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Compare how teenagers are represented in the action/fantasy genre looking at The Hunger Games

and The Amazing Spiderman.

Angel Dewing-Hall
The films we were studying are The Hunger Games and The Amazing Spiderman. In the film The
Hunger Games Katniss younger sister Prim was picked in the reaping for the 74
annual game.
Katniss then volunteered herself in Prims place. The Hunger Games is a reality show run by The
Capitol. A blood bath feud between 24 tributes, one survivor and the winner takes all. In the film The
Hunger Games Katniss Everdeen is the main character. Each district going up to district 13 has to
have 2 tributes selected for the annual games.
Katniss is represented as a feisty, strongly opinionated teen. Her sarcasm and lack of manners make
it hard for the other characters to like her and understand her, but really shes just in denial and
petrified of the possible outcomes. Katniss is seen as a brutally honest young lady who has
uncontrollable love for her little sister. Her unusual mannerisms make both the other tributes and
the capitol to warm to her. Throughout the film her inner personality is revealed to let out her
caring, sweet, kind side. This is represented when Rue and herself become allies, but Rue gets killed,
leaving Katniss in hysterics. The audience then understands how caring Katniss is when she takes the
time to make Rue look beautiful by collecting flowers and placing them around her as a tribute to
Rues district. Underneath her fierce exterior she is a kind mature girl who would do anything for
those she loves. Katniss tried to keep everyone out because as soon as you let your guard down you
are exposed to anything.
Throughout the actual games Katniss costume consists of muted colours and earthy tones. Full
length trousers, with a T-shirt and layered jumpers, all practical, all outdoorsy. The costume manger
has done this because all the tributes are wearing similar clothes. This may be done to take away
individuality and independence. In the scene that Katniss is close to death a lot of the camera angles
are close ups, panning and over the shoulder. When Katniss climbs up the tree to escape the other
tributes, a birds eye view is used to make Katniss look weak and smaller from above, and the others
look big and daunting from below. Throughout this scene Katniss acts rebellious and as if shes trying
to escape the game. She is an un-stereotypical girl as the majority of teenage girls would panic in a
situation like this, but Katniss simply gets on with it with bravery. Although she isnt in the position
of power she tries to be by trying to gain power in any way possible. The music in this scene is
dramatic, building tension with the fire crackling in the back ground and the sound of leaves
underfoot, all building to a climax.
Katniss is created to appear as a female role model. To let young people look up to a strong,
powerful, independent woman lead, when stereotypically its a male who takes the lead and saves
the day I feel that using Katniss as a role model is a good thing because in todays society young girls
are bombarded with stick thin, blonde, fake women and these young girls look up and aspire to be
like them. In the Hunger Games I think the way she doesnt care about her appearance and how
shes such a tomboy works really well because shes not pretending to be anyone else. In my opinion
more female leads should be created similarly to Katniss.
Katniss appeals to both genders. Men find her attractive yet nothing she does is purposely created
for her to be seen as appealing. Girls would look up to her and want to be like her. This is a multi-
gender film.
In the reaping scene, it is evident that the younger girls are inferior to the guards. This is shown by
the long shot of a large group of young potential tributes. The lack of power is shown by a high angle
shot, which makes them look lesser and weak. The clothing is based in the 1940s-1950s and during
this time Britain was fighting a war which represents the fear of the women of the time. The
hairstyles and makeup is all minimal and structured the same. This shows that the women werent
allowed to stand out from each other. The plain-faced girls and women contrast with Effie Trinket,
the loudly dressed capitol speaker. This works well because it is clear that society finds Effie a more
important role.
When Effie Trinket is pulling the names out of the bowl the staging is done to make Effie visibly the
most important character in the scene. This is done by having a long shot, with Effie standing in the
middle. The colours around her are all dull, including the buildings and the way the guards are
dressed- which makes her stand out even more because being dressed in a deep purple, with ice
white hair makes Effie even more iconic and seen. The building behind her has the character of a
prison which is meant to show the link between the tributes and the fact that there is no escape
from the games, similar to the lack of escape from prison. Another prison-like feature is the futuristic
guards standing by. They are positioned to look strong and powerful, much like the capitol is
represented too. The building may also be purposely ugly to make the tributes hesitant to enter,
which could cause drama and they capitol wants as much action and drama for their reality TV show.
After Prim was allocated as tribute, Katniss volunteered to take her place. In this shot the angle is
high (on the stage) to show the weakness of Katniss and Prim. The shot is also over the shoulder and
a medium shot. The way Katniss is standing expressed her stress. With her shoulders broad and her
legs in line with the width of her shoulders her body frame appeared to be stronger and more
confident, and was seen to be more powerful than Prim. The shot also allowed a small number of
other possible tributes to be seen on either side of the guards, Katniss and Prim. They have done this
to allow the audience to see the shock and pity on the faces of the others. By having the guards
surround the two teenage girls, it compares the strength and power which the guards hold, compare
to the weakness and vulnerability of Katniss and Prim.
This shows that in the reaping scene teenagers have no say in the decision being made. It portrays
the fear and vulnerability of the reaping and expresses the brutality of the capitol, whom were fully
prepared to send a 13 year old girl almost positively to her death.

