Computer Tools 1 - Design 3d Models of Robots With SOLIDWORS 2010

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two-degree-of-freedom serial chain manipulator

1.1 Creating a new file with file name Part0

1. Click File New (menubar)
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

2. In the New SolidWorks Document dialog box, double-click Part.

3. Click File Save

4. In the dialog box type Part0 for filename and Click Save

1.1.1 Creating Boss-Extrude1
1. Click the front face of the model to preselect the sketch plane for the next feature.
2. Click Extruded Boss/Base (Features toolbar).
3. Click Normal To (Standard Views toolbar).

4. Click Circle (Sketch toolbar).

5. Click the center of the face and move the pointer to sketch a circle.

6. Release the circle tool by put ECS on keyboard
7. Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar).

8. Select the circle.

9. Move the pointer outside the model to see the current dimension
10. Click to place the dimension.
11. In the Modify dialog box:
a. Set the value to 400.
b. Click

12. Click Exit Sketch (Sketch toolbar).
The Boss-Extrude PropertyManager appears in the left pane, and a preview of the extrusion
appears in the graphics area.

13. In the PropertyManager, under Direction 1:
a. Select Blind in End Condition.
b. Set Depth to 80.
14. Click

Boss-Extrude1 appears in the FeatureManager design tree.
1.1.2 Creating Boss-Extrude2
1. Click the face of Boss-Extrude1 to preselect the sketch plane for the next feature

2. Click Extruded Boss/Base (Features toolbar).
3. Click Normal To (Standard Views toolbar).

4. Click Center Regtangle (Sketch toolbar).

5. Click the center of the face and move the pointer to sketch a regtangle

6. Release the regtangle tool by put ECS on keyboard
7. Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar).

8. Select the edges

9. Move the pointer outside the model to see the current dimension
10. Click to place the dimension.
11. In the Modify dialog box:
1. Set the value to 80 for vertical edge and 150 for horizontal edge.
2. Click to finish

12. Click Exit Sketch (Sketch toolbar).
The Boss-Extrude PropertyManager appears in the left pane, and a preview of the extrusion
appears in the graphics area.

13. In the PropertyManager, under Direction 1:
1. Select Blind in End Condition.
2. Set Depth to 180.
14. Click

Boss-Extrude2 appears in the FeatureManager design tree.
1.1.3 Creating Cut-Extrude1
1. Click the face of Boss-Extrude2 to preselect the sketch plane for the next feature

2. Click Extruded cut (Features toolbar).
3. Click Normal To (Standard Views toolbar).

4. Click Ccorner Regtangle (Sketch toolbar).

5. Click the edge and move the pointer to sketch a regtangle

6. Release the regtangle tool by put ECS on keyboard
7. Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar).
8. Select the edges
9. Move the pointer outside the model to see the current dimension. Click to place the dimension.
10. In the Modify dialog box, Set the value as this figure

11. Click Exit Sketch (Sketch toolbar).
The Cut-Extrude PropertyManager appears in the left pane, and a preview of the extrusion
appears in the graphics area.

12. In the PropertyManager, under Direction 1: Select Through All in End Condition.
13. Click

Cut-Extrude1 appears in the Feature Manager design tree
1.1.4 Creating Boss-Extrude1
1. Click the face of Boss-Extrude2 to preselect the sketch plane for the next feature

2. Click Extruded cut (Features toolbar).
3. Click Normal To (Standard Views toolbar).

7. Click Circle (Sketch toolbar).

8. Click the center of the face and move the pointer to sketch a circle.

9. Release the circle tool by put ECS on keyboard
9. Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar).

10. Select the circle.

15. Move the pointer outside the model to see the current dimension
16. Click to place the dimension.
17. In the Modify dialog box:
a. Set the value with dimension as above picture
b. Click
18. Click Exit Sketch (Sketch toolbar).
The Cut-Extrude PropertyManager appears in the left pane, and a preview of the extrusion
appears in the graphics area.

19. In the PropertyManager, under Direction 1: Select Through All in End Condition.
20. Click

Cut-Extrude1 appears in the Feature Manager design tree

1.1.5 Close file :
1. Use hotkey Ctrl S to save file
2. Click File Close to close the file

2.1 Creating a new file with file name Part1

1. Click File New (menubar)

2. In the New SolidWorks Document dialog box, double-click Part.

3. Click File Save

4. In the dialog box type Part1 for filename and Click Save

2.1.1 Creating Boss-Extrude1
1. Click the front face of the model to preselect the sketch plane for the next feature.
2. Click Extruded Boss/Base (Features toolbar).
3. Click Normal To (Standard Views toolbar).

4. Click Straight Slot (Sketch toolbar).

5. Click the center of the face and move the pointer in the horizon then click another point and
move mouse in the vertical to sketch a Straight Slot

6. Release the Straight Slot tool by put ECS on keyboard
7. Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar).
8. Select the edge

9. Move the pointer outside the model to see the current dimension
10. Click to place the dimension.
11. In the Modify dialog box:
a. Set the value to 300
b. Click
12. Select the arc

13. Move the pointer outside the model to see the current dimension
14. Click to place the dimension.
15. In the Modify dialog box:
a. Set the value to 50
b. Click
16. Click Circle (Sketch toolbar).

