Resource 5 - Lesson Plan

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Lesson Focus

Learning Area / Strand
Year Level
Prior knowledge of learners (What do they already know?)
- Effects humans are having on climate
- The varying climates
- What a climate is
- Some ways in which we can help become more sustainable
Lesson objective/s
- Allow students to come up with some ways to become more sustainable
- Allow students to take action in their school and home environment
- Have a positive impact on the school, community and fellow peers
Evidence of learning
- Students create posters that support sustainability of our climates
- A class sustainability plan thats created to implement in their classroom
- Art supplies Pens, magazines, scissors, glue etc
- Whiteboard
- Worksheet
- Journals
the topic
of the
- Teacher introduces the idea of becoming more sustainable again, after the
guest speakers that came in the previous lessons
- Teacher and class then brainstorm some ideas of how to become more
sustainable turn off lights, car-pool, take local transport, walk to school,
recycle etc
- Students are then asks to complete the worksheet individually this is to
allow students to start forming their ideas for their poster
Lesson Body
the content
- Students are then asked to start creating their poster, they are allowed to
use any art materials they like, as long as it is appropriate to be hung around
the school and promotes sustainability
- Whilst students create their posters the teacher walks around and aids the
students when needed and does not say much unless the poster being
created does not meet the acceptable and sustainable criteria. Teacher does
refer back to their brainstorm that is still on the board if need be.
- Once the posters are created each student must present their poster to the
class teaching their fellow students how their poster promotes sustainability
- During this time the teacher asks questions about the posters created.
- Students then hang their posters on one of the walls in the classroom and
will refer back to these later in the lesson.
- The teacher then asks the students how do they think we (the class) can
become more sustainable in the classroom.
- This is then creating a teacher guided plan for the classroom how they can
implement their learnings in their own classroom.
- Once the plan is complete the class writes this on poster cardboard and
hangs it up in the classroom so that the students are aware that we are
becoming more sustainable.
(Note: the posters created by the students would be photocopied in a lunch break
so that teacher could take the class around the school to hang up some of the
posters, for example in the office, library, tuckshop. Maybe even get permission to
print a few in the newsletter)
the lesson
- At the end of the lesson students are asked to leave a blank page in their
journal and then write a short reflection about becoming more sustainable
- Why is it important to become more sustainable?
- How can we become more sustainable?
- How could you become more sustainable at home?
- This then concludes the lesson, however another photocopy would be done
of each students poster and placed in the journal on the blank page that was
left, this is due to the journal becoming an assessment piece at the end of
the topic.
Evaluation / Reflection

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