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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

S#$%&'( 1. Title. ) T*&+ A$% +*,-- .# /('0( ,+ %*# "amily Courts !ct of "##$".

S#$. 2. Statement of %ational Policies. ) T*# S%,%# +*,-- 12'%#$% %*# 2&3*%+ ,(4 12'5'%# %*# 0#-6,2# '6
$*&-42#( &( /##1&(3 0&%* %*# 5,(4,%# '6 %*# C'(+%&%7%&'( ,(4 %*# 12#$#1%+ '6 %*# U(&%#4 N,%&'(+
C'(8#(%&'( '( %*# 2&3*%+ '6 %*# C*&-4. T*# S%,%# +*,-- 12'8&4# , +9+%#5 '6 ,4:74&$,%&'( 6'2 9'7%*67-
'66#(4#2+ 0*&$* %,/#+ &(%' ,$$'7(% %*#&2 1#$7-&,2 $&2$75+%,($#+.

T*# S%,%# 2#$'3(&;#+ %*# +,($%&%9 '6 6,5&-9 -&6# ,(4 +*,-- 12'%#$% ,(4 +%2#(3%*#( %*# 6,5&-9 ,+ , .,+&$
,7%'('5'7+ +'$&,- &(+%&%7%&'(. T*# $'72%+ +*,-- 12#+#28# %*# +'-&4,2&%9 '6 %*# 6,5&-9, 12'8&4# 12'$#472#+
6'2 %*# 2#$'($&-&,%&'( '6 +1'7+#+ ,(4 %*# ,5&$,.-# +#%%-#5#(% '6 6,5&-9 $'(%2'8#2+9.

S#$. 3. &stablishment of amily Courts. ) T*#2# +*,-- .# #+%,.-&+*#4 , F,5&-9 C'72% &( #8#29 12'8&($# ,(4
$&%9 &( %*# $'7(%29. I( $,+# 0*#2# %*# $&%9 &+ %*# $,1&%,- '6 %*# 12'8&($#, %*# F,5&-9 C'72% +*,-- .#
#+%,.-&+*#4 &( %*# 57(&$&1,-&%9 0*&$* *,+ %*# *&3*#+% 1'17-,%&'(.

S#$. <. 'ualification and Training of amily Court (udges. ) S#$. 1= '6 B,%,+ P,5.,(+, B-3. 129, ,+
,5#(4#4, &+ *#2#.9 672%*#2 ,5#(4#4 %' 2#,4 ,+ 6'--'0+>
?S#$. 1=. @,A 'ualification. ) N' 1#2+'( +*,-- .# ,11'&(%#4 R#3&'(,- T2&,- J743# '2 P2#+&4&(3 J743# '6
%*# F,5&-9 C'72% 7(-#++ *# &+ , (,%72,-).'2( $&%&;#( '6 %*# P*&-&11&(#+, ,% -#,+% %*&2%9)6&8# @3=A 9#,2+ '6
,3#, ,(4, 6'2 ,% -#,+% %#( @1"A 9#,2+, *,+ .##( #(3,3#4 &( %*# 12,$%&$# '6 -,0 &( %*# P*&-&11&(#+ '2 *,+
*#-4 , 17.-&$ '66&$# &( %*# P*&-&11&(#+ 2#B7&2&(3 ,45&++&'( %' %*# 12,$%&$# '6 -,0 ,+ &(4&+1#(+,.-#
?@.A Training of amily Court (udges. ) T*# P2#+&4&(3 J743#, ,+ 0#-- ,+ %*# $'72% 1#2+'((#- '6 %*# F,5&-9
C'72%+, +*,-- 7(4#23' %2,&(&(3 ,(4 57+% *,8# %*# #C1#2&#($# ,(4 4#5'(+%2,%#4 ,.&-&%9 &( 4#,-&(3 0&%*
$*&-4 ,(4 6,5&-9 $,+#+.

?T*# S712#5# C'72% +*,-- 12'8&4# , $'(%&(7&(3 #47$,%&'( 12'32,5 '( $*&-4 ,(4 6,5&-9 -,0+, 12'$#472#
,(4 '%*#2 2#-,%#4 4&+$&1-&(#+ %' :743#+ ,(4 1#2+'((#- '6 +7$* $'72%+.?

S#$. =. (urisdiction offamily Courts. ) T*# F,5&-9 C'72%+ +*,-- *,8# #C$-7+&8# '2&3&(,- :72&+4&$%&'( %' *#,2
,(4 4#$&4# %*# 6'--'0&(3 $,+#+>

,A C2&5&(,- $,+#+ 0*#2# '(# '2 5'2# '6 %*# ,$$7+#4 &+ .#-'0 #&3*%##( @18A 9#,2+ '6 ,3# .7% ('% -#++ %*,(
(&(# @9A 9#,2+ '6 ,3# .7% ('% -#++ %*,( (&(# @9A 9#,2+ '6 ,3# '2 0*#2# '(# '2 5'2# '6 %*# 8&$%&5+ &+ , 5&('2
,% %*# %&5# '6 %*# $'55&++&'( '6 %*# '66#(+#> P2'8&4#4, T*,% &6 %*# 5&('2 &+ 6'7(4 37&-%9, %*# $'72% +*,--
12'57-3,%# +#(%#($# ,(4 ,+$#2%,&( ,(9 $&8&- -&,.&-&%9 0*&$* %*# ,$$7+#4 5,9 *,8# &($722#4.
T*# +#(%#($#, *'0#8#2, +*,-- .# +7+1#(4#4 0&%*'7% (##4 '6 ,11-&$,%&'( 172+7,(% %' P%#+&4#(%&,-
D#$2## N'. 6"3, '%*#20&+# /('0( ,+ %*# ?C*&-4 ,(4 Y'7%* #-6,2# C'4#?D
.A P#%&%&'(+ 6'2 37,24&,(+*&1, $7+%'49 '6 $*&-42#(, *,.#,+ $'217+ &( 2#-,%&'( %' %*# -,%%#2D
$A P#%&%&'(+ 6'2 ,4'1%&'( '6 $*&-42#( ,(4 %*# 2#8'$,%&'( %*#2#'6D
4A C'51-,&(%+ 6'2 ,((7-5#(% '6 5,22&,3#, 4#$-,2,%&'( '6 (7--&%9 '6 5,22&,3# ,(4 %*'+# 2#-,%&(3 %'
5,2&%,- +%,%7+ ,(4 12'1#2%9 2#-,%&'(+ '6 *7+.,(4 ,(4 0&6# '2 %*'+# -&8&(3 %'3#%*#2 7(4#2 4&66#2#(%
+%,%7+ ,(4 ,32##5#(%+, ,(4 1#%&%&'(+ 6'2 4&++'-7%&'( '6 $'(:73,- 1,2%(#2+*&1 '6 3,&(+D
#A P#%&%&'(+ 6'2 +711'2% ,(4E'2 ,$/('0-#435#(%D
6A S755,29 :74&$&,- 12'$##4&(3+ .2'73*% 7(4#2 %*# 12'8&+&'(+ '6 EC#$7%&8# O24#2 N'. 2"9, '%*#20&+#
/('0( ,+ %*# "amily Code of the Philippines"D
3A P#%&%&'(+ 6'2 4#$-,2,%&'( '6 +%,%7+ '6 $*&-42#( ,+ ,.,(4'(#4, 4#1#(4#(% ' (#3-#$%#4 $*&-42#(,
1#%&%&'(+ 6'2 8'-7(%,29 '2 &(8'-7(%,29 $'55&%5#(% '6 $*&-42#(D %*# +7+1#(+&'(, %#25&(,%&'(, '2
2#+%'2,%&'( '6 1,2#(%,- ,7%*'2&%9 ,(4 '%*#2 $,+#+ $'3(&;,.-# 7(4#2 P2#+&4#(%&,- D#$2## N'. 6"3,
EC#$7%&8# O24#2 N'. =6, @S#2&#+ '6 1986A, ,(4 '%*#2 2#-,%#4 -,0+D
*A P#%&%&'(+ 6'2 %*# $'(+%&%7%&'( '6 %*# 6,5&-9 *'5#D
&A C,+#+ ,3,&(+% 5&('2+ $'3(&;,.-# 7(4#2 %*# D,(3#2'7+ D273+ A$%, ,+ ,5#(4#4D
:A V&'-,%&'(+ '6 R#17.-&$ A$% N'. F61", '%*#20&+# /('0( ,+ %*# "Special Protection of Children !gainst
Child !buse) &*ploitation and +iscrimination !ct)" ,+ ,5#(4#4 .9 R#17.-&$ A$% N'. F6=8D ,(4
/A C,+#+ '6 4'5#+%&$ 8&'-#($# ,3,&(+%>
", -omen . /hich are acts of gender based violence that results) or are li0ely to result in physical) se*ual
or psychological harm or suffering to /omen1 and other forms of physical abuse such as battering or
threats and coercion /hich violate a /oman2s personhood) integrity and freedom movement1 and

