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Syllabus Intermedio
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1. General description of the Intermedio 2 level
2. Students
3. Teaching Method
. !"#ectives
$. Suggestions for tas%s
&. 'valuation
(. )ecommended Materials
*. Inclusive Teaching for +iverse Students
Page 2 of 29
1. G',')-. +'S/)I0TI!, !1 T2' I,T')M'+I! 2 .'3'.
As establis!ed by R"D" #$%&''$ and t!e ''$ Edu(ation A(t )Ley Or*+ni(a de Edu(a(i,n-. t!e re/0
eren(e /or t!e Intermedio syllabus is t!e 1# le2el /rom t!e 3ommon Euro4ean 5rame6or7 o/ Re/er0
en(e )3E5R"- Students a((ess 1# a/ter (om4letin* t!e A )1asi( 8ser- le2el"
O//i(ial S(!ools o/ Lan*ua*es in Gali(ia !a2e s4lit 1# )as de/ined by t!e 3E5R- into t6o le2els. Inter0
medio # and Intermedio "
T!e 3E5R des(ribes 1# as /ollo6s9
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly en-
countered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise while trav-
elling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected texts on top-
ics, which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams,
hopes, and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.:
5urt!ermore. t!e Gali(ian le*islation )DOG #%#&''; Se4tember 't!- states t!at t!is le2el <implies
using the language with a degree of confidence and flexibility, receptively and productively, both in
writing and in speech, in different situations which require understanding and producing texts in stand-
ard language, with common structures and vocabulary, on general topics, topics in daily use or topics
of personal interest to the student.
T!e le*islation establis!es t!at t!e duration o/ t!is (ourse 6ill be #=' !ours. (orres4ondin* to one /ull
s(!ool year"
2. ST4+',TS
A((ess to Intermedio re>uires e2iden(e t!at t!e student !as a(!ie2ed t!e Intermedio # le2el" T!is
(an be demonstrated in di//erent 6ays9
by attendin* re*ular lessons in t!e Lan*ua*e S(!ool and !a2in* (om4leted t!e 4rior
by sittin* t!e 4la(ement test and obtainin* t!e le2el re>uired. or
by re(o*nition o/ En*lis! studies or lan*ua*e (erti/i(ations"

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3. T'-/2I,G M'T2!+
T!is Syllabus /ollo6s t!e 4rin(i4les /or lan*ua*e tea(!in* establis!ed in Arti(le ?. De(reto #%# &
'';. dated ' Se4tember" T!ese are based on t!e 4rin(i4les de2elo4ed by t!e 3oun(il o/ Euro4e in
t!e 3E5R" A((ordin* to t!ese 4rin(i4les. t!e startin* 4oint /or learnin* and tea(!in* lan*ua*es s!ould
be lan*ua*e as a 2e!i(le /or (ommuni(ation in di//erent ty4es o/ real0li/e tas7s. by means o/ a(ti2ities
re>uirin* intera(tion in s4ee(! or 6ritin*" T!us. t!e (ourse ob@e(ti2es s!ould relate to (arryin* out and
masterin* real and 4robable tas7s in t!e (onteAt o/ daily li/e in t!e *lobalised en2ironment o/ t!e
t6enty0/irst (entury" 5or t!is reason. our tea(!in* met!od needs to a44ly 6!at t!e 3E5R (alls a (om0
muni(ati2e /o(us /or a(tion or use0/o(used learnin*. t!at is. it needs to de2elo4 (ommuni(ati2e (om0
4eten(e in a 4ra(ti(al and e//i(ient 6ay. by (arryin* out t!e tas7s"
Essential to t!is /o(us is t!at tas7s s!ould 4ro4ose (ommon real0li/e (ommuni(ati2e situations. and
4ra(tise t!em durin* lesson time" Additionally. aut!enti( materials s!ould be em4loyed as /ar as 4os0
sible" T!e (!oi(e o/ sam4les o/ s4ee(! and 6ritin* s!ould be desi*ned to /a(ilitate a(>uisition o/ t!e
ne(essary s7ills /or ea(! (ommuni(ati2e tas7" T!e sam4les s!ould s!o6 a trans4arent relations!i4
bet6een /orm. /un(tion and use" T!e material s!ould !el4 to de2elo4 t!e learnerBs sel/0(on/iden(e 6it!
t!e learnin* 4ro(ess"
Additionally. 6e 4ro4ose a 4ro(ess0oriented. learner0(entred a44roa(!. and (onsider studentsB in0
terests. needs. r!yt!ms and learnin* styles 6!en sele(tin* and se>uen(in* tas7s and materials. 6it!in
t!e syllabus /rame6or7 /or t!e EOI (ourses"
T!e tea(!erBs role s!ould be to desi*n. 4resent. en(oura*e and assess (ommuni(ati2e a(ti2ities" In
addition. tea(!ers s!ould 4ro2ide *uidan(e /or learners. and /a(ilitate a(>uisition and a(ti2ation o/ t!e
strate*ies t!ey need /or sel/0learnin* and sel/0assessment" Students s!ould be en(oura*ed to ta7e
t!eir o6n res4onsibilities in t!e 4ro(ess. bot! in (o0o4eration 6it! ot!er members o/ t!e *rou4 and. es0
4e(ially. outside t!e (lassroom" T!us. (lassrooms are laid out /or *rou4 6or7 and 4air 6or7. /leAibly.
