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2015 Distinguished Young Women of Los Angeles County Representti!es A"rded

On Saturday, March 23, 2014, Janet H. and Eileen K. were named Distinuished !"un #"man "$ %"rth
&"s 'neles ("unty and Distinuished !"un #"man "$ S"uth &"s 'neles ("unty res)ecti*ely. Ms. H
was als" awarded the O*erall Sch"lastics, +alent and ,nter*iew 'wards. Ms. K was als" awarded the
O*erall +alent and ,nter*iew 'ward. +hey will ha*e the h"n"r "$ re)resentin &"s 'neles ("unty at the
Distinuished !"un #"men "$ (ali$"rnia c"m)etiti"n in July. -irst 'lternate was Mel"dy +. "$ Hacienda
Heihts and Sec"nd 'lternate was .amela Orte" "$ /ur0an1.
#net $% & 2015 Distinguished Young Womn of 'orth Los Angeles County
Janet H. attends %"tre Dame 'cademy and resides in &"s 'neles. She has achie*ed an array "$ awards
includin Decathl"n 2"lds in Hist"ry, Enlish and Essay and has w"n the &' ("unty M"c1 +rial
J"urnalism ("ntest. She is -"under and (lu0 .resident "$ 2irl 3) #est &"s 'neles and her sch""l4s JS'
cha)ter. She als" *"lunteers at the 3(&' .ediatric %eur"science &a0. '$ter raduatin hih sch""l, Janet
)lans t" attend c"llee where she will study t"wards a career as a S"utheast 'sian #"men 5iht4s 'cti*ist
and a 6"urnalist.
Eileen (% & 2015 Distinguished Young Womn of South Los Angeles County
Eileen K. attends .al"s 7erdes Hih Sch""l and resides in 5anch" .al"s 7erdes. She was awarded the
Outstandin Muscianshi) 'ward $r"m (SSS' and was the .al"s 7erdes Hih Sch""l &i"ns (lu0 S)eech
#inner. 'm"n her lare list "$ in*"l*ement as a y"un *i"linist, she *"lunteers as a *i"lin teacher and is
("ncertmistress "$ 0"th .7 5ei"nal Orchestra and .7 Hih Sch""l -ull Orchestra. '$ter raduatin
hih sch""l, Eileen w"uld li1e t" study ,nternati"nal /usiness &aw and c"ntinue her musical c"ntri0uti"n
as a *i"lin teacher.
Additionl "rd "inners of the 2015 Distinguished Young Women of Los Angeles County Progrm
re s follo"s)
1st 'lternate and -itness 8 Mel"dy +. $r"m 2len '. #ils"n Hih Sch""l
2nd 'lternate and -itness 8 .amela O. $r"m .r"*idence Hih Sch""l
Sel$8E9)ressi"n and S)irit 8 (ar"line H. $r"m &"s 'neles ("unty Hih Sch""l $"r the 'rts
Sch"lastics 8 Jac:ueline #. $r"m +em)le (ity Hih Sch""l
Sel$8E9)ressi"n 8 Marianna K. $r"m 2len '. #ils"n Hih Sch""l
Pge 2
Distinguished Young Women S*holrship Progrm
Distinuished !"un #"men, $"rmerly 'merica;s Juni"r Miss, was $"unded in 1<=> and is head:uartered
in M"0ile, 'la0ama. Distinuished !"un #"men is a nati"nal sch"larshi) )r"ram that ins)ires hih
sch""l irls t" de*el") their $ull, indi*idual )"tential thr"uh a $un, trans$"rmati*e e9)erience that
culminates in a cele0rat"ry sh"wcase "$ their acc"m)lishments.
/y enc"urain c"ntinued educati"n and )r"*idin c"llee sch"larshi)s
/y de*el")in sel$8c"n$idence and the a0ilities t" inter*iew e$$ecti*ely, t" s)ea1 in )u0lic, t"
)er$"rm "n stae and t" 0uild inter)ers"nal relati"nshi)s
/y enc"urain and sh"wcasin e9cellence in academic achie*ement, )hysical $itness, "n8stae
)er$"rmance s1ills, and the a0ility t" thin1 and c"mmunicate clearly
/y creatin "))"rtunities t" 0ene$icially ins)ire the li*es "$ "thers
M"re than ?00,000 y"un w"men $r"m acr"ss the nati"n ha*e )artici)ated in )r"rams at the l"cal, state,
and nati"nal le*els. ,n additi"n t" cash sch"larshi)s, )artici)ants are elii0le $"r c"llee8ranted
sch"larshi)s $r"m nearly 200 c"llees and uni*ersities.
Distinuished !"un #"men is su))"rted l"cally 0y Su))"se 3 Dri*e, Del"itte, #"men4s (lu0 "$ .laya
Del 5ey and .e")le 0y Marcus .h"t"ra)hy.
-"r m"re in$"rmati"n and u)dates a0"ut Distinuished !"un #"men "$ &' ("unty@
-"ll"w us "n +witter@ AD!#"$&'("unty
B&i1eC us "n -ace0""1@ htt)s@DDwww.$ace0""1.c"mDDistinuished!"un#"menO$&"s'neles("unty

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