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Attempt All
1) List some food diseases you know
a) Describe in details one of such disease from causes to management
2) Who is a nurse?
a) What are the ethics of nursing
b) What is the definition of health by WHO standard
c) Describe the Hospital and the role of the nurses
3) List and explain all your activities from the first point of contract with a pregnant woman
in labour to the end of delivery of a sound healthy baby discharged home with the
a) Mention some drugs used in pregnancy and their purposes.
4) What is Asphyxia Neonatorium
a) describe various levels of Asphybia and your nursing intervention.
5) Describe systematically the injection procedure.
a) List out all roots of giving injections and mention examples of types of
injection for each roots
b) What are the complications of injections and describe how to avoid them.
6) What is bleeding
a) What are the causes of bleeding in pregnancy
b) Describe your nursing interventions at a postpartum bleeding case.
7) Describe the female Pelvis
a) Draw the innominate bones & and label the same
b) Mention five benefits of breast feeding

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