The Amazing Spider Man is the story of Peter Parker, an outcast high schooler who was abandoned
by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Like most
teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how to be himself. As Peter discovers a
mysterious briefcase that once belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents
disappearance- leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors, his fathers former
partner. Once exploring inside, Peter gets bitten by a genetically altered spider, leading him to
formulate weird and wonderful powers. As Spiderman is set on a rivalry between good and bad with
Connors alter ego (the lizard) Peter will make life changing choices to use his powers and shape his
destiny to become a hero.
Peter Parker is represented firstly as a shy, independent, quirky young man who doesnt seem to fit
in. The young geeky boy gets into regular fights with the school Jock Flash. Peters whole life
changes after going to his fathers old lab and being bitten by a spider, which seems to make him
gain confidence as well as weird powers. He then starts falling for the pretty, sweet, geeky science
lover Gwen, which is bad news for him as hes awkward and shy around girls. Peter then tries to help
the civilians of the city with his new found powers. However Gwens father, Captain George Stacey
who is head of the police in the city doesnt see Peters alter ego as a hero. He sees him as a criminal
which is not Peters intentions. The population of male teenagers are represented through Peter
Parkers role in The Amazing Spider Man in an awkward, non-athletic, shy, geeky fashion. However
Flash is the alternative, a typical good looking, athletic popular jock.
Towards the end of the film Peter seems to find himself. He seems more secure and confident and
with this his happiness seemed to increase, with being with Gwen and getting on with his Aunt May
better. Also with saving civilians of the city Peter seems happier than before.
Peters costume is based on dull tones. Wearing black trousers, black shoes, a green jacket and a blue
top and hoodie. He is dressed like this so he is represented as a geek and geeks are typically
unfashionable and practical in the way they dress. He also may be dressed in dark and dull tones so
he doesnt stand out from the crowd, he would have wanted this because for someone who doesnt
fit in, standing out would be the worst possible scenario. In the opening scenes whenever the
audience sees Peter, something around him in the scene hints about him being a geek. Different
club names for example French club and chess, intelligent purpose posters are positioned around
him to constantly remind the public of his intended role. After Peter gets beaten up by the school
bully, a birds eye view is used to make him look weak and lesser. Close ups are also used to be able
to show his facial expressions and emotions. Throughout the film Peter uses an old fashioned
camera and normally carries his skateboard. This takes away such a stereotypical image because
Peter isnt a stereotypical nerd. He stands up for what he believes in, has strong opinions and isnt
afraid to share them.
Peter is appealing to both genders. Girls will find him attractive, and would dream about being with
a boy similar to him, and boys would dream about looking like him. This is a multi-gender film.

The main characters of both films link together because they are both heroic characters. They are
both seen as attractive, brave and strongly opinionated. The Hunger Games breaks the stereotypical
band of having a male as the powerful main role by having a female play it instead, but The Amazing
Spider Man fits the role because Peter is similar to the stereotypical image, muscly, good-looking,
tanned etc. In both films the main character has a love interest and they seem to be themselves
more when around them, for Peter its Gwen and Katniss is Peeta. The both of them have also lost a
loved one, for Peter it was both of his parents and for Katniss it was just her dad. Through this it is
clear that they both know how to deal with pain well. They are represented similarly when they both
get put in hard situations, they bother seem to be able to cope with pressure well, yet Katniss
pressure is a lot higher than Peters so if Peter was under that same pressure he possibly may cave.
They are dis-similar in the way that Peter is shy and finds it hard occasionally to talk and confront
people, yet that is Katniss instant reaction. The Amazing Spiderman is overall a more stereotypical
film because the main character who goes to save the day is a boy, who fits all the bands of being
attractive, as does the love interest, her being, blonde with big blue eyes and a perfect smile. The
Hunger Games however does not try and appeal the opposite sex by using good looks, even though
both Katniss and Peeta are attractive, they are not created to be judged on their looks because
nothing they do is to appeal, they do not flirt with the camera, this may be due to the type of film
and the target audience, for example a romantic film or a comedy may have sections of the actors
flirting with the camera.

