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Health and Physical Education Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Alyssa Jackson Resources:

!rade: "
#rade Lesson: team uildin#
$%ecti&e: '()AT* complete a simple asketall acti&ity +hile learnin# aout
themsel&es and others.
'()AT* de&elop their social, emotional, and physical health as they
are playin#.
'()AT* complete this team uildin# acti&ity throu#h a asketall
#ame called Around the (orld.
-aterials: )asket all, asketall court and hoop, cones
Procedures: .irst, the students +ill complete a / lap %o# and a 0 lap run
around the #ym.
Then they +ill complete their stretchin# e1ercises.
.ollo+ed y the main acti&ity:
'tudents +ill play Around the (orld +ith a t+ist. Each shot +ill
re2uire students to ha&e to start at the e#innin#. Then they +ill
#o around to each red line. 34 they complete that success4ully,
they +ill ha&e to #o to the 0 point arch. This #ame +ill e
completed 4our times.
)e4ore each shot, the students +ill ha&e to ans+er the 4ollo+in#
5: (hat do you like aout yoursel46 7This is the 4irst 2uestion
that each student +ill ans+er durin# the 4irst #ame8.
5: (hat do you like aout your classmates6 7This is the
second 2uestion that the students +ill ask durin# the second
5: The students +ill e asked to summarized +hat they learned
aout themsel&es and their classmates.
5: (hat can your classmates impro&e on6
5: (hat ha&e you learned throu#h this acti&ity6
9ool do+n: same as +arm up, pick up and clean up #ame!"n#DllGXhN$%&'o/ed(t)usp*sh+,(ng

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