Lesson Plan CSC 155

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Katie Hostutler

Prof. Bortz
CSC 155
September 25, 2014
Lesson Plan


1. Objectives to Meet Goals:
Students will recite the alphabet
Students will identify the sounds of each letter
Students will associate the names of animals with a particular letter
Students will draw the animals with their assigned letter
Students will write a journal entry describing the animal
Students will have their picture taken with their drawing and letter and a
Alphabet album will be made with all the students letters and drawings

2. Common Core Standard:
Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media:
Understands the main idea or message in visual media
Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process: Understands
that print conveys meaning (i.e., knows that printed letters and words
represent spoken language)

3. Motivational Techniques:
To set the lesson in motion I will ask the students what their favorite animal
is. We will then watch a short video about the animal alphabet.

4. Materials Needed:
Animal Alphabet video
Pencils and erasers
White construction paper, 1 sheet per student

5. Procedure for the Lesson:
We will have a 10 minute discussion about the students favorite animal
We will watch the animal alphabet video
We will have 5 minutes to go over the entire alphabet and have the students
repeat after me
I will assign each student a letter
The students will have about 20-25 minutes to practice writing the letter and
pronouncing it and then will draw an animal that begins with their particular
Time permitting we will present each animal to the class and take the
students picture

6. Academic Language:
The language of the subject matter is repetition and pronunciation.

7. Assessment Methods:
When the students present their letter and animal in front of the class I will
determine the extent to which they attained the core standard and objective

8. Evaluation of Field Experience/ Students Performance
Three points: Students were highly engaged in class and group discussions;
clearly identified all the letters of the alphabet and their sounds; and created
colorful and unique drawings that demonstrated a solid understanding of a
particular letter and its sounds.
Two points: Students participated in class and group discussions;
adequately identified most of the letters of the alphabet and their sounds;
and created somewhat colorful and unique drawings that demonstrated a
basic understanding of a particular letter and its sounds.
One point: Students participated minimally in class and group discussions;
were unable to identify most of the letters of the alphabet and their sounds;
and created incomplete drawings that did not demonstrate a basic
understanding of a particular letter and its sounds

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