within their ecosystems.
SB5 Students will evaluate the role of natural selection in the development
of the theory of evolution.
We will also be covering the Common Core Reading and Writing Standards
for 9
grade science.
This class is an EOCT (End of Course Test) Course. The EOCT will be
given December 8
and 9
and is worth 20% of the overall grade.

V. Methodology
This course is taught through a variety of methods, including hands-on activities,
lecture, real world application, individual and group presentations and projects, and
laboratory experiences that accompany the content material. The material in biology
can be challenging because of the tremendous vocabulary. Students will be expected
to master the terms and build on this knowledge throughout the semester.

VI. Behavior Expectations
Students will conform to all school rules and policies. You must be on time and
prepared for class every day. My classroom is a place of mutual respect. I pride
myself on being understanding and wanting you to be successful, but we must work
together. Electronic devices may only be used as needed to research biology
information, or to be used when appropriate or requested outside of instructional time.
Conversations and comments should be made only when appropriate and language
should always be filtered. This is school and you need to respect yourself, your peers,
and your teacher. Any misconduct will be dealt with immediately, either by assigning
detention in order to deter future violations or administrative referral. I also reserve
the right to assign you to another classroom if your behavior is disruptive to the class,
so be good!

VII. Grading Policy
Biology Fundamentals 10%
Cells 15%
Heredity 15%
Evolution 15%
Organisms 10%
Ecology 15%
EOCT 20%

Grading Scale
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 74-79%
D 70-73%
F 0-69

Students and parents can access Synergy via the CCSD website. Access codes can be
obtained in the front office.

VIII. Homework Policy
Homework will often be a continuation of a classroom assignment. Daily homework
may not always be assigned. This does not mean that a student does not need to
review notes, read a chapter, or practice the use of vocabulary. These are critical to
success in the class and ongoing learning in the Science program. Homework
assignments must be turned in on time. Late assignments are unacceptable. Please be
proactive and always communicate with me if you see a conflict.

IX. Make-Up Policy
Students requiring make-up work due to absences need to get the materials from their
teacher and turn them in when due or within five days after the return from an
absence; whichever is appropriate. If students need to make up a test after school,
they should make an appointment. Again, all work needs to be completed within five
days after the students return to school or a grade of zero could result.

X. Tutoring
I am available for tutoring before or after school by appointment.

Course Syllabus Agreement
Please sign and return for a quiz grade. If this form is not returned, you are still expected to abide
by the policies of the syllabus, and a zero will be recorded for your first quiz grade. Please be
sure to get this signed and returned by Friday, August 15, 2014. Again, this is a free chance for
every student to get started off with a 100% for their first grade of the semester.

I have read the syllabus and agree to conduct myself in accordance with the rules and guidelines
set forth. I understand that breaking the rules will result in appropriate action as stated in the
syllabus. I am also aware of how to contact Dr. Hubbell about any aspect of my students course
work and grades.

______________________________________ ____________________________
Student Signature Date

______________________________________ ____________________________
Student Printed Name Email Address

_____________________________________ ____________________________
Parent / Guardian Signature Date

____________________________________ ____________________________
Parent / Guardian Printed Name Email Address

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