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Attach this to your extended response for each of the following questions.
Mr. Hollands Opus
1. What time period does the movie start out in? End in?
. What is !r. "olland#s greatest dream?
$. "ow would you descri%e !r. "olland#s attitude toward his wife and
son during &ole#s life from ' to high school?
(. )o you %elieve &ole#s deafness had anything to do with !r. "olland#s
attitudes a%out his family? Why and*or how?
+. What was the turning point, in regards to his relationships within his
family, for !r. "olland?
-. .uppose !r. "olland had never ta/en the 0o% as a teacher, how do you
suppose this would have affected the outcome of his life?
1. "earing mothers of deaf children often ta/e on the role of
2communication expert3 with regards to their deaf children, often
%elieving they are %etter than they really are4 did you see this happen
with &ole#s mother? 5ive an example.
6. "ow is the information presented and lessons learned from this movie
connected to anything else in life4 where can you ma/e connections?
7. )o you feel that if this same scenario %egan in the year you were %orn
that the outcomes would have %een different? "ow and why?

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