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There was almost a profound silence broken only by sweet

sounds, the tinkle of a goat bell and a voice calling from far
away. Tenderly, Joanna touched up the red and white hibiscus
visible behind the iron grilles of Las Jacarandas and leaned back
to see the desired efect against the white walls. It really Was a
beautiful villa and she could never do ustice to it, but the result
was pleasing even to her critical eye. The !ar"ues would, no
doubt, be more critical than she was, seeing that he had a
wonderful collection of old masters gracing his lovely villa. #e
was also a man of e$perience, and wise beyond his thirty%one
The villa of the !ar"ues, Las Jacarandas, was a twin%belfreyed,
white%porticoed building with a terrace of white columns and an
entrance porch where trellises of vines gave shade from the
&erceness of the sun.

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