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4/19/2014 SPM ESSAYS. 1/3
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Posted by sirrosdi at 22:16
Sir,This essay is referring to your earlier question on speech by the President of Residents
Association on How to prevent snatch-thefts and pick-pocketing in your neighbourhood.
A very good morning to all the residents of Taman Sejahtera.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am standing here this morning under the capacity as the President of Residents Association.Our
neighbourhood lately has been struck with many cases of snatch-thefts and pick-pocketing.The
recent case of our neighbour at Jalan 12/12,Halimah Abdul where her handbag was snatched by two
local criminals still fresh in our mind.I was told Puan Halimah was still warded at the hospital after
being coma for couple of days.Last night,there was another case of pick-pocketing at the bus-stop
where one of our neighbours lost his wallet while boarding a bus.These situations were definitely
worrying us and we have to come out with some counter-plans to prevent more recurrences.
May I remind the housewives and single working woman to be on the alert at all times as the police
has confirmed that they are targetting this group as their victims.So I would suggest firstly not to
carry excess money in your handbag.It is appropriate at the moment just to bring enough money to
cover your regular expenses.On top of that,it is a good idea if the housewife can carry a whistle and
use that when neccessary.Talking about handbag,it is better to use handbag with shorter straps.Hold
it tight while you are walking to the bus stop or on the way to bank and pump station.Remember
these snatch-thieves are everywhere and they are waiting to strike.
Apart from that,do not wear excessive jewelleries to show off what you have.Remember,these snatch-
thieves may strike with long sword or parang and they may slash your hands and probably cut off
your hands to get the bracelets that you wear.So I think,wearing minimal jewellery is safe.In cases of
wallet ,you may keep it under buttoned pockets.Ideally wallets to be placed at the front
pockets.Maybe it is inconvenience but the wallet is guranteed safe.
Supposingly when the snatch-thieves strike,it is advisable that you keep your cool by not fighting
back.Otherwise you may endanger your life as normally snatch-thieves are known to carry sharp
weapons.What you do next is to scream after they have fled and remember to record the registration
number of the vehicle,colour and make.Besides that,you are advised not to walk alone at quiet
places.Never make an appointment meeting your frend at a secluded spot as snatch-thieves are
eagerly waiting to strike on you.It is better to meet in an open public place.If your meeting has to be
at night,then make sure your meeting place has street lights everywhere.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In conclusion,I think we need to work hand in hand to ensure our safety.Please quickly report to the
police if you see any suspicious characters loitering on motorcycles and roaming our neighbourhood.I
am proposing for a patrol unit to be setup in our area with the purpose of conducting week-end
patrolling.On working days,we can request the police to send in their patrol cars and conduct
patrolling twice a day-morning and night.
Again,I must say thank you for your presence this morning and let us work together to reduce these
snatch-theft and pick-pocketting crimes in our neighbourhood.
Thank you.

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