a((ordin* to a(ti2ities. rat!er t!an uni/ormly /or all students" Alt!ou*! t!e (lassroom is t!e 2enue /or
learnin*. s!o6in* and analysin* a(!ie2ement. ot!er /a(ilities (an be used /or t!e same 4ur4ose. su(!
as t!e library /or resear(! and t!e multimedia room /or tas7s. re(ordin* sound or 2ideo 6it! or 6it!out
t!e tea(!er. and so on" Additionally. ot!er s4a(es are used /or real0li/e tas7s"
E2aluation is an inte*ral 4art o/ t!e learnin* 4ro(ess and ta7es into a((ount all t!e /a(tors t!at ma7e
u4 learnin*" E2aluation is a tool used /or re/le(tion. re2ision. reorientation. and re4air on all t!e (om0
4onents o/ t!e (urri(ulum )syllabi. (lassrooms. materials. a(ti2ities. et("-
Gi2en t!e di2ersity o/ our students. attention to di2erse le2els o/ (om4eten(e is re>uired" Di2ersity
(an be *eneral. or s7ill0based. or due to di2erse r!yt!ms and interests" C!ene2er suitable. tea(!ers
6ill attem4t to di2ersi/y tas7s and studentsB 6or7in* met!od to /a(ilitate indi2idual 4ro*ress" T!e En*0
lis! De4artment o//ers a ran*e o/ (om4lementary a(ti2ities. 6!i(! are sin*le0(on(ern (ourses and & or
6or7s!o4s /or s4e(i/i( s7ills. desi*ned to (o2er a 6ide 2ariety o/ needs and interests"
Tea(!ers s!ould *uide and tutor students. and *uidan(e is inte*rated in t!e 4ro(ess o/ learnin* and
assessment in t!e (lassroom" T!e underlyin* ob@e(ti2e is to *et students to be autonomous and to
t!in7 about !o6 t!ey (ould learn most e//e(ti2ely" C!en ne(essary. tutorial time 6ill be em4loyed"
As 6ell as traditional 6ritten and audio2isual resour(es. s4e(ial mention o/ t!e ne6 I3T resour(es
s!ould be made. resour(es 6!i(! are destined to be used e2er more /re>uently. as t!ey are aut!enti(.
moti2atin*. and /a(ilitate autonomous 4ra(ti(e"
5inally. it must be said. in t!is inte*ral /o(us. t!at (ommuni(ati2e (om4eten(e de4ends not only on
(a4ability /or *rammati(al use o/ t!e lan*ua*e. but also on so(iolin*uisti(. 4ra*mati(. inter(ultural and
strate*i( (a4ability" T!ese (om4onents *rammar. 2o(abulary. 4ronun(iation. (ultural as4e(ts. learn0
Page 4 of 29
in* strate*ies and so on are not a 4ur4ose in t!emsel2es. but means to an end. 6!i(! is to a(!ie2e
e//e(ti2e (ommuni(ation"
T!e t6o basi( as4e(ts t!at deri2e /rom t!e tea(!in* 4rin(i4les set out abo2e are. /irst. our met!odo0
lo*i(al a44roa(!. based on 6or7in* on real tas7s. and. se(ond. t!e idea t!at students s!ould ta7e t!e
main res4onsibility /or learnin*. and be autonomous"
. !56'/TI3'S
5ollo6in* t!e met!odolo*i(al 4rin(i4les set out abo2e. t!e Ob@e(ti2es are laid out in t!e /orm o/ a(0
tion ob@e(ti2es )i"e". a(ti2ities /or a s4e(i/i( en2ironment. s7ill and a(tion le2el-. 6!i(! de2elo4 t!ree o/
t!e areas 4ro4osed by ALTE. t!e Asso(iation o/ Lan*ua*e Testers in Euro4e" T!ese are t!e so(ial
and tourism area. t!e 6or7 area. and t!e study area"
T!e so(ial area aims at satis/yin* t!e basi( needs o/ a student 6!o 6ants to tra2el to an En*0
lis!0s4ea7in* (ountry. or (ommuni(ate 6it! an En*lis!0s4ea7in* /orei*ner in t!e studentBs o6n en2ir0
T!e 6or7 area aims at de2elo4in* t!e studentsB 4er/orman(e in t!e 6or70/indin* 4ro(ess and daily
6or74la(e situations"
T!e 4ur4ose o/ t!e study area is to 4ro2ide students 6it! t!e ne(essary tools enable t!em to dire(t
t!eir o6n learnin*. bot! in and out o/ t!e s(!ool /a(ilities"
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7i8 !56'/TI3'S 9 S4MM-):
!"#ectives for this level are sho;n in the follo;ing ta"le.
