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English 10 Honors Syllabus Mrs.

Ann Jennings
Phone: (434) 589-3666 Ext.3366

Textbooks: Prentice Hall Literature
Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop
Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar

Course Outline

The Short Story The students will tentatively read the following short stories:

The Novel The students will develop an understanding of the literary genre of the novel by reading several of the following
works: Great Expectations, Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, and The House on Mango Street

Classical Drama The students will study the Greek origins of theater by studying the plays Oedipus Rex and Antigone by

Elizabethan Drama The students will explore a Shakespearean masterpiece, Julius Caesar or A Midsummer Nights Dream.

Modern Drama Students will also study a modern classic, Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun.

Poetry The students will read and critique poetry from a variety of eras and cultures.

Non-Fiction The students will read several non-fiction selections, tentatively including an excerpt from Swimming to
Antarctica, Tepeyac, and Night

Writing The students will write several essays. Cohesion in thought, organization, and proper spelling, punctuation, and
grammar, and MLA formatting will be stressed in student-produced writing. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in
an automatic administrative referral.

Vocabulary The student will study new vocabulary on a weekly basis using Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop.
Homework based on textbook exercises will be due on Wednesdays and quizzes will be on Fridays. Students are encouraged
to complete their vocabulary homework online, accessed from the class website. In addition to quizzes, there may also be a
cumulative test toward the end of each nine week period. Also, students will be studying technical terms associated with
literature and writing.

Grades for the semester are divided into three categories:
First nine week period 40%
Second nine week period 40%
Exam 20%
Grades within each nine week period are composed of several categories:
Tests and Essays 60%
Quizzes 20%
Homework, Classwork, and Participation 20%
The Monkeys Paw Jacobs
The Leap Erdrich
Contents of the Dead Mans Pocket Finney
Games at Twilight Desai
The Masque of the Red Death Poe
A Visit to Grandmother Kelley
A Problem Chekhov

The Street of the Caon Niggli
There Will Come Soft Rains Bradbury
One Thousand Dollars O. Henry
Civil Peace Achebe
The Garden of Stubborn Cats Calvino
Like the Sun Narayan
The Censors Valenzuela

Classroom and Work Expectations
1. Reading and Writing are critical areas of study in honors courses. When you are assigned something to read,
skimming will not suffice for close reading and your reading grades will reflect the lack of attention. When you write, you
must dedicate focused, uninterrupted time to the process which must include time for organizing thoughts, outlining essay
topics and supports, essay writing, citation when needed, and proof reading for errors in logic, as well as grammar and
2. Work is due on the due date. Homework will not be accepted late except in the case of excused absence or in the case
of emergency situations that are documented with parent note. Papers in which students are given a week or more to work
are due on the date expected. Students must find a way to have papers brought to school if they are absent, or they may
email them to me. Late papers will be lowered one letter grade per day up to three days.
3. Seats are assigned. Please let me know of you need special considerations with seating.
4. Come to class prepared with all materials every day.
5. Please read the school policy (above) on make-up work. This will be strictly enforced. A missing work box is
located at the front of the room; check it upon returning from an absence. If it is empty, come see me; you may have
missed a quiz, test, etc.
6. Respect yourself and others. Be courteous and polite at all times.
7. Be on time to classthere are penalties for being late.
8. Hall passes will be issued at a rate of one per week or again if needed on an emergency basis or with a documented
note from parent/doctor. Time out of class is critical, so try to take care of personal needs at lunch or between classes.
9. Students should remain seated until dismissed and should remain silent during any announcements.

Parent Portal
I urge parents to check their childrens progress with them on Parent Portal on a regular basis.

Make Up Policy
Students who are absent from school or classes are responsible for making up work missed during their absences.
Students will be granted one day to make-up work for every day absent, unless the individual teacher gives permission to
extend the time. If this procedure is not followed the teacher will NOT accept the work. It is the students responsibility to
get the work from me.

Attendance Policy
An absence is defined as missing more than 30 minutes or 1/3

of a single block, or having multiples of five tardies to
a single block class. Absences are assessed by the individual classes and not by school day. The attendance committee has
the discretion to deny credit to a student who has accumulated more than ten unexcused absences to a single block class. This
includes semester and year-long classes. Attendance is counted by course.
An excused absence is granted for one of the following reasons: doctor/medical appointment, court appointment,
death in the immediate family, school related activity approved by the administration, or religious holiday or instruction.

Tardy Policy: The following procedures will be used in the event of student tardiness:
InfractionVerbal warning from teacher
InfractionDocumented parent phone call by teacher
InfractionDiscipline referral and administrative letter
Infraction1 period/block of ISS
Infraction2 periods/blocks of ISS
Infraction1 Day of ISS
Infraction2 Days of ISS
InfractionReferral, one day of OSS, behavior contract, meeting will be held with parent,
student, administrator, and school social worker.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are not allowed to be used unless the student has obtained my permission. I will warn the student upon
the first infraction. After that, I will write a referral.

Video Policy
From time to time, content-related videos are shown in class. The majority are rated G, PG, and PG-13. On
very rare occasions, a content-related, R rated video may be shown. If there is ever any problem with a video, an
alternate assignment will be given, just let me know.
SOLs Overview- GRADE 10 for the full English 10 SOLs go to the Virginia Department of Educations

Oral Language
10.1 The student will participate in and report on small-group learning activities.

10.2 The student will critique oral reports of small-group learning activities.

Reading Analysis
10.3 The student will read, comprehend, and critique literary works.

10.4 The student will read and interpret informational materials.

10.5 The student will read and analyze a variety of poetry.

10.6 The student will read and critique dramatic selections.

10.7 The student will develop a variety of writing, with an emphasis on exposition.

10.8 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and

10.9 The student will critique professional and peer writing.

10.10 The student will use writing to interpret, analyze, and evaluate ideas.

10.11 The student will collect, evaluate, organize, and present information.

After reading and reviewing the syllabus with your parents/guardians and my classroom expectations please
fill out and return the syllabus certification page. I look forward to a successful semester. Please feel free to contact
me with any questions or concerns.

The Fluvanna County School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, age, national origin, marital status,
disability, sex, status of a parent, or any other legally protected status in the provision of employment services, programs, activities or treatment.
The Assistant Superintendent for Instruction is designated as the responsible person (Compliance Officer) regarding assurances of
nondiscrimination. Any complaint alleging discrimination based on a disability shall be directed to the Director for Special Services (the Section 504
Coordinator). Both may be reached at the following address: P.O. Box 419, Palmyra, VA 22963; telephone (434) 589-8208. The Fluvanna County
School Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

English 10 Honors Mrs. Jennings
Fluvanna County High School
Fall 2014

I have read and understand the attached course syllabus and expectations.

______________________________ ______________________________
Students Name (print) Students Signature /Date

_______________________________ ______________________________
Parent/Guardians Name (print) Parent/Guardians Signature/Date

______________________________ ______________________________
Parent/Guardians E-Mail Address Parent/Guardians Home Phone

______________________________ ______________________________
Parent/Guardians Work Phone Parent/Guardians Cell Phone

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