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Review: Final Exam Semester 2.

Using class notes, homework, chapter guides, and the textbooks glossary, answer the following items.
8.1.1 Origins of the Cold War Chapter 18.
What are the political and economic characteristics of a communist system?
a- b- c-
Define !ruman Doctrine
"arshall #lan
'erlin %irlift
Why were these necessary?
What U( policy e)ol)ed during the early stages of the *old War?
What e)ent started the +orean War?
During the +orean War, describe the role of the,.U(%
,United $ations
What was the outcome of the +orean War?
8.1.2 Foreign oli!" #$ring the Cold War Chapters 18% 2&% 22'2(.
Define $ationali-e
.isenhower Doctrine
Describe how our *ontainment #olicy was applied in the following,/ungarian Uprising, 0123
,'ay of #igs, 0130
,*uban "issile *risis, 0134
What decision was reached regarding,the (o)iet nuclear missiles in *uba?
,future nuclear testing?
Define !onkin 5ulf 6esolution
Domino !heory
What lesson from the 7ietnam War was applied in the War Powers Act of 1973?
Define D8tente
Discuss an example.
What was #resident *arter able to achie)e with the Camp David Accords in 019:?
Discuss the significance of,.the fall of the 'erlin War
,the break up of the (o)iet Union
Using the map below, locate and discuss the *old War significance of countries listed on the next page.
$orth +orea
(outh +orea
#eoples 6epublic of *hina
(o)iet Union
$%<!% members
8.2 #omesti! )ss$es and *ensions. Chapters 18% 1+'2&% 22'2(.
Define "c*arthyism
*ritical !hinking. Discuss how *old War tensions led to the 6ed (care of the 012=s
Define GI Bill:
'aby 'oom
Where was the greatest post-war population shift located?
Describe the popular appeal of #resident >ohn <. +ennedy.
a- b-
What was the main purpose of #resident >ohnsons ?5reat (ociety@?
,how was it similar to <D6s ?$ew Deal@?
Discuss the significance of the following (upreme *ourt decisions,app v !"io:
,Gideo# v Wai#wri$"t:
,ira#da v Ari%o#a:
Describe the college campus reaction to the in)asion of *ambodia in "ay of 019=.
Define (tagflation
!he shortage of what commodity fueled inflation during the 019=s?
What e)ent led to the scandal known as Watergate?
What impeachment charges were alleged against #resident $ixon prior to his resignation?
a- b- c-
Define (upply-side economics
What were the main characteristics of ?6eaganomics@?
a- b- c-
,how was this similar to the economic policies of #residents /oo)er and *oolidge in the 014=s?
What was #resident 6eagans position on military spending?
Describe the ;ran-*ontra (candal.
Define #ro-choice
&oe v Wade:
'ile#t 'pri#$:
.n)ironmental #rotection %gency
8.,.1'2. Civil Rights -ovement: Events and )deals. Chapter 21.
Define Brow# v Board of (d)catio#:
Aittle 6ock (chools Desegregation
"ontgomery 'us 'oycott
What constitutional principle was used to decide the 012B case of Brow# v Board of (d)catio#?
,how did Brow#, o)erturn the 0:13 (upreme *ourt decision in Pless* v +er$)so#?
,how was Brow# used at Aittle 6ock *entral /igh (chool in 0129?
During the "ontgomery 'us 'oycott in 0122-3, what role was played by,6osa #arks?
,"artin Auther +ing, >r?
Define Civil &i$"ts Act of 19,-:
.oti#$ &i$"ts Act of 19,/:
6estate in your own words, the message of Dr. +ings ?; /a)e a Dream@ speech deli)ered in 013C. Dp 90BE
8.,., Women and Other -inorities. Chapters 2, . 2/.
Discuss the pay ineFuity between mens and womens earnings. Dp 999E
Define (0)al &i$"ts Ame#dme#t:
Why was it not passed?
Define ;llegal ;mmigrants
/ow is immigration different today, than in the past, in terms of,countries of origin?
,skills and educational le)el sought?
8.0.0 *ensions and Rea!tions. Chapters 2, . 2(.
Define "alcolm G
(tokely *armichael
*ritical !hinking. /ow did their mo)ements of ?'lack (eparatism and ?'lack #ower@ differ from the philosophy of Dr.
"artin Auther +ing?
Define %ffirmati)e %ction
What reasons did critics gi)e for opposing %ffirmati)e %ction?
a- b-
+.1 )mpa!t of 1lo2ali3ation on the 4S Chapter 2/.
Define $orth %merican <ree !rade %ssociation
Which U( groups supported $%<!%?
$%<!% helped create Hobs in which employment sectors?
,which workers were negati)ely affected by $%<!%?
!he aging 'aby 'oomer generation will ha)e what impact on,(ocial (ecurity?
What pri)acy concerns ha)e been raised by,the use of computers?
,the Patriot Act?
Describe the role of the .lectoral *ollege in the presidential )ictory of 5eorge W. 'ush, in 4===.
+.2 ost Cold War Foreign oli!". Chapter 2/.
Why did the first #resident 'ush inter)ene to stop the ;raFi in)asion of +uwait in 011=?
(ince the end of the *old War, describe U( foreign policy regarding,*uba
,Iugosla)ia, 'osnia, +oso)o
(ince the 1J00 %ttacks, describe the U( policy regarding
,/omeland (ecurity

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