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Lesson Focus

Zones and Climate

Learning Area / Strand
Year Level
Prior knowledge of learners (What do they already know?)
- Some of the continents
- Where it is cold and where it is Hot
- They have seen a world map before
Lesson objective/s
- To show students the different zones on earth (polar and Equatorial zones) as well as where
the equator and continents are located
Evidence of learning
- Students complete an activity where they must mark the zones, equator and names of
continents and seas on the world map
- Worksheet
- Coloured pens
- World map on board for teacher to go through the answers and create discussion
- Markers
- globe
the topic
of the
- Teacher firstly shows the equator and polar zones to the students on a
globe globe gets handed around the class so that each individual student
can see and feel the globe
- A discussion occurs and teacher asks the students what the equator is?
where are polar zones? and so on, this is to guide the thoughts of the
- Teacher then once globe is back to teacher, turns to the whiteboard where
a drawn world map is, with no names or words written on it, only the
shapes of the continents.
- Teacher then discusses where do we live on this map?, Does anyone
know what ocean Australia is surrounded by?, What countries have you
visited before? Where are they on this map? and more guiding questions
to allow students to start discussing the names of the continents and
Lesson Body
the content
- Teacher then hands each student the worksheet, where students must label
the continents, zones and oceans
- Teacher explains that firstly the students must colour in the polar zones, and
draw on the equator, then colour in the equatorial zones.
- This is then followed by labelling the continents and colouring the colour of
what they think is that particular continents climate e.g. Africa brown,
because its dry or South America Green because of the rainforests found
- Students must then label the oceans out of the options provided this is all
done individually but with teacher guidance
- Once students have completed the activity, teacher then draws attention
back up to the front of the class and goes through the answers with the
- When it comes to colouring in the continents the colour of their climate the
teacher will ask questions to the students as to why they chose the certain
colours for example Jimmy can you tell me why you chose brown for
the lesson
- Students are then informed to paste the activity into their journals and write
a reflection on the activity
- What they did well
- What they could improve
- What they liked
- What they found interesting
- What did you learn
All of these questions allow the teacher to see if students are understanding the
concepts and ideas presented in the activities.
Evaluation / Reflection

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