Outdoor Play Lists

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Jen Langer

September 1, 2014
Outdoor Play Area/ Classroom Assignment
For me an outdoor classroom should have everything that an indoor
one has, but more everything. I dont see the need to rotate toys as
o!ten, but still some. "he space itsel! is huge and o#ers many di#erent
areas to play, all $hile still visible to the teacher. It is set up in a $ay
that invites children to discover and investigate. It has path$ays and
noo%s and building and climbing spaces along $ith dramatic play and
reading and the list goes on.
Wish List is divided into the following areas:
large open area !or group activities and structured games
&usical instruments' drums, cymbals, maracas, (ylophone )some real
materials others recycled*
+limbing,cra$ling area - tunnels, climbing $alls, as $ell as trees, rope
ladders, etc.
&essy materials area - under shaded area, table, chairs, easels,
include paints, paper, brush mediums, smoc%s, roc%s, logs, stic%s, glue
)cra!t . $ood - not ready !or hot glue yet*, sand paper, a place to
display, and anything else that loo%s li%e it $ould be !un here.
/uilding area - cones, truc%s, ropes, pulleys, buc%ets, bloc%s, plan%s,
hammers, nails, real tools
0ature art area - microscope, color paddles, mirrors, containers,
magni!ying glasses, goggles, smoc%s, buc%ets, shovels, table, chairs,
clipboards, pencils, separate garden space
1 gathering place - I see this a double duty. I love the stumps used as
seating at the 234F center. Stumps could be used !or balancing,
5umping, building . gathering. I also see picnic blan%ets here. &aybe
a plat!orm6
Storage area - these $ould be all over . convenient !or the areas
$here they $ould typically play $ith the stored items. "here $ould be
benches, sheds, bas%ets,buc%ets. "hey $ould have hoo%s . shelves
$hen needed.
3ater area - I see a $ater path$ay )cemented* going into a shallo$
pond )5ust a couple o! inches* $ith a pump to %eep $ater 7o$ing on
the path$ay. I see $ater valves the %ids can use !or $arm and cold
$ater. /uc%ets, bins, paintbrushes, paint rollers, gutters, 7oating toys,
large clear bin !or 7oat,sin% e(periments, sensory table, bridges too8
9irt:digging area, real shovels . ra%es, buc%ets, gutters, diggers,
cardboard tubes, cones
Sand area - typical beach toys, shovels, potted plants, close to loose
3heeled:toy area - Im thin%ing long t$isting path $ith many turns and
intersections, $ide enough !or 2.; tri%es. /icycles, tri%es, cars,
scooters, tra<c signs, helmets, par%ing area, bridges
S$ings or other dynamic e=uipment - s$ings $ould be in its o$n
separate space, $ith a lo$ !ence around it to avoid accidentally
collisions. 1nd $e need to have a tire s$ing8 >r one o! those plat!orm
s$ings )probably could rotate them in the same space*. 3hen I thin%
o! other e=uipment I thin% o! the 4ainbo$ system. I li%e the $ood .
the maintenance plan . the variety. I do not li%e the metal and plastic
commercial e=uipment. 3e $ould need a 5umping plat!orm, di#erent
types o! climbing on to the structures.
Loose Parts & Storage
&any o! the things I listed above.
"ubes o! various shapes and si?es
/lan%ets, scarves, ropes
Lumber pieces
Im hitting a mind bloc% right no$. /ut basically anything that $ould
depth and a hit o! surprise to an area. Storage $ould be all over,
convenient to $here they $ould play $ith the items the ma5ority o! the
time. I $ould li%e everything to be covered $hen stored to %eep out
pests and $eather damage. I li%e the idea o! di#erent storage items
such as benches and trun%s. I $ould hope!ully have a large shed to
%eep items !or rotating . maintenance e=uipment nearby, but not in
the play space.
I probably $ould not have a green house. /ut I li%e the idea o! the
garden, especially a!ter the article I read. It $ould be a separate
space, but directly accessible to the play space. 1 !riend o! mine had
hers on the ground and used 1 !oot bloc% pavers in bet$een the
di#erent sections. I could do something similar, but divide them
bet$een classrooms. I also thin% having a variety o! plants, bushes,
7o$ers and trees in the play space is ideal.
What I an add today list
In my situation, I have a hard time 5usti!ying a lot o! !unds to add some
o! the things I thin% $ould be totally a$esome, since they $ill only be
used !or a short time . Im not sure ho$ or $here they $ill @t on the
lot !or the center yet. /ut i! I $ere to choose 2 to start tomorro$ they
$ould be adding more blan%ets and material, ropes, . @nishing my art
area. Ive had plans to ma%e a Ale(iglas easel outside all summer. I
5ust have not had time to put it together. /ut I did see an image o! a
simpler design6 hope!ully I can get that done.
/!" #otal Points

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