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Course Name: Microcontroller Based System Lab Course Code: EE 313L

Teacher Name: Engr. Rizwan Latif Semester : Supervisory Course

Marks: 30 Time: 45 Minutes

QNo.1 Write a program to toggle upper nibble of PORT C with delay of 50ms.Use
Timer0,Normal mode, No Prescalar options to generate delay. 5 Marks
QNo.2 Use Timer 0 generate a square wave on pin PORT A.5 while at the same time
transferring data from PORTC TO PORTD. 5 Marks
QNo.3 Write a program to transfer string Embedded serially at 9600 baud rate
continuously. Use 8bit data & 1 stop bit. Assuming XTAL=8MHz. 10 Marks
QNo.4 Write a program to display string AVR using 8bit mode,4bit mode and serially
on LCD. 10 Marks

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