3, Children . /hich include the commission of all forms of abuse) neglect) cruelty) e*ploitation) violence)
and discrimination and all other conditions pre4udicial to their development.
I6 ,( ,$% $'(+%&%7%#+ , $2&5&(,- '66#(+#, %*# ,$$7+#4 '2 .,%%#2#2 +*,-- .# +7.:#$% %' $2&5&(,- 12'$##4&(3+
,(4 %*# $'22#+1'(4&(3 1#(,-%&#+.
I6 ,(9 B7#+%&'( &(8'-8&(3 ,(9 '6 %*# ,.'8# 5,%%#2+ +*'7-4 ,2&+# ,+ ,( &($&4#(% &( ,(9 $,+# 1#(4&(3 &( %*#
2#37-,2 $'72%+, +,&4 &($&4#(% +*,-- .# 4#%#25&(#4 &( %*,% $'72%.
S#$. 6. 5se of 6ncome. ) A-- F,5&-9 C'72%+ +*,-- .# ,--'0#4 %*# 7+# '6 %#( 1#2 $#(% @1"GA '6 %*#&2 &($'5#
4#2&8#4 62'5 6&-&(3 ,(4 '%*#2 $'72% 6##+ 7(4#2 R7-# 1<1 '6 %*# R7-#+ '6 C'72% 6'2 2#+#,2$* ,(4 '%*#2
'1#2,%&(3 #C1#(+#+ &($-74&(3 $,1&%,- '7%-,9> P2'8&4#4, T*,% %*&+ .#(#6&% +*,-- -&/#0&+# .# #(:'9#4 .9 ,--
$'72%+ '6 :7+%&$#.
T*# S712#5# C'72% +*,-- 12'57-3,%# %*# (#$#++,29 37&4#-&(#+ %' #66#$%&8#-9 &51-#5#(% %*# 12'8&+&'(+ '6
%*&+ S#$.
S#$. F. Special Provisional Remedies. ) I( $,+#+ '6 8&'-#($# ,5'(3 &55#4&,%# 6,5&-9 5#5.#2+ -&8&(3 &(
%*# +,5# 4'5&$&-# '2 *'7+#*'-4, %*# F,5&-9 C'72% 5,9 &++7# , 2#+%2,&(&(3 '24#2 ,3,&(+% %*# ,$$7+#4 '6
4#6#(4,(% 71'( 8#2&6&#4 ,11-&$,%&'( .9 %*# $'51-,&(,(% '2 %*# 8&$%&5 6'2 2#-&#6 62'5 ,.7+#.
T*# $'72% 5,9 '24#2 %*# %#51'2,29 $7+%'49 '6 $*&-42#( &( ,-- $&8&- ,$%&'(+ 6'2 %*#&2 $7+%'49. T*# $'72% 5,9
,-+' '24#2 +711'2% 1#(4#(%# -&%#, &($-74&(3 4#47$%&'( 62'5 %*# +,-,29 ,(4 7+# '6 $'(:73,- *'5# ,(4 '%*#2
12'1#2%&#+ &( ,-- $&8&- ,$%&'(+ 6'2 +711'2%.
S#$. 8. Supervision of 7outh +etention Homes. . T*# :743# '6 %*# F,5&-9 C'72% +*,-- *,8# 4&2#$% $'(%2'-
,(4 +71#28&+&'( '6 %*# 9'7%* 4#%#(%&'( *'5# 0*&$* %*# -'$,- 3'8#2(5#(% 7(&% +*,-- #+%,.-&+* %' +#1,2,%#
%*# 9'7%* '66#(4#2+ 62'5 ,47-% $2&5&(,-+> P2'8&4#4, *'0#8#2, T*,% ,-%#2(,%&8#+ %' 4#%#(%&'( ,(4
&(+%&%7%&'(,- $,2# +*,-- .# 5,4# ,8,&-,.-# %' %*# ,$$7+#4 &($-74&(3 $'7(+#-&(3, 2#$'3(&;,($#, .,&-,
$'557(&%9 $'(%&(775, '2 4&8#2+&'(+ 62'5 %*# :7+%&$#+9+%#5> P2'8&4#4, 672%*#2, T*,% %*# *75,( 2&3*%+ '6
%*# ,$$7+#4 ,2# 67--9 2#+1#$%#4 &( , 5,((#2 ,112'12&,%# %' %*#&2 0#--).#&(3.
S#$. 9. Social Services and Counseling +ivision. ) U(4#2 %*# 37&4,($# '6%*# D#1,2%5#(% '6 S'$&,- #-6,2#
,(4 D#8#-'15#(% @DSDA, , S'$&,- S#28&$#+ ,(4 C'7(+#-&(3 D&8&+&'( @SSCDA +*,-- .# #+%,.-&+*#4 &( #,$*
:74&$&,- 2#3&'( ,+ %*# S712#5# C'72% +*,-- 4##5 (#$#++,29 .,+#4 '( %*# (75.#2 '6 :78#(&-# ,(4 6,5&-9
$,+#+ #C&+%&(3 &( +7$* :72&+4&$%&'(. I% +*,-- 12'8&4# ,112'12&,%# +'$&,- +#28&$#+ %' ,-- :78#(&-# ,(4 6,5&-9
$,+#+ 6&-#4 0&%* %*# $'72% ,(4 2#$'55#(4 %*# 12'1#2 +'$&,- ,$%&'(. I% +*,-- ,-+' 4#8#-'1 12'32,5+,
6'257-,%# 7(&6'25 1'-&$&#+ ,(4 12'$#472#+, ,(4 12'8&4# %#$*(&$,- +71#28&+&'( ,(4 5'(&%'2&(3 '6 ,-- SSCD
&( $''24&(,%&'( 0&%* %*# :743#.
S#$. 1". Social Services and Counseling +ivision Staff. . T*# SSCD +*,-- *,8# , +%,66 $'51'+#4 '6
B7,-&6&#4 +'$&,- 0'2/#2+ ,(4 '%*#2 1#2+'((#- 0&%* ,$,4#5&$ 12#1,2,%&'( &( .#*,8&'2,- +$&#($#+ %' $,229
'7% %*# 47%&#+H'6 $'(47$%&(3 &(%,/# ,++#++5#(%, +'$&,- $,+# +%74&#+, $,+#0'2/ ,(4 $'7(+#-&(3, ,(4
'%*#2+'$&,- +#28&$#+ %*,% 5,9 .# (##4#4 &( $'((#$%&'( 0&%* $,+#+ 6&-#4 0&%* %*# $'72%> P2'8&4#4, *'0#8#2,
T*,% &( ,4'1%&'( $,+#+ ,(4 &( 1#%&%&'(+ 6'2 4#$-,2,%&'( '6 ,.,(4'(5#(%, %*# $,+# +%74&#+ 5,9 .# 12#1,2#4
.9 +'$&,- 0'2/#2+ '6 47-9 -&$#(+#4 $*&-4 $,2&(3 '2 $*&-4 1-,$#5#(% ,3#($&#+, '2 %*# DSD. *#(
0,22,(%#4, %*# 4&8&+&'( +*,-- 2#$'55#(4 %*,% %*# $'72% ,8,&- &%+#-6 '6 $'(+7-%,%&8# +#28&$#+ '6
1+9$*&,%2&+%+, 1+9$*'-'3&+%+, ,(4 '%*#2 B7,-&6&#4 +1#$&,-&+%+ 12#+#(%-9 #51-'9#4 &( '%*#2 4#1,2%5#(%+ '6
%*# 3'8#2(5#(% &( $'((#$%&'( 0&%* &%+ $,+#+.
T*# 1'+&%&'( '6 S'$&,- '2/ A48&+#2 +*,-- .# $2#,%#4 7(4#2 %*# O66&$# '6 %*# C'72% A45&(&+%2,%'2, 0*' +*,--
5'(&%'2 ,(4 +71#28&+# %*# SSCD '6%*# R#3&'(,- T2&,- C'72%.
S#$. 11. !lternative Social Services. ) I( ,$$'24,($# 0&%* S#$. 1F '6 %*&+ A$%, &( ,2#,+ 0*#2# (' F,5&-9
C'72% *,+ .##( #+%,.-&+*#4 '2 (' R#3&'(,- T2&,- C'72% 0,+ 4#+&3(,%#4 .9 %*# S712#5# C'72% 47# %' %*#
-&5&%#4 (75.#2 '6 $,+#+, %*# DSD +*,-- 4#+&3(,%# ,(4 ,++&3( B7,-&6&#4, %2,&(#4, ,(4 DSD ,$$2#4&%#4
+'$&,- 0'2/#2+ '6 %*# -'$,- 3'8#2(5#(% 7(&%+ %' *,(4-# :78#(&-# ,(4 6,5&-9 $,+#+ 6&-#4 &( %*# 4#+&3(,%#4
R#3&'(,- T2&,- C'72% '6 %*# 1-,$#.
S#$. 12. Privacy and Confidentiality of Proceedings. ) A-- *#,2&(3+ ,(4 $'($&-&,%&'( '6 %*# $*&-4 ,(4 6,5&-9
$,+#+ +*,-- .# %2#,%#4 &( , 5,((#2 $'(+&+%#(% 0&%* %*# 12'5'%&'( '6 %*# $*&-4H+ ,(4 %*# 6,5&-9H+ 4&3(&%9
,(4 0'2%*, ,(4 +*,-- 2#+1#$% %*#&2 12&8,$9 ,% ,-- +%,3#+ '6 %*# 12'$##4&(3+. R#$'24+ '6 %*# $,+#+ +*,-- .#
4#,-% 0&%* 7%5'+% $'(6&4#(%&,-&%9 ,(4 %*# &4#(%&%9 '6 1,2%&#+ +*,-- ('% .# 4&87-3#4 7(-#++ (#$#++,29 ,(4
0&%* ,7%*'2&%9 '6 %*# :743#.
S#$. 13. Special Rules of Procedure. . T*# S712#5# C'72% +*,-- 12'57-3,%# +1#$&,- 27-#+ '6 12'$#472# 6'2
%*# %2,(+6#2 '6 $,+#+ %' %*# (#0 $'72%+ 472&(3 %*# %2,(+&%&'( 1#2&'4 ,(4 6'2 %*# 4&+1'+&%&'( '6 6,5&-9 $,+#+
0&%* %*# .#+% &(%#2#+%+ '6 %*# $*&-4 ,(4 %*# 12'%#$%&'( '6 %*# 6,5&-9 ,+ 12&5,29 $'(+&4#2,%&'( %,/&(3 &(%'
,$$'7(% %*# U(&%#4 N,%&'(+ C'(8#(%&'( '( %*# R&3*%+ '6 %*# C*&-4.
S#$. 1<. !ppeals. ) D#$&+&'(+ ,(4 '24#2+ '6 %*# $'72% +*,-- .# ,11#,-#4 &( %*# +,5# 5,((#2 ,(4 +7.:#$% %'
%*# +,5# $'(4&%&'(+ ,+ ,11#,-+ 62'5 %*# '24&(,29 R#3&'(,- T2&,- C'72%+.
S#$. 1=. !ppropriations. ) T*# ,5'7(% (#$#++,29 %' $,229 '7% %*# 12'8&+&'(+ '6 %*&+ A$% +*,-- .# &($-74#4
&( %*# G#(#2,- A112'12&,%&'(+ A$% '6 %*# 9#,2 6'--'0&(3 &( &%+ #(,$%5#(% &(%' -,0 ,(4 %*#2#,6%#2.
S#$. 16. 6mplementing Rules and Regulations. ) T*# S712#5# C'72%, &( $''24&(,%&'( 0&%* %*# DSD, +*,--
6'257-,%# %*# (#$#++,29 27-#+ ,(4 2#37-,%&'(+ 6'2 %*# #66#$%&8# &51-#5#(%,%&'( '6 %*# +'$&,- ,+1#$%+ '6 %*&+

