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Flowchart of Solvent Extraction Plant (SEP) for Rice Bran

Rice Bran Preparatory Section Pellets Extractor

(Raw Material)
Miscella (Oil + Hexane)

Conensation of Hexane

Re!se in process
"e#oile Rice Bran + Hexane
"esolventise $ %oaste "e#
oile Rice Bran (By#Pro!ct)
Conensation of
Final Recovery of Hexane
!sin& water $ vapo!r
a'sorption syste(
Miscella cleanin& !sin& water
"istillation of Miscella
Pac)e in &!nny
Hexane re!se in
Evaporation of
hexane fro( water
Oil sent to
Oil %an)
Flowchart of Solvent Extraction Plant (SEP) for Oil Ca)e

Conensation of Hexane

Re!se in process
"e#oile ca)e + Hexane
"esolventise $ %oaste "e#
oile ca)e (By#Pro!ct)
Conensation of
Final Recovery of Hexane
!sin& water $ vapo!r
a'sorption syste(
Miscella cleanin& !sin& water
"istillation of Miscella
Pac)e in &!nny
Hexane re!se in
Evaporation of
hexane fro( water
Oil sent to
Oil %an)
Miscella (Oil + Hexane)
Oil Ca)e (Raw
Material Balance per ay of Solvent Extraction Plant in case of Rice Bran an Oil ca)e
Raw Material # Rice Bran *++ %ons
Finishe Pro!ct , Rice Bran Oil -. %ons
By#Pro!ct , "e#oile Rice Bran /0/ %ons
Raw Material , Oil ca)e *++ %ons
Finishe Pro!ct ,Oil /1 %ons
By#Pro!ct , "e#oile ca)e /1* %ons
Water Balance of Solvent Extraction Plant of 300 TPD
2ater 3np!t in solvent extraction plant per ay # 4 tons
2ater !se in solvent extraction plant per ay
56 2ater Evaporation 7oss thro!&h Coolin& tower water8 0-+ (*x 56*9: 16+/ tons4
/6 2ater "rift 7oss thro!&h Coolin& tower water # +6+094
*6 2ater Blowown thro!&h Coolin& %ower# 4
-6 2ater !se in Miscella Cleanin& sent to E%P: /6- tons
06 2ater !se in Final Recovery of Hexane which after evaporatin& hexance is sent to E%P: 5-6- tons
;6 2ater Blowown thro!&h Boiler # 4

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