Internet Filtering

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Internet Filtering

1. Does your school/school district use Internet Filtering Software?

Yes, my school district uses Internet Filtering Software.

2. Who makes decisions about what is blocked in your district?
The IT department makes the decisions for our district.

3. Do teachers, parents, and/or students have a voice in this decision? How much?
Teachers can voice their concerns and/or opinions. They are usually taken into
consideration. However, the IT department and the Administration make the final

4. Does grade level (Elementary, Middle, Secondary) determine what is and is not blocked?
The IT department makes the final decision on what is blocked. However, we are
able to request certain sites to be unblocked if it is needed for an instructional

5. Can you access the different Web 2.0 tools discussed in this weeks Module for use in the
instructional process?
I could access blogs, wikis, cloud computing, and podcasting. I could not access
online photosharing, social book marking, RSS, social media, social networking,
and twitter.

6. Can a teacher request that a site be un-blocked for use in the instructional process? Is
there a process in place for doing this? Who do they have to ask?
Yes, teachers can request for a site to be un-blocked. A teacher would normally
go to the media specialist and make the request. In turn, the media specialist
would contact the IT department. Sometimes, the teacher may directly approach
the IT specialist; this is acceptable as well.

7. Given the potential for students to encounter undesirable material on the Internet, what is
the appropriate balance between protection and free access to information?

I feel that it is our job and responsibility to research the sites in advance and
instruct students which tools and sites will be used. If we tell them to use a
resource without proper knowledge of it, trouble is likely to arise. There are
plenty of trustworthy sites that will eliminate such issues.

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