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Lesson Focus

Comparing Climates
Learning Area / Strand
Year Level
Prior knowledge of learners (What do they already know?)
- Location of Australia
- Location of Antarctica
- Differences in climate
- Varying words to describe climate
- Polar zones and how they can affect a places climate
Lesson objective/s
- To continue students understanding of climate and the differences and similarities between
varying places
- To help students to start looking locally as well as the wide world
Evidence of learning
- Complete a Venn Diagram of the differences and similarities of Antarctica and Australia
- Then also complete some questions that continue comparing
- Powerpoint
- Computers
- Internet acess
- Whiteboard
- Venn Diagram (one on the board for teacher rest as worksheets for students)
- Non fiction books
the topic
of the
- Teacher introduces the idea of comparing climates by asking students
questions such as Remember last week, did Canada have a similar climate
to Egypt?
- Then introduce the activity for today stating that we are going to look at
Antarctica today and compare its climate to Australias
- Before they start the powerpoint teacher asks students if they have some
ideas about what is some of the features that Antarctica has?
- Teacher and Students then proceed to go through the powerpoint
answering some of the guiding questions and adding this to the Venn
Diagram written on the board Collaborative learning
Lesson Body
the content
- Once the teacher is happy with the amount of information present on the
Antarctica side of the Venn Diagram the teacher separates the class into
pairs where they are allowed to go through some of the non-fiction books
present in the class, and some pairs will use the computers to research
Australias climate to complete the Australia side of the Venn Diagram
Small group work
- Whilst this is happening the teacher is going around the class providing
prompts to the students and keeping an eye on the behaviour in the class
- Once the teacher is happy with the amount of information gathered by the
groups, the class comes back together and the teacher writes some of the
answers collected in the class venn diagram.
- Students are then asked to complete the same box in the venn diagram
individually and answer the questions on the other side of the worksheet.
the lesson
- Once students have completed this task, teacher then asks the students to
stick them in their journals, and write a short reflection on their thoughts
about the lesson.
- What do effect does climate have?
- What do you like about climate?
- What would you like to live in?
- What they liked about the lesson?
- What they learnt?
Evaluation / Reflection

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