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Georgia Studies Government Study Guide

SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgias constitution.
a. Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution.
b. Explain the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances.
c. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
d. Explain voting qualifications and elections in Georgia.
e. Explain the role of political parties in government.
f. Identify wisdom, justice, and moderation as the three principles of the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Georgia Flag.

Who? and/or What?
Why and/or How? Explain its connection to the GPS, its
impact on GA, and/or the big picture.
Level of knowledge:
Novice (just starting
to learn this and dont
understand it, l)
Apprentice (starting
to understand but
still get confused)
Expert (could teach it
to the class)

Government What is the purpose of government?

GAs Constitution How is GAs Constitution structured (# of Articles, different
sections, etc.)?

Separation of Powers What impact does Separation of Powers have on our govt.?

Checks and Balances How do Checks and Balances impact our govt.?

What are some examples of checks and balances (how can
the legislative branch check the execute, how can the
executive check the legislative, how can the judicial check
the executive/legislative)

Rights What are some examples of the rights of the citizens of GA?

Responsibilities What are some examples of the responsibilities of the
citizens of GA?

Voting Requirements What are Georgias voting requirements?

Elections How are elections held in Georgia?

Political Parties What are the roles of political parties in govt.?

Pledge of Allegiance to the
GA Flag (Wisdom, Justice,
and Moderation)
What is the relevance of the GA Flag containing the three
principles of Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation?

S8CG2 The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia state government.
a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of members of the General Assembly.
b. Describe the organization of the General Assembly, with emphasis on leadership and the committee
c. Evaluate how the legislative branch fulfills its role as the lawmaking body for the state of Georgia
Who? and/or What?
Why and/or How? Explain its connection to the GPS, its
impact on GA, and/or the big picture.
Level of knowledge:
Novice (just starting to
learn this and dont
understand it)
Apprentice (starting to
understand but still get
Expert (could teach it
to the class)

Legislative Branch Role What is the purpose of the Legislative Branch?

What is Georgias legislative branch called?

How is the legislative branch in Georgia set up (how is it

Georgia House of
What are the qualifications for a member of the House of

Who is the leader of the House of Representatives? What is
their function as the leader of the House of Representatives?

How many members are in the House of Representatives?

Georgia State Senate What are the qualifications for a member of Georgias State

Who is the leader of the Senate? What is their function as the
leader of the Senate?

How many members are in the Senate?

Committees Why are committees important in the legislative process?

Who serves on committees?

Lawmaking What are the steps of the lawmaking process (how does a bill
become a law?)

SS8CG3 The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state government.
a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the governor and lieutenant governor.
b. Describe the organization of the executive branch, with emphasis on major policy areas of state
programs; include education, human resources, public safety, transportation, economic
development, and natural resources.
c. Evaluate how the executive branch fulfills its role through state agencies that administer
programs and enforce laws.
Who? and/or What?
Why and/or How? Explain its connection to the GPS, its
impact on GA, and/or the big picture.
Level of knowledge:
Novice (just starting to
learn this and dont
understand it)
Apprentice (starting to
understand but still get
Expert (could teach it
to the class)

Governor What are the qualifications to be governor in the state of

How long are the terms for the governor?

What are the duties of the governor?

What role does the governor play in the lawmaking process?

Lieutenant Governor What are the qualifications to be lieutenant governor in the
state of Georgia?

How long are the terms for the lieutenant governor?

What are the duties of the lieutenant governor?

Organization of the
Executive Branch
What major departments make up the executive branch?


SS8CG4 The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state government.
a. Explain the structure of the court system in Georgia including trial and appellate procedures
and how judges are selected.
b. Explain the difference between criminal law and civil law.
c. Describe the adult justice system, emphasizing the different jurisdictions, terminology, and
steps in the criminal justice process.
d. Describe ways to avoid trouble and settle disputes peacefully.
e. Evaluate how the judicial branch fulfills its role in interpreting the laws of Georgia and
ensuring justice in our legal system.

Who? and/or What?
Why and/or How? Explain its connection to the GPS, its
impact on GA, and/or the big picture.
Level of knowledge:
Novice (just starting to
learn this and dont
understand it)
Apprentice (starting to
understand but still get
Expert (could teach it
to the class)

Appellate Courts What two courts make up the Appellate Court System?

What does the Court of Appeals do and how is it organized?

What court is the highest court in the state?

How are the judges in the Appellate Court system selected?

Trail Courts What are trial courts?

What five courts make up the trial court system and what are
their jurisdictions?

How are the judges in the Trial Courts selected?

Criminal Law What is criminal law?

What are some examples of criminal law?

Civil Law What is Civil Law?
What are some examples of civil law?

Judicial Branch Role What is the role of the Judicial Branch?

SS8CG5: The student will analyze the role of local governments in the state of Georgia.
a. Explain the origins, functions, purposes, and differences of county and city governments in Georgia.
b. Compare and contrast the weak mayor-council, the strong mayor-council, and the council-manager
forms of city government.
c. Describe the functions of special-purpose governments.
SS8E4: The student will identify revenue sources and services provided by state and local governments.
a. Trace sources of state revenue such as sales taxes, federal grants, personal income taxes, and
property taxes.
b. Explain the distribution of state revenue to provide services.
c. Evaluate how choices are made given the limited revenues of state and local governments.

Who? and/or What?
Why and/or How? Explain its connection to the GPS, its impact
on GA, and/or the big picture.
Level of knowledge:
Novice (just starting to
learn this and dont
understand it)
Apprentice (starting to
understand but still get
Expert (could teach it
to the class)

Local Government What is the purpose of local governments (county and/or

County Government What is the purpose of county governments and how do they
differ from city governments?

City Government What is the purpose of city governments and how do they
differ from county governments?

Weak Mayor-
How is the Weak Mayor-Council form of city government
similar and different from Strong Mayor-Council and the

Strong Mayor-
How is the Strong Mayor-Council form of city government
similar and different from Weak Mayor-Council and the

Council-Manager How is the Council-Manager form of city government similar
and different from Weak Mayor-Council and the Strong Mayor-

Special Purpose
What are some examples of functions provided by Special
Purpose Governments?

Revenue What are the main sources of revenue for GA?

How is state revenue distributed to provide services?

SS8CG6 The student will explain how the Georgia court system treats juvenile offenders.
a. Explain the difference between delinquent behavior and unruly behavior and the consequences of each
b. Describe the rights of juveniles when taken into custody.
c. Describe the juvenile justice system, emphasizing the different jurisdictions, terminology, and steps in
the juvenile justice process.
d. Explain the seven delinquent behaviors that can subject juvenile offenders to the adult criminal process,
how the decision to transfer to adult court is made, and the possible consequences.

Who? and/or What?
Why and/or How? Explain its connection to the GPS, its
impact on GA, and/or the big picture.
Level of knowledge:
Novice (just starting to
learn this and dont
understand it)
Apprentice (starting to
understand but still get
Expert (could teach it to
the class)

Juvenile Who is considered a Juvenile in the state of GA?

How are juveniles treated different than adults
according to Georgias justice system?

Delinquent Behavior What is the difference between delinquent and unruly
behavior and what are the consequences of each?

Unruly Behavior
Rights of Juveniles What are some examples of the rights of juveniles when
taken into custody in Georgia?

Juvenile Justice System What are the steps in the juvenile justice system in

7 Delinquent
Information/Notes (5 Ws and H):
What are the 7 delinquent behaviors that can subject juvenile defenders to the adult justice
system in Georgia and what are the possible consequences of each?








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