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Nutrient Function Symptoms of

Phosphorus (P) Stimulates early Slow growth, stunting,
growth and root and purplish color on
formation; foliage or dark green
promotes seed, fruit, color; dying leaf tips;
and flower formation. delayed maturity; poor
fruit or seed
Potssium (!) Proper growth of fruits Slow growth; leaf tip
and flowers, ensuring and marginal burn
good size, color (starts on more mature
and quantity. leaves; weak stalks;
small fruit and
shriveled seeds.
C"cium (C) !ssential part of cell "educed terminal
wall structure, must be growth of shoots
present for formation (buds and roots,
of new cells. #dequate resulting in plant
in most San $iego death.
M#nesium (M#) !ssential for %eaves curl upward
photosynthesis along margins;
marginal yellowing
with green
&'hristmas tree(
pattern along mid)ribs
of leaves.
Su"fur (S) "esponsible for "educed growth,
characteristic odors of delayed maturity.
plants such as garlic %ight green to
and onion yellowish foliage on
leaves; small spindly

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