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Government of India

Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
New Deli! dated te "
Marc! #$$$
"" %al&una! "'#" ()a*a+
No. 16/2000-Central Excise, dated 1-3-2000 (effective from 1-4-2000).
In exercise of te powers conferred ,y of section - . of te Central Excise .ct! "'// (" to "'//+! te
Central Government! ,ein& satisfied tat it is necessary in te pu,lic interest so to do! ere,y rescinds te
followin& notification of te Government of India in te Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue+! on
and from te"st day or april!#$$$! namely01
"2 Notification num,er #/3'41Central Excise (N252+! dated te #6t 7uly! "''4 pu,lised in te 8fficial
Ga9ette vide num,er G2)2R2 /"# (E+! dated te #6t 7uly! "''4:
#2 Notification num,er -$3'41Central Excise (N252+! dated te "st .u&ust! "''4 pu,lised in te 8fficial
Ga9ette vide num,er G2)2R2 //6(E+! dated te "st .u&ust! "''4:
-2 Notification num,er -"3'41Central Excise (N252+! dated te "st .u&ust! "''4 pu,lised in te 8fficial
Ga9ette vide num,er G2)2R2 //; (E+! dated te "st .u&ust! "''4:
/2 Notification num,er -#3'41Central Excise (N252+! dated te "st .u&ust! "''4 pu,lised in te 8fficial
Ga9ette vide num,er G2)2R2 //4 (E+! dated te "st .u&ust! "''4:
62 Notification num,er /43'41Central Excise (N252+! dated te "st .u&ust! "''4 pu,lised in te 8fficial
Ga9ette vide num,er G2)2R2 /-< (E+! dated te "st .u&ust! "''4:
;2 Notification num,er /<3'41Central Excise (N252+! dated te "st .u&ust! "''4 pu,lised in te 8fficial
Ga9ette vide num,er G2)2R2 /-' (E+! dated te "st .u&ust! "''4:

7oint )ecretary to te Government of India
.No. 334/1/2000-!"#

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