S#$. 1F. Transitory Provisions. ) P#(4&(3 %*# #+%,.-&+*5#(% '6 +7$* F,5&-9 C'72%+, %*# S712#5# C'72%
+*,-- 4#+&3(,%# 62'5 ,5'(3 %*# .2,($*#+ '6%*# R#3&'(,- T2&,- C'72% ,% -#,+% '(# F,5&-9 C'72% &( #,$* '6
%*# $&%&#+ '6 M,(&-,, I7#;'(, P,+,9, C,-''$,(, M,/,%&, P,+&3, M,(4,-79'(3, M7(%&(-71,, L,',3, B,37&',
S,(%&,3', D,371,(, O-'(3,1', C,.,(,%7,(, S,( J'+#, A(3#-#+, C,8&%#, B,%,(3,+, L7$#(,, N,3,, I2&3,,
L#3,;1&, R'C,+, I-'&-', B,$'-'4, D75,37#%#, T,$-'.,(, C#.7, M,(4,7#, T,3.&-,2,(, S72&3,', B7%7,(,
C,3,9,( 4# O2', D,8,', G#(#2,- S,(%'+, O2'B7&#%,, O;,5&+, D&1'-'3, J,5.',(3,, P,3,4&,(, I-&3,(, ,(4
&( +7$* '%*#2 1-,$#+ ,+ %*# S712#5# C'72% 5,9 4##5 (#$#++,29.
A44&%&'(,- $,+#+ '%*#2 %*,( %*'+# 12'8&4#4 &( S#$. = 5,9 .# ,++&3(#4 %' %*# F,5&-9 C'72%+ 0*#( %*#&2
4'$/#%+ 1#25&%> P2'8&4#4, T*,% +7$* ,44&%&'(,- $,+#+ +*,-- ('% .# *#,24 '( %*# +,5# 4,9 6,5&-9 $,+#+ ,2#

I( ,2#,+ 0*#2# %*#2# ,2# (' F,5&-9 C'72%+, %*# $,+#+ 2#6#22#4 %' &( S#$. = '6 %*&+ A$% +*,-- .# ,4:74&$,%#4
.9 %*# R#3&'(,- T2&,- C'72%.

S#$. 18. Separability Clause. ) I( $,+# ,(9 12'8&+&'( '6 %*&+ A$% &+ 4#$-,2#4 7($'(+%&%7%&'(,-, %*# '%*#2
12'8&+&'(+ +*,-- 2#5,&( &( #66#$%.