I. Social and tourism area II. <or% area
/oncern= Socialising
A(ti2ity #9 Dis(ussin*"
/oncern= The media
A(ti2ity #9 Cat(!in* TV. /ilms. 4lays.
do(umentaries. et(" Listenin* to t!e radio"
Readin* ne6s4a4ers. @ournals"
/oncern= 2ealth
A(ti2ity #9 Gettin* and stayin* 6ell"
/oncern9 'mergencies
A(ti2ity #9 Dealin* 6it! emer*en(y
situations )a((ident. illness. (rime. (ar
/oncern9 Travelling
A(ti2ity #9 Tal7in* and 6ritin* about a 4ast
/oncern= <or%>related services and
A(ti2ity #9 Ma7in* (alls and 4ostin*
messa*es and letters"
A(ti2ity 9 Ta7in* 4art in meetin*s"
A(ti2ity =9 8nderstandin* and 6ritin* re4orts
and 4ro/essional literature"
A(ti2ity D9 8sin* /inan(ial and 4ostal
III. Stud? area I3. .earning area
/oncern= Stud?ing
A(ti2ity #9 Gi2in* a le(ture. tal7.
4resentation or demonstration"
A(ti2ity 9 Gat!erin* in/ormation &
A((essin* in/ormation )e"*". /rom a
(om4uter database. library. di(tionary"-
A(ti2ity =9 Critin* essays"
/oncern= +eveloping strategies
A(ti2ity #9 De2elo4in* lan*ua*e s7ills"
/oncern= /ourse at '!I or a"road
A(ti2ity #9 5ollo6in* and 4arti(i4atin* in a
A(ti2ity 9 Learnin* about s(!ool /a(ilities"
/oncern= /ourse materials
A(ti2ity #9 Gat!erin* in/ormation"
/oncern= Management of stud?
A(ti2ity #9 De2elo4in* lan*ua*e a6areness"
A(ti2ity 9 Generatin* moti2ation"
A(ti2ity =9 Plannin*"
A(ti2ity D9 Monitorin* 4ro*ress"
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7ii8 !56'/TI3'S > +'S/)I0TI!,
I. S!/I-. -,+ T!4)ISM -)'-
1. /oncern= Socialising
1.1 +iscussing
En2ironment: O// 6or7. ni*!t(lubs. meetin* 6it! /riends"
.istening @
3an understand t!e s4ea7erEs main o4inions (on(ernin* any *i2en to4i( liable to
be addressed in t!e 4ro4osed en2ironment )!ealt!. belie/s. reli*ion. moral a40
4raisals. et!i(al (on(erns. !o4es and ambitions"-
3an eA4ress an o4inion in a more or less elaborate manner about any *i2en to40
i( liable to be addressed in t!e 4ro4osed en2ironment"
3an s!o6 a*reement or disa*reement in di//erent 6ays )in(ludin* *estural lan0
*ua*e. lan*ua*e resour(es and intonation 4atterns"-
3an s!o6 interest or la(7 o/ it"
3an s!o6 sur4rise. !o4e. *et an*ry and /eel sorry"
3an understand basi( (!ara(teristi(s o/ !umour. t!ou*! (lari/i(ation may be re0
>uired sometimes"
3an deal 6it! *uesses
3an a44ly so(ial (on2entions in En*lis!0s4ea7in* (ountries 6!en in (on2ersa0
tion or so(ial intera(tion"
3an use /ormal lin*uisti( resour(es. albeit limited. i/ re>uired by t!e (ontent
)e"*". *reetin*s. a2oidin* (ollo>uialisms"-
3an /eel (om/ortable in (ollo>uial or non0/ormal situations i/ slan* is not !ea2ily
<riting 3an 6rite an a((ount o/ a ty4i(al (elebration or so(ial e2ent"
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2. /oncern= The media
2.1 <atching T3A filmsA pla?sA documentariesA etc.A listening to the radioA reading
ne;spapersA #ournals.
