Poland Report

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Olsztyn - Budapest exchange

Day 1 - Arrival and accommodation

Arriving in Poland was already quite a rush, we entered Warsaw and were greeted by a great building,
the science and culture museum. We caught the bus a few hours after the plane and arrived in olsztyn a
little while after, greeted by our good friends and hosts from the veterinary school. The campus is
located in the Kortowo part of the city and is situated right next to a lake, which has a stunning view and
beautiful shoreline. We spent the day relaxing, had dinner and went back to the dorms to rest up for the
next day.

Day 2

We awoke, had breakfast and had a tour of the university, starting first with the faculty of veterinary
medicine. The tour continued around the clinics and stables of the faculty, where we saw other students
around in shifts. We had a lecture about calve diarrhe and headed to the main building. The university
was having it's open day during our visit and we saw a lot of people running around the halls advertising
their faculties; from the chemistry faculty showing off their reactions to the veterinary faculty with
anatomical plastinates. We then went to the city centre to have lunch at a lovely Polish restaurant
named pierogarnia, and to explore the place (which was also coincidentally the place where Nicolaus
Copernicus was born and raised). After the tour, we went back to the dorms and rested. We had an
international dinner at the dorms and our Polish hosts made us some lovely traditional meals. We then
proceeded to have a night out only the way Polish people know how, and it was crazy!

Day 3

We started off very tired, waking up early after a night of partying. We met the Dean of the faculty first
and then proceeded to view plastinates in the anatomy department. We met with one of the only
plastinate makers in Poland. We then went around to visit the aquaculture labs where they were doing
research on sturgeons and non-lethal diagnostics on fish which was quite interesting! Afterwards we
headed to the stables and the animal husbandry faculty area. After the tour we headed back to the
dorms to rest, we then went to the city centre once more to visit the planetarium, which explained a lot
about Copernicus and the history of astronomy. Later that evening we had a Polish style dinner and we
went to have a second night out.


We awoke very early and headed towards the countryside for a very exciting carriage ride to an ostrich
farm and wild bird rehabilitation centre! We arrived at the place and were told they perform several
surgeries there and can even do internships for wild birds. After the sanctuary we headed to the town
centre for a fancy dinner and a few drinks, all in all it was a very relaxed day.

Day 5

This was the day we had to leave to go to Warsaw to our other hosts there in order to prepare for our
return to Budapest the next day, we had our very sad goodbyes with our Olsztyn friends and headed to
the city. As we arrived we were greeted by IVSA Warsaw and had a long tour around the lovely city of
Warsaw. We went around a few times and then headed back to our lodging for a nice barbeque and a
bit of vodka tasting!

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