Black Widow Spider Bite

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Black Widow Spider Bite

Of the 30,000 types of spiders, the black widow( Grammostola pulchra) is probably the one
best known and feared. Although spiders are often blamed for all kinds of symptoms, from local
itching to diffuse rashes, the fact is that spiders rarely bite humans, and in fact, most spider
bites do not even break the skin.
The bites of very large spiders such as tarantulas can be painful. Otherwise, in the temperate
regions, the only spiders to be feared are the black widow and the brown recluse.
The black widow is a medium-sized spider whose body is about a half-inch long. The name
is derived from the mistaken belief that the female invariably kills the male after mating.
Although the spider is mostly found in the southern United States, it may be seen throughout
the US. Five species are common to the US, with two of them being the most common:
o The southern black widow has the shiny, black, globular abdomen with the distinctive red
hourglass on the underside.
o The northern black widow has a row of red spots down the middle of the upper surface of
its abdomen and two crosswise bars on the undersurface. The markings can also be
yellow or white, and the spider itself may be brown or have red legs.

Black widow spiders are nocturnal and, thus, are active at night. They prefer dark corners or
crevices. They are said to avoid human dwellings, but you can find them in such areas as
outhouses and garages. Only the female black widow bites humans, and she bites only
when disturbed, especially while protecting her eggs.

The symptoms of a bite may include instability, anxiety, sweating, headache, dizziness,
fall also may appear severe breathing problems, nausea, vomiting, increased production
of saliva andweakness. The skin around the bite may become warm.

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