En2ironment: Fome. (ar. (inema. t!eatre. son et lumiGre"
.istening @
3an /ollo6 t!e 4lot o/ a /ilm or 4lay"
3an identi/y t!e main to4i( o/. /or eAam4le. a ne6s broad(ast on TV"
3an understand ne6s about en2ironmental issues)/lora and /auna-
3an understand t!e 6eat!er /ore(ast
3an understand a radio & TV inter2ie6"
)eading 3an understand a /a(tual arti(le or re4ort in a ne6s4a4er & ma*aHine"
3an read t!e media /or in/ormation"
3an understand ne6s about en2ironmental issues)/lora and /auna-
3an understand t!e 6eat!er /ore(ast
<riting 3an 6rite a /ilm & boo7 re2ie6 )4lot s!ould be solely se>uential"-
3an 6rite a sim4le ne6s re4ort"
3an 6rite a letter to t!e editor"
3. /oncern= 2ealth
3.1 Getting @ Sta?ing ;ell
En2ironment: 3!emistEs. do(torEs. !os4ital. dentistEs. !ome"
.istening @
3an as7 o2er t!e 4!one /or a medi(al a44ointment and understand t!e re4ly"
3an eA4lain 6!at is 6ron* in strai*!t/or6ard terms at a (!emistEs. do(torEs. !os0
4ital or dentistEs. es4e(ially i/ sym4toms are 2isible" Cill re>uire a di(tionary to
des(ribe less ob2ious sym4toms"
3an say 6!ere it !urts and understand 4arts o/ t!e body and mo2ements
3an as7 /or or *i2e ad2i(e and understand t!e ans6er. 4ro2ided t!is is *i2en in
e2eryday lan*ua*e"
3an tal7 about addi(tions and dru*s"
Page 8 of 29
. /oncern9 'mergencies
.1 +ealing ;ith emergenc? situations 7accidentA illnessA crimeA car "rea%do;n.8
En2ironment: Publi( 4la(es. 4ri2ate 4la(es. !os4ital. 4oli(e station"
.istening @
3an indi(ate nature o/ 4roblem and understand sim4le instru(tions and >ues0
3an *i2e a sim4le re4ort o/ an emer*en(y in(ident or a (rime"
3an des(ribe a (riminalBs a44earan(e)4!ysi(al des(ri4tion and (lot!es-
)eading 3an read. understand and *i2e a44ro2al to a 4oli(e statement"
<riting 3an 6rite a sim4le (rime re4ort or an ane(dote o/ a (riminal a(t. a((ident"
$. /oncern9 Travelling
$.1 - past trip
En2ironment: in t!e street. at t!e o//i(e. in a (a/I
.istening @
3an en*a*e in a (on2ersation about a 4ast tri4"
)eading 3an understand re4orts or narrati2es about a 4ast tri4"
<riting 3an 6rite an a((ount o/ a 4ast tri4. re(ommendin* t!e tri4 to a /riend"
Page 9 of 29
II. <!)B -)'-
1. /oncern= <or%>related services and activities
1.1 Ma%ing calls and posting messages and letters
En2ironment: T!e 6or74la(e"
.istening @
3an ta7e (om4leA messa*es on a /amiliar issue"
3an intera(t on t!e 4!one 6!en dealin* 6it! a /amiliar issue"
3an as7 /or (lari/i(ation or elaboration i/ t!ere is a misunderstandin* on t!e
)eading 3an understand e0mails and teAtin* 6!en dealin* 6it! a /amiliar issue"
3an understand instru(tions on !o6 to use *ad*ets & ma(!ines at 6or7
<riting 3an 6rite an e0mail 6!en dealin* 6it! a /amiliar 6or70related issue"
1.3 Ta%ing part in meetings
En2ironment9 T!e 6or74la(e. (on/eren(e room"
.istening @
3an understand most o/ 6!at ta7es 4la(e at an ordinary meetin* at 6or7"
3an eA4ress an o4inion"
3an 4ut !is 4oint a(ross 4ersuasi2ely 6!en dealin* 6it! a /amiliar 4rodu(t"
3an 4resent ar*uments to a limited eAtent"
3an a*ree or disa*ree in /ormal meetin*s at 6or7"
<riting 3an ma7e reasonably a((urate notes on a /amiliar to4i( at a meetin*"
Page 10 of 29
1. 4nderstanding and ;riting reports and professional literature
En2ironment: T!e 6or74la(e"
)eading 3an understand t!e *eneral meanin* o/ a non0/a(tual arti(le"
<riting 3an 6rite a sim4le re4ort o/ a /a(tual nature and e2aluate. ad2ise"
1.$ 4sing financial and postal services
En2ironment: 1an7s. 4ost o//i(e. bureau de (!an*e"
.istening @
3an as7 to o4en an a((ount at a ban7 4ro2ided t!at t!e 4ro(edure is strai*!t/or0
3an deal 6it! 4ostal transa(tions"
)eading 3an understand routine ban7 literature"
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III. ST4+: -)'-
1. /oncern= Stud?ing
1.1 Giving a lectureA tal%A presentation or demonstration
