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The villa of the Marques, Las Jacarandas, was a twin-belfreyed,

white-porticoed building with a terrace of white columns and an

entrance porch where trellises of vines gave shade from the
ferceness of the sun The beauty of it all caught at Joanna's
throat as, clad in blue denim shorts and a sleeveless top, she
waled on to the terrace on long golden legs to shae bac a
sily curtain of brown hair and lift her face to the sun! The
casual, graceful gesture gave the falling line of her profle a
swift, vivid loveliness!
! "ehind the big white villa were other buildings including
stables all of which were set in magnifcent grounds of statuary
and fountains and rolling green lawns in between shrubbery
and magnifcent trees! which #osita insisted upon her wearing
and made for the hills!

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