S#$. 19. Repealing Clause. ) A-- '%*#2 -,0+, 4#$2##+, #C#$7%&8# '24#2+, 27-#+ '2 2#37-,%&'(+ &($'(+&+%#(%
*#2#0&%* ,2# *#2#.9 2#1#,-#4, ,5#(4#4 '2 5'4&6&#4 ,$$'24&(3-9.
S#$. 2". &ffectivity. ) T*&+ A$% +*,-- %,/# #66#$% 6&6%##( @1=A 4,9+ ,6%#2 &%+ 17.-&$,%&'( &( ,% -#,+% %0' @2A
(,%&'(,- (#0+1,1#2+ '6 3#(#2,- $&2$7-,%&'(
KS71#2+#4&(3 A45&(&+%2,%&8# O24#2 N'. 1F3)9< 4,%#4 28 S#1%#5.#2 199<L
Pursuant to Sec. 23 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, in the interest of speedy and efficient administration of justice
and subject to the guidelines hereinafter set forth, the following egional !rial court branches are hereby
designated to e"clusi#ely try and decide cases of $idnapping and%or $idnapping for ransom, robbery in band,
robbery committed against a ban$ing or financial institution, #iolation of the &angerous &rugs 'ct of 19(2, as
amended, #iolation of the 'nti)*arnapping 'ct of 19(2, a amended, and other heinous crimes defined and
penali+ed under ep. 'ct ,o. (-.9, committed within their respecti#e territorial

MANILA K6 B2,($*#+L
1. Branch 11, 0anila, presided o#er by !* 12&34 5B4!5 '. B'65S
2. Branch 17, 0anila, presided o#er by !* 12&34 P484*!5 '.S. 9'3265, 1.
3. Branch 2(, 0anila, presided o#er by !* 12&34 4&3'&5 P. *2:
;. Branch ;1, 0anila, presided o#er by !* 12&34 5&5985 '. P5,84'&'
.. Branch 11, 0anila, presided o#er by !* 12&34 0'<605 '. S'=499',5, 1.
-. Branch 11, 0anila, presided o#er by !* 12&34 0',249 !. 025
(. Branch (-, >ue+on *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 05,6,' '. :4,'5S'
7. Branch 7-, >ue+on *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 !45&55 '. B'?
9. Branch 9., >ue+on *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 &65S&'&5 0. P4'9!'
1@. Branch 1@2, >ue+on *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 P496!' !6') !65,'
11. Branch 1@3, >ue+on *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 1'604 ,. S'9':', 1.
12. Branch 219, >ue+on *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 15S4 *. 04,&5:'
13. Branch 1@9, Pasay *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 9696' *. 95P4:
1;. Branch 11@, Pasay *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 P58665 3. 0'*''43
1.. Branch 11;, Pasay *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 =6*4,!4 9. ?'P
1-. Branch 11-, Pasay *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 '984&5 1. 32S!6995
!ALOO!AN CITY K3 B2,($*#+L
1(. Branch 12(, Aaloo$an *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 0?,' &. =6&'9
17. Branch 127, Aaloo$an *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 S69=4S!4 B. B4995, 1.
19. Branch 129, Aaloo$an *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 B'?',6 S. 6=4'
MA!ATI CITY K< B2,($*#+L
2@. Branch -2, 0a$ati *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 5B4!5 *. &65A,5
21. Branch --, 0a$ati *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 46B4!5 2. 5S'65
22. Branch 137, 0a$ati *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 S6<!5 *. 0'499'
23. Branch 1;3, 0a$ati *ity, presided o#er by 12&34 &4,,6S 0. =699')63,'*65

2;. Branch 1.-, Pasig *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 0'!6, S. =699''0', 1.
2.. Branch 1-3, Pasig *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 '24965 *. !'0P4
2-. Branch 1--, Pasig *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 14S2S B4S'06,'
2(. Branch 2-2, Pasig *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 3435? S. 5,3
27. Branch 2-., Pasig *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 4&C6, '. =699'S5
MALABON K2 B2,($*#+L
29. Br. (2, 0alabon, presided o#er by !* 12&34 B4,1'06, '. '>26,5, 1.
3@. Br. 1(@, 0alabon, presided o#er by !* 12&34 B4,1'06, !. ',!5,65

31. Br. 2(2, 0ari$ina, presided o#er by !* 12&34 42B4, P. &4 9' *2:

32. Br. 2.9, ParanaDue, presided o#er by !* 12&34 :5S605 =. 4S*',5

33. Br. 2(., 9as PiEas, presided o#er by !* 12&34 B5,68'*65 S',: 0'*4&'
3;. Br. 2(-, 0untinlupa *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 ,50' *. P44995
3.. Br. 1(1, =alen+uela, presided o#er by !* 12&34 '&6',5 . 5S565
3-. Br. -, Baguio *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 2B4, *. '?S5,
3(. Br. 2(, *abanatuan *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 8496*6',5 =. B24,'=4,!2'
37. Br. (., 5longapo *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 945P59&5 !. *'9&45,, 1.
39. Br. .2, Puerto Princesa *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 869504,5 '. =43''
;@. Br. 3, 9egaspi *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 C4,*4S9'5 . =699',24=', 1.

A!LAN K1 B2,($*L
;1. Br. 3, Aalibo, presided o#er by !* 12&34 SB469' 0. *5!4:

;2. Br. 19, o"as *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 S4365 9. P4S!'F5
;3. Br. 23, 6loilo *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 !6!5 3. 32S!6995
;;. Br. 3., 6loilo *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 S4=46,5 *. '3269'

;.. Br. ;2, Bacolod *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 B4,'&5 !. P5,84'&'
;-. Br. ;;, Bacolod *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 ','S!'*65 6. 95B'!5,
;(. Br. ;(, Bacolod *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 4&3' 3. 3'=6994S
CEBU CITY K3 B2,($*#+L
;7. Br. 2;, *ebu *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 P6S*69' S. '3','
;9. Br. 1;, *ebu *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 4,'!5 *. &'*2&'5
.@. Br. 17, Br. 17, *ebu *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 3'96*',5 *. '64S3'&5

.1. Br. -, !acloban *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 34!2965 0. 8',*6S*5
.2. Br. 2., *agayan de 5ro *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 ,596 !. *'!96
.3. Br. 17, *agayan de 5ro *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 ,':'2 2. *B'=4:
.;. Br. 19, *agayan de 5ro *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 ',!B5,? 4. S',!5S