En2ironment: Le(ture !all. (lassroom. laboratory"
.istening @
3an understand sim4le >uestions /rom t!e audien(e or (lari/y 4arts o/ t!e
4resentation i/ ne(essary"
3an *i2e a (lear 4resentation or demonstration on a /amiliar to4i( )in sim4le
terms and 6it! 4rior 4re4aration"-
3an a(!ie2e a satis/a(tory. albeit sim4listi(. le2el o/ intera(tion 6it! t!e audien(e
by tri**erin* rea(tions or eli(itin* o4inions"
<riting 3an 6rite a series o/ basi( notes to or*anise a s!ort. sim4le 4resentation"
3an 4re4are slides or additional 6ritten materials to su44ort t!e 4resentation"
1.2 Gathering information @ -ccessing information 7e.g.A from a computer data"aseA
li"rar?A dictionar?A the Internet.8
En2ironment: Study. library. t!e Internet"
.istening @
3an de(ode relati2ely (om4leA audio messa*es )e"*". /rom a (om4uter- in order
to sele(t t!e a2ailable in/ormation"
)eading 3an understand most in/ormation o/ a /a(tual nature t!at t!ey are li7ely to (ome
a(ross durin* t!e (ourse o/ study. *i2en su//i(ient time"
3an use di//erent readin* te(!ni>ues su(! as s7immin* and s(annin* to *et rel0
e2ant in/ormation"
3an understand relati2ely (om4leA instru(tions and messa*es on. e"*". (om0
4uter library (atalo*ues. 6it! some !el4"
3an use a monolin*ual di(tionary 6it! an ade>uate de*ree o/ a((ura(y to
determine t!e meanin* and use o/ a *i2en 6ord or eA4ression"
<riting 3an ma7e notes /rom sim4le sour(es /or essay or re2ision 4ur4oses. (a4turin*
t!e most im4ortant 4oints and sele(tin* t!e most salient ideas"
3an summarise in/ormation /rom di//erent sour(es"
Page 12 of 29
1.3 <riting essa?s
En2ironment: Study. library. eAamination room"
<riting 3an 6rite an ade>uately stru(tured narrati2e or des(ri4tion 6it! in(reasin*ly a(0
(urate and (om4leA use o/ 2o(abulary and *rammar"
3an 6rite relati2ely (om4leA teAts on a ran*e o/ to4i(s 6it!in !is & !er /ield o/ in0
terest or eA4erien(e"
3an eA4ress 4ersonal 2ie6s and o4inions in 6ritin* in an elaborate manner"
3an 6rite an a((ount o/ an eA4eriment )met!ods. materials-. demonstratin* ad0
e>uate understandin* o/ t!e 6or7 done"
3an 4resent ar*uments 6it! a more or less limited ran*e o/ eA4ression"
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I3. .'-),I,G -)'-
1. /oncern= +eveloping strategies
1.1 +eveloping language s%ills
En2ironment: S(!ool. !ome"
.istening @
3an 4redi(t (ontent o/ teAt"
3an in/er meanin* /rom (onteAt in(ludin* un7no6n 6ords and eA4ressions"
3an *ras4 *eneral meanin*"
3an identi/y 4ur4ose o/ teAt"
3an eA4ress t!emsel2es 6!ile monitorin* t!eir o6n 4rodu(tion"
3an maintain intera(tion in L 6it!out resour(e to L#"
3an (om4ensate /or la(7 o/ 6ords"
)eading 3an 4redi(t (ontent o/ teAt"
3an s7im and s(an teAt"
3an in/er meanin* /rom (onteAt"
3an *ras4 *eneral meanin*"
3an identi/y 4ur4ose o/ teAt"
3an understand teAts as a 6!ole 6it! an intuiti2e (om4re!ension o/ (o!esion
and (o!eren(e de2i(es and stru(tural as4e(ts"
3an ada4t readin* te(!ni>ue to ty4e o/ teAt"
<riting 3an eA4ress t!emsel2es in 6ritin*"
3an or*anise ideas and 6rite a dra/t"
3an /ind 2o(abulary needed to 4er/orm *i2en tas7"
3an re2ise and s4ot mista7es in 6ritin* out(omes"
3an t!in7 (reati2ely to *enerate ideas /or 6ritin* 4ur4oses"
Page 14 of 29
2. /oncern= /ourse at '!I or a"road
2.1 1ollo;ing and participating in a lesson
En2ironment: 3lassroom"
.istening @
Spea%ing @
)eading @
3an use so(ial strate*ies to intera(t 6it! 4eers"
3an /ollo6 t!e tea(!er and s(!oolmates and intera(t in En*lis! 6!ile 4er/ormin*
t!e (lassroom tas7s"
3an as7 a44ro4riate >uestions to dire(t t!eir learnin* and (!e(7 instru(tions i/
ne(essary about tas7s or !ome6or7"
3an 6or7 in 4airs or *rou4s"
3an ta7e notes in En*lis!"
2.2 .earning a"out school facilities
En2ironment: EOI
.istening @
Spea%ing @
)eading @
3an understand and *i2e basi( in/ormation or instru(tions about EOI /a(ilities.
