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ln 2011, 1567 89 :;<=<5> was named ulrecLor of 8uslness uevelopmenL for uresser-8and's
supersonlc compressor developmenL lnlLlaLlve. Pere Mark ls responslble for guldlng
developmenL of Lhe 8ampressor supersonlc compresslon plaLform. Pe coordlnaLes wlLh Lhe
WashlngLon sLaLe based 8amgen ower SysLems Leam, as well as worklng wlLh uresser-8and
operaLlons and supply chaln organlzaLlons Lo develop supply chaln and componenL
sLraLegles. rlor Lo Lhls asslgnmenL and for nearly a decade, Mark was Lhe Manager of Lhe
CenLers of 1echnlcal Lxcellence organlzaLlon for uresser-8and Company. Pe oversaw
8oLordynamlcs, MaLerlals & Weldlng, Solld Mechanlcs, Aero/Lhermo dynamlcs and AcousLlcs
dlsclpllnes. Mark sLarLed hls career wlLh uresser-8and as a 8oLordynamlcs englneer afLer
earnlng a 8.S. uegree (Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng, 1988) from Lhe Sun? - 8uffalo. Mr. kuzdzal's
areas of experLlse focus on roLordynamlcs, bearlng performance, and producL/process
developmenL. Pe has co-auLhored numerous Lechnlcal papers and holds four u.S. aLenLs.
Mr. kuzdzal ls a member of Lhe 1exas A&M 1urbomachlnery Advlsory CommlLLee and Lhe
enn SLaLe Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng 1echnology lndusLrlal advlsory commlLLee. Pe ls an
nLA and ASML member.

85? 19 :@AB ls Lhe rlnclple Lnglneerlng Leader for uresser-8and's LnC program. rlor Lo
Lhls asslgnmenL he was Manager Conflgure Lo Crder Lnglneerlng, CenLrlfugal compressors.
Pe has been employed aL uresser-8and slnce 1991, worklng prlmarlly ln Lhe Aerodynamlcs
Croup before belng promoLed Lo Manager of Aero/1hermo ueslgn Lnglneerlng ln 2003.

rlor Lo [olnlng uresser-8and he was employed by Allled Slgnal Aerospace. Pe holds a 8S
degree ln Aerospace englneerlng from lowa SLaLe unlverslLy. uurlng hls Llme ln Lhe
Aerodynamlcs Croup, hls responslblllLles lncluded Lhe developmenL, deslgn, and analysls of
aerodynamlc componenLs of cenLrlfugal compressors. AddlLlonally he was responslble for
Lhe developmenL of sofLware used Lo selecL and predlcL cenLrlfugal compressor
performance. !ay has co-auLhored many Lechnlcal papers.

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