... Br. 1., &a#ao *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 14S2S . >26,!'6,
.-. Br. 1(, &a#ao *ity, presided o#er by !* 12&34 4,'!5 '. 824,!4S
Chen the offense is committed outside the territorial jurisdiction of these courts, a party may immediately petition
the Supreme *ourt for change of #enue if it is desired that these cases be tried in these courts.
!he following guidelines shall be obser#ed/chanrobles#irtuallawlibrary
G1H !hese cases shall undergo mandatory continous trial but shall be terminated within si"ty I-@J days from initial
trial. 1udgment thereon shall be rendered within thirty I3@J days from the time the case is submitted for decision,
unless a shorter period is otherwise pro#ided by law.
,o postponement or continuance shall be allowed e"cept for clearly meritorious reasons. !he filing of motions or
pleadings for dilatory purposes shall constitute direct contempt and shall be accordingly penali+ed.
G2H 'll cases co#ered by this 5rder where trial has already commenced, shall continue to be heard by the branches
to which these were originally assigned.
G3H !he 4"ecuti#e 1udges concerned shall e"clude the designated Special *riminal *ourts from the raffle of other
ci#il and criminal cases whene#er in their judgment the caseload of these courts shall pre#ent them from
conducting daily trials of the special cases herein specified.
!he branches thus designated shall continue to perform the functions of Special *riminal *ourts e#en after the
retirement, transfer, or detail of the incumbent judges herein named. !heir successors, whether permanent or
temporary, shall act as Presiding 1udges of these special courts unless the *ourt directs otherwise.
!his 5rder amends and supersedes 'dministrati#e 5rder ,o. 1(3)9; dated 17 September 199;.
!his 5rder shall ta$e effect immediately.
3 0ay 199-.
Chief (ustice
S#$%&'( 1. Section 3 of Presidential &ecree ,o. 1-@-, as amended by 4"ecuti#e 5rder ,o. 17;, is hereby further
amended to read as follows/
KSec. 3. &i#ision of the *ourtL >uorum. ) !he Sandiganbayan shall sit in fi#e I.J di#isions of three justices each.
!he fi#e I.J may sit at the same time.
K!he first three di#isions shall be stationed in the 0etro 0anila area, the fourth di#ision shall be in *ebu *ity for
cases coming from the =isayas region, and the fifth di#ision shall be in *agayan de 5ro *ity for cases coming
from the 0indanao region.
K!hree 1ustices shall constitute a Duorum for sessions in di#isions/ Pro#ided, !hat when the reDuired Duorum for
the particular di#ision cannot be had due to the legal disDualification or temporary disability of a 1ustice or of a
#acancy occurring therein, the Presiding 1ustice may designate an 'ssociate 1ustice of the *ourt, to be
determined by strict rotation on the basis of the re#erse order of precedence, to sit as a special member of said
di#ision with all the rights and prerogati#es of a regular member of said di#ision in the trial and determination of a
case or cases assigned thereto, unless the operation of the court will be prejudiced thereby, in which case, the
President shall, upon the recommendation of the Presiding 1ustice, designate any 1ustice or 1ustices of the *ourt
of 'ppeals to sit temporarily therein.K
S#$%&'( 2. Section ; of the same &ecree is hereby further amended to read as follows/
KSec. ;. 1urisdiction. !he Sandiganbayan shall e"ercise original jurisdiction in all cases in#ol#ing/
Ka. =iolations of epublic 'ct ,o. 3@19, as amended, otherwise $nown as the 'nti)3raft and *orrupt
Practices 'ct, epublic 'ct ,o. 13(9, and *hapter 66, Section 2, !itle =66 of the e#ised Penal *ode, where
one or more of the principal accused are officials occupying the following positions in the go#ernment,
whether in permanent, acting or interim capacity, at the time of the commission of the offense/
KI1J 5fficials of the e"ecuti#e branch occupying the positions of regional director and higher,
otherwise classified as grade 2( and higher, of the *ompensation and Position *lassification 'ct of
1979 Iepublic 'ct ,o. -(.7J, specifically including/
KIaJ Pro#incial go#ernors, #ice)go#ernors, members of the sangguniang panlalawigan, and
pro#incial treasurers, assessors, engineers, and other pro#incial department headsL
KIbJ *ity mayors, #ice)mayors, members of the sangguniang panlungsod, city treasurers,
assessors, engineers, and other city department headsL
KIcJ 5fficials of the diplomatic ser#ice occupying the position of consul and higherL
KIdJ Philippine army and air force colonels, na#al captains, and all officers of higher ran$L
KIeJ P,P chief superintendent and P,P officers of higher ran$L
KIfJ *ity and pro#incial prosecutors and their assistants, and officials and prosecutors in the
5ffice of the 5mbudsman and special prosecutorL
KIgJ Presidents, directors or trustees, or managers of go#ernment)owned or controlled
corporations, state uni#ersities or educational institutions or foundationsL
KI2J 0embers of *ongress and officials thereof classified as 3rade K2(K and up under the
*ompensation and Position *lassification 'ct of 1979L
KI3J 0embers of the judiciary without prejudice to the pro#isions of the *onstitutionL
KI;J *hairmen and members of *onstitutional *ommissions, without prejudice to the pro#isions of
the *onstitutionL and
KI.J 'll other national and local officials classified as 3rade K2(K and higher under the
*ompensation and Position *lassification 'ct of 1979L
Kb. 5ther offenses or felonies committed by the public officials and employees mentioned in subsection IaJ
of this section in relation to their office.
Kc. *i#il and criminal cases filed pursuant to and in connection with 4"ecuti#e 5rder ,os. 1, 2, 1; and 1;)'.
K6n cases where none of the principal accused are occupying positions corresponding to salary grade K2(K or
higher, as prescribed in the said epublic 'ct ,o. -(.7, or P,P officers occupying the ran$ of superintendent or
higher, or their eDui#alent, e"clusi#e jurisdiction thereof shall be #ested in the proper egional !rial *ourt,
0etropolitan !rial *ourt, 0unicipal !rial *ourt, and 0unicipal *ircuit !rial *ourt, as the case may be, pursuant to
their respecti#e jurisdictions as pro#ided in Batas Pambansa Blg. 129.
K!he Sandiganbayan shall e"ercise e"clusi#e appellate jurisdiction on appeals from the final judgments,
resolutions or orders of regular courts where all the accused are occupying positions lower than salary grade K2(K,
or not otherwise co#ered by the preceding enumeration.
K!he Sandiganbayan shall ha#e e"clusi#e original jurisdiction o#er petitions for the issuance of the writs of
mandamus, prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus, injunction, and other ancillary writs and processes in aid of its
appellate jurisdiction/ Pro#ided, !hat the jurisdiction o#er these petitions shall not be e"clusi#e of the Supreme
K!he procedure prescribed in Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, as well as the implementing rules that the Supreme *ourt
has promulgated and may hereafter promulgate, relati#e to appeals%petitions for re#iew to the *ourt of 'ppeals
shall apply to appeals and petitions for re#iew filed with the Sandiganbayan. 6n all cases ele#ated to the
Sandiganbayan and from the Sandiganbayan to the Supreme *ourt, the office of the 5mbudsman, through its
special prosecutor, shall represent the people of the Philippines e"cept in cases filed pursuant to 4"ecuti#e 5rders
,os. 1, 2, 1; and 1;)'.
K6n case pri#ate indi#iduals are charged as co)principals, accomplices or accessories with the public officers or
employees, including those employed in go#ernment)owned or controlled corporations, they shall be tried jointly
with said public officers and employees in the proper courts which shall e"ercise e"clusi#e jurisdiction o#er them.
K'ny pro#ision of law or ules of *ourt to the contrary notwithstanding, the criminal action and the corresponding
ci#il action for the reco#ery of ci#il liability arising from the offense charged shall at all times be simultaneously
instituted with, and jointly determined in, the same proceeding by the Sandiganbayan or the appropriate courts, the
filing of the criminal action being deemed to necessarily carry with it the filing of the ci#il action, and no right to
reser#e the filing of such ci#il action separately from the criminal action shall be recogni+ed/ Pro#ided, howe#er,
!hat where the ci#il action had heretofore been filed separately but judgment therein has not yet been rendered,
and the criminal case is hereafter filed with the Sandiganbayan or the appropriate court, said ci#il action shall be
transferred to the Sandiganbayan or the appropriate court as the case may be, for consolidation and joint
determination with the criminal action, otherwise the separate ci#il action shall be deemed abandoned.K
S#$%&'( 3. Section ( of the same decree is hereby amended to read as follows/
KSec. (. 8orm, 8inality and 4nforcement of &ecisions. ) 'll decisions and final orders determining the merits of a
case or finally disposing of the action or proceedings of the Sandiganbayan shall contain complete findings of the
facts and the law on which they are based, on all issues properly raised before it and necessary in deciding the
K' petition for reconsideration of any final order or decision may be filed within fifteen I1.J days from promulgation
or notice of the final order or judgment, and such motion for reconsideration shall be decided within thirty I3@J days
from submission thereon.
K&ecisions and final orders of the Sandiganbayan shall be appealable to the Supreme *ourt by petition for re#iew
on certiorari raising pure Duestions of law in accordance with ule ;. of the ules of *ourt. Chene#er, in any case
decided by the Sandiganbayan, the penalty of reclusion perpetua or higher is imposed, the decision shall be
appealable to the Supreme *ourt in the manner prescribed in the ules of *ourt. 6n case the penalty imposed is
death, re#iew by the Supreme *ourt shall be automatic, whether or not the accused filed an appeal.
K1udgments and orders of the Sandiganbayan shall be e"ecuted and enforced in the manner pro#ided by law.
K&ecisions and final orders of other courts, in cases cogni+able by said courts under this 'ct shall be appealable to
the Sandiganbayan within fifteen I1.J days from promulgation or notice to the parties.K
S#$%&'( <. Section 9 of the same &ecree is hereby amended to read as follows/
KSec. 9. ules of Procedure. ) !he ules of *ourt promulgated by the Supreme *ourt shall apply to all cases and
proceedings filed with the Sandiganbayan. !he Sandiganbayan shall ha#e no power to promulgate its own rules of
procedure, e"cept to adopt internal rules go#erning the allotment of cases among the di#isions, the rotation of
justices among them, and other matters relating to the internal operations of the court which shall be inforced until
repealed or modified by the Supreme *ourt.K
S#$%&'( =. Section 1@ of the same &ecree is hereby repealed.
S#$%&'( 6. Presidential &ecrees ,os. 1;7-, 1-@- and 17-1, 4"ecuti#e 5rders ,os. 1@1 and 17; and all other
laws, decrees, orders and rules of which are inconsistent therewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
S#$%&'( F. 2pon the effecti#ity of this 'ct, all criminal cases in which trial has not begun in the Sandiganbayan
shall be referred to the proper courts.
S#$%&'( 8. !his 'ct shall ta$e effect fifteen I1.J days following its publication in the 5fficial 3a+ette or in two I2J
national newspapers of general circulation
RULE 122
S#$%&'( 1. Who may appeal. M 'ny party may appeal from a judgment or final order, unless the accused will be placed in
double jeopardy. I2aJ
S#$%&'( 2. Where to appeal. M !he appeal may be ta$en as follows/
IaJ !o the egional !rial *ourt, in cases decided by the 0etropolitan !rial *ourt, 0unicipal !rial *ourt in *ities,
0unicipal !rial *ourt, or 0unicipal *ircuit !rial *ourtL
IbJ !o the *ourt of 'ppeals or to the Supreme *ourt in the proper cases pro#ided by law, in cases decided by the
egional !rial *ourtL and
IcJ !o the Supreme *ourt, in cases decided by the *ourt of 'ppeals. I1aJ
S#$%&'( 3. How appeal taken. M
IaJ !he appeal to the egional !rial *ourt, or to the *ourt of 'ppeals in cases decided by the egional !rial *ourt in
the e"ercise of its original jurisdiction, shall be ta$en by filing a notice of appeal with the court which rendered the
judgment or final order appealed from and by ser#ing a copy thereof upon the ad#erse party.
IbJ !he appeal to the *ourt of 'ppeals in cases decided by the egional !rial *ourt in the e"ercise of its appellate
jurisdiction shall be by petition for re#iew under ule ;2.
IcJ !he appeal to the Supreme *ourt in cases where the penalty imposed by the egional !rial *ourt is
death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment, or where a lesser penalty is imposed but for offenses committed on
the same occasion or which arose out of the same occurrence that ga#e rise to the more serious offense for which the
penalty of death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment is imposed, shall be by filing a notice of appeal in
accordance with paragraph IaJ of this section.
IdJ ,o notice of appeal is necessary in cases where the death penalty is imposed by the egional !rial *ourt. !he
same shall be automatically re#iewed by the Supreme *ourt as pro#ided in section 1@ of this ule.
IeJ 4"cept as pro#ided in the last paragraph of section 13, ule 12;, all other appeals to the Supreme *ourt shall be
by petition for re#iew on certiorari under ules ;.. I3aJ
S#$%&'( <. Publication of notice of appeal. M 6f personal ser#ice of the copy of the notice of appeal can not be made upon the
ad#erse party or his counsel, ser#ice may be done by registered mail or by substituted ser#ice pursuant to sections ( and 7 of
ule 13. I;aJ
S#$%&'( =. Waiver of notice. M !he appellee may wai#e his right to a notice that an appeal has been ta$en. !he appellate