(ourses. timetables"
3an (o4e 6it! s(!ool0related 4a4er6or7"
3. /oncern= /ourse materials
3. 1 Gathering information
En2ironment: 3lassroom. !ome. library"
.istening @
Spea%ing @
)eading @
3an mo2e around t!e se(tions o/ a re/eren(e boo7 to *et 6!at t!ey need"
3an use readin* strate*ies su(! as s(annin* and s7immin* /or rele2ant
in/ormation in resour(e boo7s"
3an use bot! bilin*ual and monolin*ual di(tionaries 6it! an ade>uate
understandin* o/ abbre2iations and 4!oneti( symbols"
3an loo7 u4 /or s4e(i/i( (onnotations and s!ades o/ meanin* 6it!in a di(tionary
!eadin* )re*ister. idiomati( eA4ressions"-
3an sele(t teAts /or eAtensi2e readin* & listenin*"
3an sele(t rele2ant data /rom 6ritten or s4o7en teAts and 6rite t!em do6n"
Page 15 of 29
. /oncern= Management of stud?
.1 +eveloping language a;areness
En2ironment9 3lassroom. !ome. library"
.istening @
Spea%ing @
)eading @
3an dedu(e and !y4ot!esise about lan*ua*e 4atterns and be (reati2e about
!o6 lan*ua*e 6or7s"
3an monitor t!e in/luen(e o/ t!eir mot!er ton*ue in t!eir lan*ua*e 4rodu(tion"
.2 Generating Motivation
En2ironment9 3lassroom. !ome. real li/e"
.istening @
Spea%ing @
)eading @
3an (ollaborate 6it! 4eers. o//er !el4. s!are ideas"
3an s!o6 interest by usin* t!e lan*ua*e /or real (ommuni(ation"
3an s!o6 initiati2e )i"e". lose /ear to intera(t. ta7e ad2anta*e o/ o44ortunities to
use t!e lan*ua*e"-
3an ta7e ris7s 6isely"
3an de2elo4 a 4ositi2e attitude to L (ulture"
3an 7ee4 a lan*ua*e learnin* diary i/ su**ested"
3an *et eAtra 4ra(ti(e outside t!e (lassroom by listenin* to ne6s. /ilms. sur/in*
t!e 6eb or any ot!er materials /rom di//erent sour(es"
.3 0lanning
En2ironment: 3lassroom. !ome"
.istening @
Spea%ing @
)eading @
3an or*anise and 4lan t!eir study"
3an ma7e 4lans to a((om4lis! a tas7 autonomously"
3an set o6n *oal and ob@e(ti2es"
3an de2ote enou*! time to 4ra(ti(e"
3an understand teAts )e"*". >uestionnaires- desi*ned to monitor learnin*
3an desi*n and or*anise t!e se(tions o/ t!eir notes"
3an desi*n and 7ee4 a 4ort/olio"
3an desi*n and 6rite re(ords o/ 4er/orman(e"
Page 16 of 29
. Monitoring progress
En2ironment: 3lassroom. !ome"
.istening @
Spea%ing @
)eading @
3an s4ot and (orre(t mista7es in o6n 4rodu(tion )e"*". re(ordin* s!ort
messa*es to re/le(t u4on mista7es. editin* o6n 6ritin*"-
3an re!earse su((ess/ul 6ays o/ learnin*"
3an desi*n and /ill in >uestionnaires to assess 4ro*ress and su((ess"
3an !el4 4eers monitor t!eir 4ro*ress"
Page 17 of 29
$. S4GG'STI!,S 1!) T-SBS
I. Social and tourism area
5o(us9 Li2in* abroad as a lon*0term resident"
/oncern= Socialising
Su**ested Tas7s9
- Ma7in* so(ial (onta(t at a *at!erin* by usin* t!e a44ro4riate so(ial /ormulas to (on/orm so(ial
relations in di//erent en2ironments"
- En*a*in* in so(ial (on2ersations by eA4ressin* o4inions. a*reement. disa*reement. disbelie/.