Gwen is Peters love interest in The Amazing Spiderman. The beautiful, sweet, kind, girl which the
male audience would find appealing due to her features of being pretty, blonde and smiley. Gwen is
interning in the science lab where Peters father used to work. Gwen is an easily led character who
would do anything to make other people happy, therefore she becomes easily attached. She also has
strong feelings towards Peter and admires what hes trying to do but she worries about the risk of
him not making it back to her. The tension between her father and Peter puts her in an
uncomfortable position in which she tries to solve by trying to get them to like each other but
without such luck.
Through the majority of the film we see Gwen as a strong minded character. Her bravery and
courage is built up through the film and she always seems to try and do whats right.
When Gwen is introduced into the film she appears wearing knee high navy socks, a grey cute dress,
navy shoes and a lab coat. This takes away the stereotypical image of having the love interest being
a pretty blonde air head, instead Gwen is a bit of a geek in the way she loves science, but is also very
attractive. She is introduced to the film by a long distance shot were Peter is represented to be a
normal teenage boy, staring at her beauty, which then progresses to a close up to show her
emotions and facial expressions. Gwen always seems to stand up for what she believes in. When
Flash starts beating up that younger boy she steps in and embarrasses him to show what level that
other boy would be feeling, so she is also authoritive and brave. Peter first sees her with a light
romantic music track being played softly in the background to show that Peter thinks he really likes
Gwens character also appeals to both characters because boys would find her very attractive and
girls would find her inspirational because of the amount of self-confidence and courage she has,
younger girls would aspire to be like her. Whereas without a character like Gwen girls may not find a
film such as The Amazing Spiderman appealing to them, she brings a sense of femininity which gets
the female gender more interested.
In The Hunger Games, both Gale and Peeta are seen as Katniss love interest. Peeta is the other
tribute from district 12. Whereas Katniss finds it hard to please the capitol and the audience, Peeta
seems to be able to easily appeal. With his quirkiness, charm and humour Peeta seems to really
know what hes doing.
During his interview Peeta reveals his love for Katniss, which she seems to be incredibly unhappy
about, thinking he made her look weak and powerless, when everyone else thinks it made her look
At the start of the games Peeta forms an Allie with the members from district 1,2 and 3. Peetas
strength Is the only thing keeping him alive at this point as the other tributes may find him a threat,
therefore the best side to be is on his.
Peeta has strength, creativity and likeability. He used to decorate the cakes in his parents bakery,
and because of this he now knows how to camouflage himself, this also saves his life. Peeta is in
camouflage when Katniss finds her, after finding out both tributes from a district can survive, but
unfortunately peetas leg is extremely injured. They are now re-united and known as the star-crossed
Peeta then goes on, playing to his strengths getting the audience to like him by acting so in love with
Katniss. Peeta realises that he has neither high strength or charisma but he has charm and
likeability, this , along with his charm are the only thing getting him sponsors and keeping him alive.
Peeta is represented as a kind, sweet, good-hearted tribute. His funny mannerisms make people
instantly like him. Peeta announced his love for Katniss but throughout the film the audience isnt
sure whether hes playing up to the people watching or whether hes actually being genuine.
Towards the end of the film the audience find it easier to warm to Peeta because it doesnt seem
such a game anymore, it seems that he truly does love Katniss. The audience see this by the fact that
he would do anything to keep her alive and at the end of the film his love for her is proven.
In the scene of Peeta still being allies with the higher ranked district he hung back from the crowd
when hunting for Katniss. When the camera was a close up shot it was evident through his facial
expression that he felt guilty and the audience could tell how worried he was. When the birds eye
view came the rest of his group looked big and powerful and as if they were intimidating Katniss, yet
he hung back from the group and looked weak and very insecure. Like the rest of the tributes Peeta
was dressed in muted colours, earthy tones for practicality and possibly to take away a sense of
Again both genders would find Peeta appealing. Females would enjoy the love story between Katniss
and himself and would aspire to have a similar scenario of their own. Males would like him because
he seems brave and doesnt give up, so he acts as a bit of a role model.

The two love interests from the different films are represented similarly. This is because they are
both seen as strong, brave, kind and genuine people. They both seem to really like the person they
are with and seem to respect and admire them because again the main characters are also
represented similarly. I think that The Amazing Spiderman is more stereotypical because the love
interest, although being a bit of a geek herself, she is still slim, incredibly pretty with blonde hair,
blue eyes and a big smile which are all seen to be signs of typical beauty.

To conclude this essay, in the action/fantasy genre teenagers are represented on an average as quite
confident and determined. With Katniss, Peeta, Peter, Gwen, Flash and Cato all being strongly
opinionated and secure to different levels. The Amazing Spiderman has seemed to be more
stereotypical than The Hunger Games but that may be because The Hunger Games plot is
completely different to anything seen before and because there are films similar to The Amazing
Spiderman; the author/director may have wanted to make sure they could attract both genders and
as many people as they possibly could, by having the film more stereotypical the films success could
have been down to how attractive the characters are rather than the actual story. However, both
films end with a good moral story, good always beats evil.

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