AP US Ch. 3 Questions

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Century America: Questions for Understanding

1. Name one theory for why the colony at Roanoke was lost.
2. Name one motivation for settling Jamestown.
3. Name one reason for The Starving Time 1609-1610.
4. Name one reason why John Smith was a capable leader.
5. What is the real story of Pocahontas?
6. What was significant about the House of Burgesses?
7. What is the difference between a Puritan and Separatist?
8. Where did Separatists go before the New World?
9. Where were the Pilgrims hoping to make landfall, per the Mayflower
Compact? Where did they?
10. Why didnt the Pilgrims arrive until November of 1620?
11. Name one reason for the creation of the Mayflower Compact.
12. What was the local tribe around Plymouth and who was their leader? Did
they get along?
13. Why did King Charles I become unpopular with Puritans and cause an exodus
in 1629-1630?
14. Explain the transition of Mass Bay as a joint-stock corporation into a political
15. Would John Winthrop and Roger Williams have gotten along?
16. Why was Anne Hutchinson considered heretical?
17. What was the motivation behind the Pequot War of 1637? Outcome?
18. How did Puritans feel about Native Americans? Pg. 67
19. Why did Metacom (King Philip) attack the English, igniting war?
20. What was the outcome of the 1675-1676 conflict?
21. What is a yeoman?
22. What was Governor Berkley of Jamestowns biggest mistake?
23. Who was Nathaniel Bacon?
24. Historical significance of Bacons Rebellion?
25. Name one possible explanation for an accusation of witchcraft in 17

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