court may, in its discretion, entertain an appeal notwithstanding failure to gi#e such notice if the interests of justice so reDuire.
S#$%&'( 6. When appeal to be taken. M 'n appeal must be ta$en within fifteen I1.J days from promulgation of the judgment
or from notice of the final order appealed from. !his period for perfecting an appeal shall be suspended from the time a motion
for new trial or reconsideration is filed until notice of the order o#erruling the motion shall ha#e been ser#ed upon the accused
or his counsel at which time the balance of the period begins to run. I-aJ
S#$%&'( F. Transcribing and filing notes of stenographic reporter upon appeal. M Chen notice of appeal is filed by the
accused, the trial court shall direct the stenographic reporter to transcribe his notes of the proceedings. Chen filed by the
People of the Philippines, the trial court shall direct the stenographic reporter to transcribe such portion of his notes of the
proceedings as the court, upon motion, shall specify in writing. !he stenographic reporter shall certify to the correctness of the
notes and the transcript thereof, which shall consist of the original and four copies, and shall file the original and four copies
with the cler$ without unnecessary delay.
6f death penalty is imposed, the stenographic reporter shall, within thirty I3@J days from promulgation of the sentence, file with
the cler$ original and four copies of the duly certified transcript of his notes of the proceedings. ,o e"tension of time for filing
of said transcript of stenographic notes shall be granted e"cept by the Supreme *ourt and only upon justifiable grounds. I(aJ
S#$%&'( 8. Transmission of papers to appellate court upon appeal. M Cithin fi#e I.J days from the filing of the notice of
appeal, the cler$ of the court with whom the notice of appeal was filed must transmit to the cler$ of court of the appellate court
the complete record of the case, together with said notice. !he original and three copies of the transcript of stenographic
notes, together with the records, shall also be transmitted to the cler$ of the appellate court without undue delay. !he other
copy of the transcript shall remain in the lower court. I7aJ
S#$%&'( 9. Appeal to the Regional Trial Courts. M
IaJ Cithin fi#e I.J days from perfection of the appeal, the cler$ of court shall transmit the original record to the
appropriate egional !rial *ourt.
IbJ 2pon receipt of the complete record of the case, transcripts and e"hibits, the cler$ of court of the egional !rial
*ourt shall notify the parties of such fact.
IcJ Cithin fifteen I1.J days from receipt of the said notice, the parties may submit memoranda or briefs, or may be
reDuired by the egional !rial *ourt to do so. 'fter the submission of such memoranda or briefs, or upon the
e"piration of the period to file the same, the egional !rial *ourt shall decide the case on the basis of the entire
record of the case and of such memoranda or briefs as may ha#e been filed. I9aJ
S#$%&'( 1". Transmission of records in case of death penalty. M 6n all cases where the death penalty is imposed by the trial
court, the records shall be forwarded to the Supreme *ourt for automatic re#iew and judgment within fi#e I.J days after the
fifteenth I1.J day following the promulgation of the judgment or notice of denial of a motion for new trial or reconsideration.
!he transcript shall also be forwarded within ten I1@J days after the filing thereof by the stenographic reporter. I1@aJ
S#$%&'( 11. Effect of appeal by any of several accused. M
IaJ 'n appeal ta$en by one or more of se#eral accused shall not affect those who did not appeal, e"cept insofar as the
judgment of the appellate court is fa#orable and applicable to the latterL
IbJ !he appeal of the offended party from the ci#il aspect shall not affect the criminal aspect of the judgment or order
appealed from.
IcJ 2pon perfection of the appeal, the e"ecution of the judgment or final order appealed from shall be stayed as to the
appealing party. I11aJ
S#$%&'( 12. Withdrawal of appeal. M ,otwithstanding the perfection of the appeal, the egional !rial *ourt, 0etropolitan !rial
*ourt, 0unicipal !rial *ourt in *ities, 0unicipal !rial *ourt, or 0unicipal *ircuit !rial *ourt, as the case may be, may allow the
appellant to withdraw his appeal before the record has been forwarded by the cler$ of court to the proper appellate court as
pro#ided in section 7, in which case the judgment shall become final. !he egional !rial *ourt may also, in its discretion, allow
the appellant from the judgment of a 0etropolitan !rial *ourt, 0unicipal !rial *ourt in *ities, 0unicipal !rial *ourt, or 0unicipal
*ircuit !rial *ourt to withdraw his appeal, pro#ided a motion to that effect is filed before rendition of the judgment in the case
on appeal, in which case the judgment of the court of origin shall become final and the case shall be remanded to the latter
court for e"ecution of the judgment. I12aJ
S#$%&'( 13. Appointment of counsel de oficio for accused on appeal. M 6t shall be the duty of the cler$ of the trial court, upon
filing of a notice of appeal, to ascertain from the appellant, if confined in prison, whether he desires the egional !rial *ourt,
*ourt of 'ppeals or the Supreme *ourt to appoint a counsel de oficio to defend him and to transmit with the record on a form
to be prepared by the cler$ of court of the appellate court, a certificate of compliance with this duty and of the response of the
appellant to his inDuiry. I13aJ
RULE 12<
P2'$#472# &( %*# C'72% '6 A11#,-+
S#$%&'( 1. Title of the case. M 6n all criminal cases appealed to the *ourt of 'ppeals, the party appealing the case shall be
called the KappellantK and the ad#erse party the Kappellee,K but the title of the case shall remain as it was in the court of origin.
S#$%&'( 2. Appointment of counsel de oficio for the accused. M 6f it appears from the record of the case as transmitted that
IaJ the accused is confined in prison, IbJ is without counsel de parte on appeal, or IcJ has signed the notice of appeal himself,
the cler$ of court of the *ourt of 'ppeals shall designate a counsel de oficio.
'n appellant who is not confined in prison may, upon reDuest, be assigned a counsel de oficio within ten I1@J days from
receipt of the notice to file brief and he establishes his right thereto. I2aJ
S#$%&'( 3. When brief for appellant to be filed. M Cithin thirty I3@J days from receipt by the appellant or his counsel of the
notice from the cler$ of court of the *ourt of 'ppeals that the e#idence, oral and documentary, is already attached to the
record, the appellant shall file se#en I(J copies of his brief with the cler$ of court which shall be accompanied by proof of
ser#ice of two I2J copies thereof upon the appellee. I3aJ
S#$%&'( <. When brief for appellee to be filedL reply brief of the appellant. M Cithin thirty I3@J days from the receipt of the brief
of the appellant, the appellee shall file se#en I(J copies of the brief of the appellee with the cler$ of court which shall be
accompanied by proof of ser#ice of two I2J copies thereof upon the appellant.
Cithin twenty I2@J days from receipt of the brief of the appellee, the appellant may file a reply brief tra#ersing matters raised in
the former but not co#ered in the brief of the appellant. I;aJ
S#$%&'( =. Etension of time for filing briefs. M 4"tension of time for the filing of briefs will not be allowed e"cept for good and
sufficient cause and only if the motion for e"tension is filed before the e"piration of the time sought to be e"tended. I.aJ
S#$%&'( 6. !orm of briefs. M Briefs shall either be printed, encoded or typewritten in double space on the legal si+e good
Duality ungla+ed paper, 33@ mm. in length by 21- mm. in width. I-aJ
S#$%&'( F. Contents of brief" M !he briefs in criminal cases shall ha#e the same contents as pro#ided in sections 13 and 1; of
ule ;;. ' certified true copy of the decision or final order appealed from shall be appended to the brief of appellant. I(aJ
S#$%&'( 8. #ismissal of appeal for abandonment or failure to prosecute. M !he *ourt of 'ppeals may, upon motion of the
appellee or motu proprio and with notice to the appellant in either case, dismiss the appeal if the appellant fails to file his brief
within the time prescribed by this ule, e"cept where the appellant is represented by a counsel de oficio.
!he *ourt of 'ppeals may also, upon motion of the appellee or motu proprio, dismiss the appeal if the appellant escapes from
prison or confinement, jumps bail or flees to a foreign country during the pendency of the appeal. I7aJ
S#$%&'( 9. Prompt disposition of appeals. M 'ppeals of accused who are under detention shall be gi#en precedence in their
disposition o#er other appeals. !he *ourt of 'ppeals shall hear and decide the appeal at the earliest practicable time with due
regard to the rights of the parties. !he accused need not be present in court during the hearing of the appeal. I9aJ
S#$%&'( 1". $udgment not to be reversed or modified ecept for substantial error. M ,o judgment shall be re#ersed or
modified unless the *ourt of 'ppeals, after an e"amination of the record and of the e#idence adduced by the parties, is of the
opinion that error was committed which injuriously affected the substantial rights of the appellant. I1@aJ
S#$%&'( 11. %cope of &udgment. M !he *ourt of 'ppeals may re#erse, affirm, or modify the judgment and increase or reduce
the penalty imposed by the trial court, remand the case to the egional !rial *ourt for new trial or retrial, or dismiss the case.
S#$%&'( 12. Power to receive evidence M !he *ourt of 'ppeals shall ha#e the power to try cases and conduct hearings,
recei#e e#idence and perform any and all acts necessary to resol#e factual issues raised in cases IaJ falling within its original
jurisdiction, IbJ in#ol#ing claims for damages arising from pro#isional remedies, or IcJ where the court grants a new trial based
only on the ground of newly)disco#ered e#idence. I12aJ
S#$%&'( 13. 'uorum of the courtL certification or appeal of cases to %upreme Court. M !hree I3J 1ustices of the *ourt of
'ppeals shall constitute a (uorum for the sessions of a di#ision. !he unanimous #ote of the three I3J 1ustices of a di#ision
shall be necessary for the pronouncement of a judgment or final resolution, which shall be reached in consultation before the
writing of the opinion by a member of the di#ision. 6n the e#ent that the three I3J 1ustices can not reach a unanimous #ote, the
Presiding 1ustice shall direct the raffle committee of the *ourt to designate two I2J additional 1ustices to sit temporarily with
them, forming a special di#ision of fi#e I.J members and the concurrence of a majority of such di#ision shall be necessary for
the pronouncement of a judgment or final resolution. !he designation of such additional 1ustices shall be made strictly by
raffle and rotation among all other 1ustices of the *ourt of 'ppeals.
Chene#er the *ourt of 'ppeals finds that the penalty of death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment should be imposed in
a case, the court, after discussion of the e#idence and the law in#ol#ed, shall render judgment imposing the penalty of
death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment as the circumstances warrant. Bowe#er, it shall refrain from entering the
judgment and forthwith certify the case and ele#ate the entire record thereof to the Supreme *ourt for re#iew. I13aJ
S#$%&'( 1<. )otion for new trial. M 't any time after the appeal from the lower court has been perfected and before the
judgment of the *ourt of 'ppeals con#icting the appellant becomes final, the latter may mo#e for a new trial on the ground of
newly)disco#ered e#idence material to his defense. !he motion shall conform with the pro#isions of section ;, ule 121. I1;aJ
S#$%&'( 1=. Where new trial conducted. M Chen a new trial is granted, the *ourt of 'ppeals may conduct the hearing and
recei#e e#idence as pro#ided in section 12 of this ule or refer the trial to the court of origin. I1.aJ
S#$%&'( 16. Reconsideration. M ' motion for reconsideration shall be filed within fifteen I1.J days after from notice of the
decision or final order of the *ourt of 'ppeals, with copies ser#ed upon the ad#erse party, setting forth the grounds in support
thereof. !he mittimus shall be stayed during the pendency of the motion for reconsideration. ,o party shall be allowed a
second motion for reconsideration of a judgment or final order. I1-aJ
S#$%&'( 1F. $udgment transmitted and filed in trial court. M Chen the entry of judgment of the *ourt of 'ppeals is issued, a
certified true copy of the judgment shall be attached to the original record which shall be remanded to the cler$ of the court
from which the appeal was ta$en. I1(aJ
S#$%&'( 18. Application of certain rules in civil to criminal cases. M !he pro#isions of ules ;2, ;; to ;- and ;7 to .- relating
to procedure in the *ourt of 'ppeals and in the Supreme *ourt in original and appealed ci#il cases shall be applied to criminal
cases insofar as they are applicable and not inconsistent with the pro#isions of this ule. I17aJ
RULE 12=
P2'$#472# &( %*# S712#5# C'72%
S#$%&'( 1. *niform procedure. M 2nless otherwise pro#ided by the *onstitution or by law, the procedure in the Supreme
*ourt in original and in appealed cases shall be the same as in the *ourt of 'ppeals. I1aJ
S#$%&'( 2. Review of decisions of the Court of Appeals. M !he procedure for the re#iew by the Supreme *ourt of decisions in
criminal cases rendered by the *ourt of 'ppeals shall be the same as in ci#il cases. I2aJ
S#$%&'( 3. #ecision if opinion is e(ually divided. M Chen the Supreme *ourt en banc is eDually di#ided in opinion or the
necessary majority cannot be had on whether to acDuit the appellant, the case shall again be deliberated upon and if no
decision is reached after re)deliberation, the judgment of con#iction of the lower court shall be re#ersed and the accused
acDuitted. I3aJ
Section 1. Subject of aea!.

