Panfleto Portalegre - 3março

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...a place to visit!


Portalegre Tapestry
Museum: Guy Fino
The founder of the Portalegre
Tapestry was the manufacturer
Guy Fino, a great expert in the
wool industry who was able to
attract the interest of numerous
artists for the experience of the
modern tapestry. The Portale-
gre stitch makes these tapes-
tries incredibly expressive and
able to faithfully
reproduce the origi-
nal designs. In this
museum you can
see works by a
great variety of na-
tional and foreign
The Castle
King D. Dinis ordered
the construction of the
castle and its walls in
around 1290. Since
2004, it has a visitors
centre, known as the
interpretation centre
and halls for

Public parks:
Tarro and Corredoura
You must visit Portalegre
S Cathedral
A group of buildings
formed by the cathedral,
the cloister and the
Episcopal House, was
initiated in 1556 by the
first Bishop of Portale-
gre. Its faade combines
a simple style with rich
baroque doorways and
two clock towers.
The Platanus of
It is one of the most im-
portant symbols of Portale-
gre. It was planted in 1838
in the Rossio Square and
today it is over 30 metres
high, has a trunk with a
perimeter of 5,9 metres
and a crown with a diame-
ter of 111.19 metres (the
largest in the Iberian Pen-
Monastery of Saint Bernard
Founded in the 16th century by D. Jorge de
Melo, the monastery was continually extended
until the 19th century. Its facade is white and
ochre and its interior, houses the monumental
tomb of its founder. At present, many of its
artifacts are in the Municipal Museum.
Republic Square
Urban building outside the
city walls, where the arcades
of the old market, are today
occupied by cafs and ter-
races, and the faades of the
baroque manor houses,
house the Police Station and
the Higher School of Educa-
tion of Portalegre.
Municipal Museum
Created in 1918, the museum has a wonderful
rich collection of pieces from two of Portalegres
seven former convents Saint Clara and Saint
Bernard - consisting in acquisitions made by the
town council and private
donations. Jos Rgios
This museum house
mainly exhibits pieces
of sacred art and eth-
nography, images of
Christ on Cross, the
pottery of Portalegre
and collections of
pastoral art and wrought
iron pieces. The pieces
were collected by the
poet and
teacher Jos
Rgio, who
lived in this

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