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Dear ________________,

W-A-Y Program believes in providing the highest quality of education for every student. o
meet this goal, !e are adopting a three-tiered approach to instruction. his process, "no!n
nationally as #esponse to $ntervention or #$ gained attention !hen federal la! established
these practices as an approach to identify and provide early intervention to struggling students.
%ach tier provides additional support beyond the core curriculum. &tudents needing
supplemental instruction'intervention !ill be monitored frequently to ensure students meet grade
level e(pectations. &tudents !ill continue to participate in the core curriculum even if they need
the support of tier t!o or tier three interventions. $n tier one, teachers !ill use different strategies
!ithin the core curriculum to address student needs. &tudents !ho are not progressing at a rate
to meet end of year benchmar"s in tier one, !ill be provided interventions matched to their
needs. hese tier t!o interventions ta"e place in a small group for )* minutes per !ee". An
instructional support team !ill trac" students+ progress !ith the intervention plan !ee"ly.
$nterventions occur for a minimum of si( !ee"s, but may continue as needed to ensure student
success in the core program. he instructional support team may ma"e ad,ustments in the
intervention plan based on the student+s progress. Depending on student need and progress, the
team may change the intervention or increase the frequency, time or intensity of the intervention.
his more intense level is considered tier three. &tudents provided !ith tier three interventions
are placed in smaller groups than tier t!o, and the number of minutes increase to -* per !ee".
.onitoring student+s progress continues on a !ee"ly basis.
W-A-Y Program recogni/es that all students learn differently. We are committed to helping all
students succeed. herefore, !e as" for your support in implementing this three-tiered approach
to meet the academic and behavior needs of your child along !ith all students in our school.
We !ill begin #$ in reading at grade 0
beginning 1**23 school year. .ath !ill be added at a
later time. 4ur school-!ide screening tool for reading !ill be administered to all students three
times a year during the school year to determine the students !ho are at or above benchmar" and
students !ho !ill need supplemental instruction to meet grade level e(pectations. &tudents
needing intervention !ill be monitored !ee"ly using W-A-Y Program assessment tool. Data
from these tools and a variety of other sources !ill help us provide students !ith the best
instruction. $nformation from assessments !ill guide instruction and "eep the school and you
a!are of ho! your child is progressing.
We loo" for!ard to sharing additional information as !e progress through the school year. 5or
additional information on #$, please visit our state !ebsite at
!!!.doe."'programs'profdev'rti_docs.shtml or visit the Parent $nformation 6enter of
Dela!are, at !!! for information on #$ audio conferences. $ncluded !ith this
letter is a quic" fact sheet on #$. As al!ays, do not hesitate to contact your child+s teacher or
me if you have questions or concerns.
7everly 8enry
9:ead &cience %(pert;

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