interest. in(ludin* some !umorous remar7s"
/oncern= The media
Su**ested Tas7s9
- Cat(!in* t!e ne6s and ot!er media 4ro*rammes to /ollo6 t!e main 4oints o/ (urrent a//airs in
t!e 6orld"
- Readin* ne6s4a4ers. bot! serious 4ress and tabloids. to obtain in/ormation /rom di//erent
7inds o/ arti(les 0 in(ludin* ar*umentati2e teAts 0 about /amiliar sub@e(ts"
- Cat(!in* a /ilm in En*lis! /or edu(ational and re(reational 4ur4oses"
- Critin* a letter to t!e editor o/ a ne6s4a4er re/errin* to (urrent a//airs"
- Critin* a /ilm & boo7 re2ie6 to a /riend. to rea(t to it. re(ommend. 4raise. inter4ret and to some
eAtent analyse t!e 6or7"
/oncern= 2ealth
Su**ested Tas7s9
- Ma7in* an a44ointment /or t!e do(torBs & dentistBs o2er t!e tele4!one"
- Des(ribin* ailments and sym4toms o/ (ommon illnesses at t!e do(torBs or o2er t!e 4!one and
res4ondin* to t!e do(torBs re(ommendations. 4res(ri4tions and ad2i(e"
/oncern9 'mergencies
Su**ested Tas7s9
- Ma7in* emer*en(y (alls a/ter in(idents in2ol2in* se(urity ser2i(es su(! as !os4itals. 4oli(e or
/ire stations. and des(ribin* unsa/e or ille*al situations. in s4ee(! or 6ritin*"
/oncern9 Travelling
Su**ested Tas7s9
- Critin* narrations. ane(dotes and re4orts o/ e2ents 6!i(! too7 4la(e on @ourneys"
II. <or% area
5o(us9 Cor7in* 4art0time or as a tem4 & trainee"
Page 18 of 29
/oncern= <or%>related services and activities
Su**ested Tas7s9
-t ;or%
- Des(ribin* a (om4any. tal7in* about 6or7 and 6or7in* (onditions"
- Tal7in* about (om4any stru(ture J or*anisation"
/oping ;ith dail? routines at ;or%
- Ma7in* (alls. teAtin*. e0mailin* and 4ostin* messa*es and letters 6!en dealin* 6it! /amiliar
- Intera(tin* on t!e 4!one e2en 6!en t!ere may be uneA4e(ted 4roblems"
- 8nderstandin* and *ettin* in/ormation out o/ 4ro/essional in/ormati2e arti(les"
- Ta7in* 4art in meetin*s by 6ritin* a*endas. eA4ressin* o4inions. 4resentin* ar*uments.
4uttin* 4oints a(ross 4ersuasi2ely 6!en dealin* 6it! /amiliar issues and ma7in* notes"
- Critin* a sim4le re4ort o/ a /a(tual nature to e2aluate. re(ommend"
Page 19 of 29
III. Stud? area
5o(us9 Attendin* (lasses abroad on a lon*0term basis"
/oncern= Stud?ing
Su**ested Tas7s9
Giving a formal tal%
- A((essin* and *at!erin* in/ormation /rom di//erent sour(es to 4re4are and stru(ture a
- Critin* a series o/ basi( notes to or*anise a 4resentation"
- Pre4arin* slides or additional 6ritten materials to su44ort t!e 4resentation"
- Gi2in* a /ormal )in/ormati2e or 4ersuasi2e- tal7"
- A(!ie2in* a satis/a(tory le2el o/ intera(tion 6it! t!e audien(e by tri**erin* rea(tions or eli(itin*
- As7in* and ans6erin* >uestions /ollo6in* a /ormal tal7"
<riting essa?s
- 3ondu(tin* a sear(! o/ material to 6rite an essay and (om4ilin* t!e material /ound"
- 3ommuni(atin* in 6ritin* by summarisin* and 4ara4!rasin* resear(!ed material"
- Or*anisin* resear(!. (itin* and do(umentin* sour(es"
- Critin* an ade>uately stru(tured resear(! essay"

Page 20 of 29
&. '3-.4-TI!,
Pro(ess e2aluation !as been dealt 6it! in (!a4ter on met!odolo*y" Orde dated Se4t ?t! ''?
establis!es t!at t!e 4ur4ose o/ assessment and e2aluation ob@e(ti2es is to measure t!e standard o/
studentsB use o/ En*lis!. 6it! a 2ie6 to (erti/i(ation" Ea(! lin*uisti( s7ill is tested and assessed
se4arately. alt!ou*! all /our are tau*!t and learnt simultaneously" Students are e2aluated a((ordin* to
t!e ob@e(ti2es. (ommuni(ati2e (om4eten(e and assessment (riteria /or 1asi(. Intermediate and
Ad2an(ed le2els" Students 6!o demonstrate t!ey !a2e mastered t!e ob@e(ti2es /or ea(! le2el 6ill be
a6arded t!e rele2ant (erti/i(ation"
Students are entitled to ob@e(ti2e assessment (riteria" T!e (riteria /or assessment and mar7in* /or
ea(! s7ill. /ormal e2aluation 4ro(edures and (orre(tion (riteria 6ill be made 4ubli(. as 6ill t!e (riteria
/or students to 4ro*ress to t!e neAt le2el and a(!ie2e (erti/i(ation"
Student 'valuation 0rocess
Ordinary lan*ua*e (ourses
a- Students are e2aluated t6i(e in a s(!ool year. as re>uired by t!e s(!oolBs edu(ational 4ro@e(t" T!e
se(ond e2aluation is t!e /inal. *lobal annual e2aluation"
b- At t!e be*innin* o/ ea(! s(!ool year. tea(!ers (arry out an initial or dia*nosti( e2aluation" 5or
students. t!is !as in/ormati2e 2alue" 5or tea(!ers. t!e initial e2aluation is a *uide to !el4 establis!