17. Move mouse concentric center of Straight Slot then click move the pointer to sketch a circle.

18. Release the circle tool by put ECS on keyboard
19. Keep button Ctrl and Click two circle and chose Equal in the left panel

20. Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar).

21. Select the circle.

22. Move the pointer outside the model to see the current dimension
23. Click to place the dimension.
24. In the Modify dialog box:
a. Set the value to 50.
b. Click
25. Click Exit Sketch (Sketch toolbar).
The Boss-Extrude PropertyManager appears in the left pane, and a preview of the extrusion
appears in the graphics area.

26. In the PropertyManager, under Direction 1:
a. Select Blind in End Condition
b. Set Depth to 50
27. Click

Boss-Extrude1 appears in the FeatureManager design tree.
2.1.2 Close file :
1. Use hotkey Ctrl S to save file
2. Click File Close to close the file

Similar Part 1
4.1 Creating a new file with file name Part3

1. Click File New (menubar)

2. In the New SolidWorks Document dialog box, double-click Part.

3. Click File Save

4. In the dialog box type Part3 for filename and Click Save

4.1.1 Creating Boss-Extrude1
1. Click the front face of the model to preselect the sketch plane for the next feature.
2. Click Extruded Boss/Base (Features toolbar).
3. Click Normal To (Standard Views toolbar).

4. Click Circle (Sketch toolbar).

5. Click the center of the face and move the pointer to sketch a circle.

6. Release the circle tool by put ECS on keyboard
7. Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar).

8. Select the circle.

9. Move the pointer outside the model to see the current dimension
10. Click to place the dimension.
11. In the Modify dialog box:
a. Set the value to 40
b. Click

12. Click Exit Sketch (Sketch toolbar).
The Boss-Extrude PropertyManager appears in the left pane, and a preview of the extrusion
appears in the graphics area.

13. In the PropertyManager, under Direction 1:
a. Select Blind in End Condition.
b. Set Depth to 50.
14. Click

Boss-Extrude1 appears in the FeatureManager design tree
4.1.2 Creating Boss-Extrude2
1. Click the face of the model to preselect the sketch plane for the next feature.

2. Click Extruded Boss/Base (Features toolbar).
3. Click Normal To (Standard Views toolbar).

4. Click Circle (Sketch toolbar).

5. Click the center of the face and move the pointer to sketch a circle.

6. Release the circle tool by put ECS on keyboard
7. Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar).

8. Select the circle.

9. Move the pointer outside the model to see the current dimension
10. Click to place the dimension.
11. In the Modify dialog box:
a. Set the value to 20
b. Click

12. Click Exit Sketch (Sketch toolbar).
The Boss-Extrude PropertyManager appears in the left pane, and a preview of the extrusion
appears in the graphics area.

13. In the PropertyManager, under Direction 1:
a. Select Blind in End Condition.
b. Set Depth to 80.
14. Click

Boss-Extrude2 appears in the FeatureManager design tree.
4.1.3 Close file :
1. Use hotkey Ctrl S to save file
2. Click File Close to close the file

5.1 Creating a new Assembly and get Part

1. Click File New (menubar)

2. In the New SolidWorks Document dialog box, double-click Assembly

5. Click in the left panel. Choose Part 0.SLDPRT and Click Open

6. Click Mouse in work space to put Part 0 in the assembly file

3. Click button Insert Componets

7. Click in the left panel. Choose Part 1.SLDPRT and Click Open

8. Click Mouse in work space to put Part 1 in the assembly file

4. Click button Insert Componets

9. Click in the left panel. Choose Part 2.SLDPRT and Click Open

10. Click Mouse in work space to put Part 2 in the assembly file

5. Click button Insert Componets

11. Click in the left panel. Choose Part 3.SLDPRT and Click Open

12. Click Mouse in work space to put Part 3 in the assembly file

5.2 Make constrain between with Parts
1. Click Mate

2. In left Panel choose Concentric at Standard Mates. Click the circle on Part 0 and the circle on
Part 1

3. Then Click

4. In left Panel choose Coincident at Standard Mates. Click the face on Part 0 and the face on Part 1.

5. Then Click

6. In left Panel choose Concentric at Standard Mates. Click the circle on Part 1 and the circle on
Part 2

7. Then Click

8. In left Panel choose Coincident at Standard Mates. Click the face on Part 1 and the face on Part 2

9. Then Click

10. In left Panel choose Concentric at Standard Mates. Click the circle on Part 2 and the circle on
Part 3

11. Then Click

12. In left Panel choose Coincident at Standard Mates. Click the face on Part 2 and the face on Part 3

13. Then Click

5.3 Save Assembly file with file name assembly robot
1. Click File Save

2. In the dialog box type assembly robot for filename and Click Save

1. Install SimMechanics Link
2. Open Assembly file assembly robot in solidworks

3. Click Tools Add - ins

4. Chose SimMechanics Link in Add-ins box and Click

5. Chose menu File Save as
6. In Save as box chose file type as SimMechanics Link (*.xml)

7. Type Assembly robot.XML in File name and Click

8. Start MATLAB program

9. Chose Current Folder where you put Assembly and Part

10. Type command mech_import and tap Enter on the keyboard. We chose and find file
name Assembly robot.xml and chose Open

11. We chose in Import Physical Modeling XML box to finish

12. Finishing Import Soldworks assembly file into MATLAB. We have Simulink of Arm Robot

13. Click in Simulink to show modeling of Arm Robot

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