An aea! "a# be ta$en f%o" a ju&'"ent o% fina! o%&e% t(at co"!ete!# &i)o)e) of t(e ca)e*
o% of a a%ticu!a% "atte% t(e%ein +(en &ec!a%e& b# t(e)e Ru!e) to be aea!ab!e.
No aea! "a# be ta$en f%o",c(an%ob!e)-i%tua!!a+!ib%a%#

.a/ An o%&e% &en#in' a "otion fo% ne+ t%ia! o% %econ)i&e%ation0
.b/ An o%&e% &en#in' a etition fo% %e!ief o% an# )i"i!a% "otion )ee$in' %e!ief f%o"
.c/ An inte%!ocuto%# o%&e%0
.&/ An o%&e% &i)a!!o+in' o% &i)"i))in' an aea!0
.e/ An o%&e% &en#in' a "otion to )et a)i&e a ju&'"ent b# con)ent* confe))ion o% co"%o"i)e on
t(e '%oun& of f%au&* "i)ta$e o% &u%e))* o% an# ot(e% '%oun& -itiatin' con)ent0
.f/ An o%&e% of e1ecution0
.'/ A ju&'"ent o% fina! o%&e% fo% o% a'ain)t one o% "o%e of )e-e%a! a%tie) o% in )ea%ate
c!ai")* counte%c!ai")* c%o))2c!ai") an& t(i%&2a%t# co"!aint)* +(i!e t(e "ain ca)e i)
en&in'* un!e)) t(e cou%t a!!o+) an aea! t(e%ef%o"0 an&
.(/ An o%&e% &i)"i))in' an action +it(out %eju&ice.
In a!! t(e abo-e in)tance) +(e%e t(e ju&'"ent o% fina! o%&e% i) not aea!ab!e* t(e a''%ie-e&
a%t# "a# fi!e an a%o%iate )ecia! ci-i! action un&e% Ru!e 34.
Sec. 5. Mo&e) of aea!.

