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Choose the correct answers.

Where did Mary and

Joseph have to sleep?
a) in a house
b) in a stable
c) in a castle
Where did the baby
Jesus sleep?
a) in a manger
b) in a cradle
c) in a bed
What did the wise men
a) a cart
b) a shepherd
c) a star
What was Josephs job?
a) a shepherd
b) a carpenter
c) a ing
What colour is !antas
a) red
b) green
c) white
"ow does !anta get into
the house?
a) through
the window
b) through
the door
c) through
the chimney
What night does !anta
come? a) #$ %ecember
b) #& %ecember
c) #' %ecember
What is !antas lead
reindeer called?
a) (i)en
b) *udolph
c) %onder
%id Joseph and Mary see
an angel?
a) yes
b) no
c) maybe
What did the wise men
a) gold+ silver+
b) gold+ incense+
c) gold+ water+
What was the evil ings
a) ,ugustus
b) Caesar
c) "erod
What place did Joseph
and Mary go to?
a) -a.areth
b) Jerusalem
c) /ethlehem
What does !anta carry
the toys in?
a) in a sac
b) in a bo)
c) in a pocet
What do children hang
up for !anta to put the toys
in? a) a coat
b) a bag
c) a stocing
Who helpes !anta to
mae toys at the -orth
a) reindeer
b) elves
c) witches
What do reindeer pull?
a) a sleigh
b) a cart
c) a boat
What bird is cooed for
Christmas dinner?
a) duc
b) chicen
c) turey
Where are the presents
ept before opening them?
a) in the window
b) under the tree
c) behind the door
What is hung outside
on the door?
a) a wreath
b) a bell
c) a star
What ind of songs
are sung?
a) carols
b) pop songs
c) gospels
/efore electricity+
these were put on the
a) lamps
b) torches
c) candles
What is common four1
letter abbreviation of
a) 2mas
b) Wmas
c) 3mas

What ind of calendar
is opened by children
leading up to Christmas?
a) ,dvent
b) 2ear
c) Month
Whats a popular
Christmas dessert?
a) chocolate
b) pancae
c) pudding

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