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Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering


Warren !ffe" Cl!# A$"i%i"ie& for '
Se(e&"er MA (Finan$e S)e$iali*a"ion)
Signa"!re of Fa$!l"y+
S!re&, A S Signa"!re of -OD
No/ -o!r& Da"e A$"i%i"ie&
1 2 hr 16/8/14
How to save our hard earned money? An introduction
on various Investment and Saving avenues.
2 2 hr 23/8/14
ormation o! grou" #$ students in each grou"%& each
grou" wi'' (e as)ed to se'ect $ stoc)s #sector wise% and
identi!y *eturn and *is).
3 2 hr 3+/8/14 ,he (est sector and stoc) to invest right now.
4 2 hr +6/-/14 *evision o! stoc) and chec)ing the .eta/s o! the stoc).
$ 2 hr 13/-/14
Insurance 0 ,he 1reatest !riend when we are in trou('e&
2ach grou" se'ects one insurance com"any and studies
one "roduct #1enera' 3 4i!e 3 Hea'th insurance%
6 2 hr 2+/-/14
5resentation on Insurance (ased on the data co''ected&
6hat is ,erm Insurance 7 a discussion on im"ortance
o! term insurance.
8 2 hr 28/+-/14
4I92 ,*A:I;1 7 An attem"t to veri!y whether theory
and actua' mar)et conditions match.
8 2 hr 11/1+/14
<utua' und 7 ,a= saver or >or"us .ui'der?
4isting out various <utua' und com"anies in India.
>om"are ;A9/s !or $ years.
- 2 hr 18/1+/14
5ort!o'io "er!ormance 2va'uation 0 A 1uide to se'ect
the (est mutua' !und.
1+ 2 hr 2$/1+/14
5resentation (y grou" #Assessing which Sector&
Insurance and <utua' !und gives the (est return%
11 2 hr 1$/11/14
5resentation (y grou" #Assessing which Sector&
Insurance and <utua' !und gives the (est return%
12 2 hr 22/11/14
*ewarding the (est grou" 7 An a""reciation !or the
e!!orts ta)en (y the c'u( mem(ers.

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