.a/ O%&ina%# aea!.2 T(e aea! to t(e Cou%t of Aea!) in ca)e) &eci&e& b# t(e Re'iona!
T%ia! Cou%t in t(e e1e%ci)e of it) o%i'ina! ju%i)&iction )(a!! be ta$en b# fi!in' a notice of
aea! +it( t(e cou%t +(ic( %en&e%e& t(e ju&'"ent o% fina! o%&e% aea!e& f%o" an& )e%-in' a
co# t(e%eof uon t(e a&-e%)e a%t#. No %eco%& on aea! )(a!! be %e6ui%e& e1cet in )ecia!
%ocee&in') an& ot(e% ca)e) of "u!ti!e o% )ea%ate aea!) +(e%e t(e !a+ o% t(e)e Ru!e) )o
%e6ui%e. In )uc( ca)e)* t(e %eco%& on aea! )(a!! be fi!e& an& )e%-e& in !i$e "anne%.
.b/ Petition fo% %e-ie+.2 T(e aea! to t(e Cou%t of Aea!) in ca)e) &eci&e& b# t(e Re'iona!
T%ia! Cou%t in t(e e1e%ci)e of it) ae!!ate ju%i)&iction )(a!! be b# etition fo% %e-ie+ in
acco%&ance +it( Ru!e 45.
.c/ Aea! b# ce%tio%a%i.2 In a!! ca)e) +(e%e on!# 6ue)tion) of !a+ a%e %ai)e& o% in-o!-e&*
t(e aea! )(a!! be to t(e Su%e"e Cou%t b# etition fo% %e-ie+ on ce%tio%a%i in acco%&ance
+it( Ru!e 44.
R#17.-&$ A$% N'. 93<6 J7(# 2<, 2""6
+e it enacted by the %enate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled/
SECTION 1. !he imposition of the penalty of death is hereby prohibited. 'ccordingly, epublic 'ct ,o. 4ight
!housand 5ne Bundred Se#enty)Se#en I.'. ,o. 71((J, otherwise $nown as the 'ct &esignating &eath by
9ethal 6njection is hereby repealed. epublic 'ct ,o. Se#en !housand Si" Bundred 8ifty),ine I.'. ,o.
(-.9J, otherwise $nown as the &eath Penalty 9aw, and all other laws, e"ecuti#e orders and decrees, insofar
as they impose the death penalty are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.
SEC. 2. 6n lieu of the death penalty, the following shall be imposed.
IaJ the penalty of reclusion perpetua, when the law #iolated ma$es use of the nomenclature of the
penalties of the e#ised Penal *odeL or
IbJ the penalty of life imprisonment, when the law #iolated does not ma$e use of the nomenclature of
the penalties of the e#ised Penal *ode.
SEC. 3. Person con#icted of offenses punished with reclusion perpetua, or whose sentences will be reduced
to reclusion perpetua, by reason of this 'ct, shall not be eligible for parole under 'ct ,o. ;17@, otherwise
$nown as the 6ndeterminate Sentence 9aw, as amended.
SEC. <. !he Board of Pardons and Parole shall cause the publication at least one a wee$ for three
consecuti#e wee$s in a newspaper of general circulation of the names of persons con#icted of offenses
punished withreclusion perpetua or life imprisonment by reason of this 'ct who are being considered or
recommend for commutation or pardonL Provided, however, !hat nothing herein shall limit the power of the
President to grant e"ecuti#e clemency under Section 19, 'rticle =66 of the *onstitutions.
SEC. =. !his 'ct shall ta$e effect immediately after its publication in two national newspapers of general

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