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Essay Outlining


Title: The Effects Of Staying Up Late
I. Introduction
Thesis Statement: the effect youll get when youre staying up late are bad health condition,
cant focus on work or study and also impact to your physical appearance
II. Body
A. Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence: You will have bad health condition because your body mechanism doesnt
work well, your body doesnt have enough sleep, and reduce your immune system.
Supporting Details:
1. Your body mechanism doesnt work well
2. Your body doesnt have enough sleep and your brain also needs rest.
3. Reduce your immune system, youll get sick very easily.
B. Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence: Staying up late also causing you to not able to focus on you work or study.
Supporting Details:
1. You are going to get sleepy during the day
2. You can concentrate on what lecture is saying.
3. Your work efficiency will be lower.
C. Paragraph 4
Topic Sentence: beside those impact mentioned above, staying up late also will negatively
impacts your physical appearance and spirit.
Supporting Details:
1. You look tired (and somehow uglier-_-)
2. Staying up late can bring about mental stress
3. You will feel anxious and upset.
III. Conclusion:
Staying up late has negative impact in many ways, it causes bad health condition, reduce your
concentration on study or work, and also impact on your appearance and spirit, cause youll
look tired and become anxious person, somehow.

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