400 HW 10

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STAT 400

AL1 & CL1

Homework #10
Spring 2014
A. Stepanov
(due Friday, April 18, by 3:00 p.m.)

No credit will be given without supporting work.

1 3. A random sample of size n = 9 from a normal distribution is obtained:

4.4 3.7 5.1 4.3 4.7 3.7 3.5 4.6 4.7

1. a) Compute the sample mean x and the sample standard deviation s.
Do NOT use a calculator or a computer. Show all work.

2. b) Construct a 90% (two-sided) confidence interval for the overall (population)

c) Construct a 90% one-sided confidence interval for that provides an upper
bound for .

d) Construct a 95% one-sided confidence interval for that provides a lower
bound for .

3. a) Construct a 95% confidence interval for the overall standard deviation .

b) Construct the 95% minimum length confidence interval for the overall standard
deviation .

c) Construct the two one-sided 90% confidence intervals for the overall variance
4 5. Assume that the yield per acre for a particular variety of soybeans is N ( ,
For a random sample of n = 5 plots, the yield in bushels per acre were

37.4, 48.8, 46.9, 55.0, 44.0.

4. a) Give a point estimate for .

b) Give a point estimate for
You are welcome to use a computer or a calculator.

c) Find a 90% confidence interval for .

d) Find a 90% confidence upper bound for .

5. e) Find a 90% confidence interval for .

f) Find a 90% confidence upper bound for .

g) Find a 90% confidence lower bound for

6. a) Let X have a
( r ) distribution. If k >
, prove ( show ) that E ( X
exists and it is given by
E ( X
) =



b) Let X
, X
, , X
be a random sample of size n from a N ( ,
distribution. Use part (a) to determine an unbiased estimator of .

Hint 1: That is, find c such that E ( c S ) = . ( c would depend on n )

Hint 2: Recall that ( n 1 ) S

has a
( n 1 ) distribution.

Hint 3: Select the appropriate value for k in part (a).

c) Find the value of c when n = 5; when n = 6.
7. The National Security Agency (NSA) hires you to compute a 95% confidence
interval for the overall average maximum weight (in pounds) its agents can bench
press in a 6-repetition set. Stressing the top secret nature of the data, the NSA
does not make the data available to you, it does not even report the values of the
sample mean and the sample standard deviation. The only information you have
is that an 80% confidence interval based on a sample of 14 agents is (273, 300).
Assume the population is approximately normally distributed. Compute a 95%
confidence interval for the overall average maximum weight NSA agents can
bench press in a 6-repetition set.

8. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tests a random sample of 400 cars
made by a certain automobile manufacturer. 312 of the 400 cars meet the new
EPA standards.

a) Construct a 95% confidence interval for the overall proportion of cars made by this
manufacturer that meet the new EPA standards.

b) Construct a 95% confidence upper bound for the overall proportion of cars made by
this manufacturer that meet the new EPA standards.

c) How many cars should be tested in order to estimate the true proportion of cars
that meet the new EPA standards to within 3% with 95% confidence if it is known
that this proportion is between 75% and 85%?

9. a) The Gallup Poll once asked a random sample of 1540 adults, Do you happen
to jog? Suppose that 231 adults in the sample answered Yes. Construct
a 90% confidence interval for the overall proportion of adults who jog.

b) How large should the sample be is we wish to estimate the overall proportion of
adults who jog to within 1% with 90% confidence, if no guess as to the value of
that proportion is available?

c) How large should the sample be is we wish to estimate the overall proportion
of adults who jog to within 1% with 90% confidence, if it is known that this
proportion is at most 20%?
10 11. A random sample of size n = 289 from a N ( ,
) distribution gives the
sample mean x = 789 and the sample standard deviation s = 34.

10. If the number of degrees of freedom ( d.f. ) is large, the values of t

can be
approximated by z


a) Compare z
= 1.645 to the value of t
( n 1 d.f. ).

Hint: EXCEL =TINV( two-tail probability , degrees of freedom ).
That is, =TINV( , n 1 ).

OR R > qt( probability to the left , degrees of freedom ).
That is, > qt( 1
/2 , n 1 ).

b) Construct a 90% (two-sided) confidence interval for .

11. If the number of degrees of freedom ( d.f. ) is large, the values of chi-squared distribution
can be approximated by the values of a Normal distribution with mean = d.f. and
= 2 d.f.

a) Find the two values of a Normal distribution N ( = d.f. ,
= 2 d.f. ) distribution
with area 0.05 to the left and to the right, respectively. Here, d.f. = n 1.

b) Compare the answers from part (a) with the values of

95 . 0
( n 1 d.f. ) and
05 . 0
( n 1 d.f. ).

Hint: EXCEL =CHIINV( probability to the right , degrees of freedom ).

OR R > qchisq( probability to the left , degrees of freedom ).

c) Construct a 90% (two-sided) confidence interval for .

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