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Review Questions
End-to-End Delay

Consider sending a packet from a source ost

to a destination ost over a fi!ed route" #ist
te delay components in te end-to-end delay"
$ic of tese delays are constant and wic
are varia%le&

Answer' processing delays( transmission

delays( propagation delays( and )ueuing
delays" *ll are fi!ed( e!cept for te )ueuing

Review Question

Calculate te total time re)uired to transfer a +"5 ,-

file in te following cases( assuming te end-to-end
delay is ./ ms( a packet si0e of +1- data'

2e transfer rate is +/ ,%ps( and data can %e sent


2e transfer rate is +/ ,%ps( %ut after we finis sending

eac data packet we must wait one end-to-end delay
%efore sending te ne!t

2e link allows infinitely fast transmit( %ut limits transfer rate

suc tat only 2/ packets can %e sent per end-to-end delay

Review Question

Consider a point-to-point link 5/ km in lengt"

*t wat transfer rate would propagation delay
3at a speed of 2 ! +/45 m6sec7 e)ual
transmission delay for +// %yte packets&
$at a%out 5+2-%yte packets&

Review Question

Suppose a +25-1%ps point-to-point link is set up

%etween Eart and a rover on ,ars" 2e
distance from Eart to ,ars 3wen tey are
closest togeter7 is appro!imately 55 8m( and
data travels over te link at te speed of ligt
39+/45 m6sec"

* camera on te rover takes pictures of its

surroundings and sends tese to Eart" :ow )uickly
after a picture is taken can it reac ,ission Control
on Eart& *ssume tat eac image is 5 ,- in si0e"

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