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Your Name: Kristyn Curran

Timeframe / Dates of Initiative: September through February, one face-to-face meeting and one asynchronies
meeting per month.
Short Description of Initiative (limit one paragraph): This program will be focused on providing professional
development to staf members at Waterloo Elementary. The ! will be focused on "ve ma#or parts of $oogle%s
&pplications for Education. The speci"c applications include forms, documents, and sites. !uring the ! sessions,
staf members will be introduced to the application, taught the basics in order to create "les in each application,
assigned a creation pro#ect and tas'ed to brainstorm ways the applications could be used in the classroom.
There are a numer of overarching o!ectives that are applicale to each "ee#$ They are:
articipants will be able to navigate the $&FE (signing in, "nding "les, sharing).
articipants will become familiar with the three of the ma#or (documents, forms, sites) applications in
the $&FE.
articipants will be able to create "les in each of the three ma#or $&FE applications.
articipants will be able to brainstorm ideas for application of the $&FE programs in the classroom
Session Numer
Topics / Themes
(List 3-6 per
Content or &esources
(Describe or link at least one
specifc resource for each
(ctivities / (ssessments
(For each activity, include the nae,
description, and !hether it is !hole
"roup, individual, or tea. #lso,
identify assessents, synchronous
activities, and any $eb %.& tools

+odule, $oogle
(* face-to-face
meeting - *
articipants will be able
to sign into the $&FE.
articipants will
become familiar
accessing a $&FE
E5planation video of $oogle
Face-to-Face session,
Whole $roup, Welcome participants to the
! sessions. .ntro $&FE, ensure
participants are able to sign in, intro
$oogle !ocs, wal' participants through
creating a $oogle !oc, ensure that
participants can share a document with
articipants will be able
to create a document in
the $&FE.
articipants will be able
to identify one
opportunity where
$&FE documents could
be utili6ed in the
&synchronies meeting,
other ! participants.
&synchronous meeting, .ndependent,
articipants will watch screen casts with
directions for creating documents.
articipants will create a $oogle document
independently. articipants will be as'ed
prepare one idea suitable for the classroom
using $oogle docs.

+odule, $oogle
(* face-to-face
meeting - *
articipants will be able
to sign into the $&FE.
articipants will
become familiar
accessing a $&FE
articipants will be able
to create a form in the
$&FE with a variety of
8uestion styles.
articipants will be able
to identify one
opportunity where
$&FE forms could be
utili6ed in the
$oogle Forms,
Face-to-Face session,
Whole $roup, Welcome participants to the
! sessions. articipants will share
successes/struggles with the group in
regards to their use of $oogle !ocs.
Ensure participants are still able to sign in,
intro $oogle Forms, wal' participants
through creating a $oogle Form. Ensure
that participants can share a form with
other ! participants.
&synchronous meeting, .ndependent,
articipants will watch screen casts with
directions for creating a $oogle form.
articipants will create a $oogle form
independently and share it with the
instructor and H other individuals.
articipants will be as'ed prepare one idea
suitable for the classroom using $oogle
forms to share during the ne5t face-to-face

+odule, $oogle
(* face-to-face
meeting - *
articipants will be able
to sign into the $&FE.
articipants will
Face-to-Face session,
Whole $roup, Welcome participants to the
! sessions. articipants will share
successes/struggles with the group in
become familiar
accessing a $&FE sites.
articipants will be able
to create a website
using the $&FE.
v1i:b2!bh<u8. regards to their use of $oogle Forms. We
will also review data collected from each
form. Ensure participants are still able to
sign in, intro $oogle sites, wal' participants
through creating a $oogle site. Ensure
that participants can navigate and
populate their $oogle site. We will have
independent wor' time during this session
where participants will be able wor' on
designing and creating a grade level
&synchronous meeting, .ndependent,
articipants will watch screen casts with
directions for creating a $oogle site.
articipants will continue to wor' on their
site and enlist other team members to help
brainstorm information that would be
captured on the site. articipants will be
as'ed to share their sites at the ne5t face-
to-face session. Within B wee's of H
+odule face-to-face meeting, the sites are
e5pected to be live and the lin' to the
team%s website must be distributed to
H +odule, =o ain
=o $ain
7eview and share
IIThis session will
ta'e place face-to-
face but some 'ind
of follow up
articipants will be able
to sign into the $&FE.
articipants will be able
to share 3-H ways they
have used the $&FE
during instruction or to
improve parent/teacher
articipants will have an opportunity to
share their successes and struggles when
using the $&FE for teacher or
This is an opportunity for each participant
to JbragK about the ways they have
incorporated the technology into their
Success stories will be shared staf wide to
collaboration will
ta'e place to
spread the word
with other staf
members (TL!).
encourage others to see training, uniti6e
the $&FE or modify their practices to
include more student-centered practices.
)se this space to #eep trac# of a''itional possile resources an'/or content 'elivery metho's you
might consi'er using in your e*learning initiative$
;MSS% information site for the $&FE, https,//
B +odule, Flubaroo. .nstall and run scripts in order to have the $&FE self grade multiple-choice 8uestions.
H +odule, Cnline collaboration to share with non-!-participants to encourage the use of the $&FE, perhaps a video
with testimonials from teachers and students in i+ovie.

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