a44ro4riate tea(!in* te(!ni>ues"
(- StudentsB mastery o/ lan*ua*e s7ills 6ill be assessed by means o/ t!e /ollo6in* 7inds o/ test9
1 Mid>?ear progress test. A2ailable to all students 6!o re*ularly attend (lasses" T!e mid0year
4ro*ress test 6ill be (arried out at t!e end o/ t!e /irst semester"
2 'nd>of>?ear promotion test. 5or 1+si(o #. Intermedio # and A2anHado #. t!e En*lis! De4artment
6ill desi*n a /inal eAamination to e2aluate studentsB mastery o/ t!e (ourse ob@e(ti2es"
3 1inal /ertification Test. 5or 1+si(o . Intermedio and A2anHado . t!e /inal eAamination is
desi*ned to e2aluate a(!ie2ement o/ t!e ob@e(ti2es /or t!e le2el )1+si(o. Intermedio. A2anHado- 6it! a
2ie6 to (erti/i(ation"
84date and s4e(ialisation (ourses
Students in u4date and s4e(ialisation (ourses are e2aluated a((ordin* to t!e (ourse syllabus"
<T!atBs En*lis!K: Pro*ramme
<T!atBs En*lis!K: is a distan(e learnin* 4ro*ramme" At t!e end o/ module L. students ta7e t!e /inal
(erti/i(ation test /or 1+si(o. and at t!e end o/ module %. t!e /inal (erti/i(ation test /or Intermedio"
Students 6!o 4ass t!e test 6ill re(ei2e (erti/i(ation /or t!e le2el"

Mid>?ear progress test and end>of>?ear promotion test
1ot! t!e mid0year 4ro*ress test and end0o/0year 4romotion test are 6ritten. a44lied and (orre(ted by
t!e En*lis! De4artment tea(!in* sta//" T!e mid0year test is 6ritten and (orre(ted a((ordin* to t!e
s4e(i/i(ations set out by t!e En*lis! De4artment" End0o/0year tests are 6ritten by t!e en*lis!
De4artment. and are (orre(ted by t!e *rou4Bs tea(!er"
Page 21 of 29
Mid>?ear test
T!is test is (arried out at t!e end o/ t!e /irst semester )5ebruary-" 5or 1+si(o #. Intermedio # and
A2anHado #. t!e mid0year test ma7es u4 ='M o/ t!e mar7 t!e student is a6arded at t!e end o/ t!e
5or 1+si(o . Intermedio and A2anHado . mid0year 4ro*ress tests are sim4ly meant to *i2e
students a !el4/ul re4ort on t!eir 4ro*ress. and !el4 tea(!ers assess t!e eAtent to 6!i(! students
a(!ie2e syllabus out(omes" Students are assessed and (erti/ied solely by means o/ t!e 5inal Test in
'nd>of>?ear promotion test for 5Csico 1A Intermedio 1 and -vanDado 1
End0o/0year 4romotion tests are (arried out in Nune" 5or 1+si(o #. Intermedio # and A2anHado #. t!e
end0o/0year test ma7es u4 ;'M o/ t!e /inal mar7" Fo6e2er. t!e end0o/0year test ma7es u4 #''M o/ t!e
/inal mar7 i/ )i- t!e end0o/0year test s(ore is !i*!er t!an t!at o/ t!e 5ebruary eAamination. or )ii- t!e
student is not eli*ible /or (ontinuous assessment"
T!e En*lis! De4artment 6ill establis! (riteria /or 4ositi2e 2aluation o/ (lass 6or7" 3lass 6or7 6ill not
be 6ort! more t!an #'M o/ t!e /inal mar7 /or t!e (ourse"
Mar%ing s?stem
a- T!e mid0year 4ro*ress test and t!e end0o/0year test are mar7ed usin* a #''04oint s(ale" Ea(! o/
t!e D 4arts o/ t!e eAamination is 6ort! L 4oints"
b- In order to 4ro*ress to t!e se(ond year in ea(! le2el. students re>uire at least #L 4oints in ea(!
o/ t!e D s7ills"
(- Fo6e2er. students (an 4ro*ress to t!e se(ond year 6it! one /ailed s7ill. i/ t!e s7ill is mar7ed #'
4oints or o2er. and t!e /ull eAamination mar7 is $' or o2er"
d- Students 6!o do not 4ro*ress to t!e /ollo6in* year 6ill re0ta7e t!e year and be e2aluated a*ain
/or ea(! s7ill"
e- Mar7s are eA4ressed as A4to )4ass- or Non A4to )/ailed-" In Se4tember. students may also be
mar7ed Non Presentado )missed eAamination-" Pass *rades are s4e(i/ied bet6een bra(7ets. /rom L
to #'. 6it! no de(imal 4oints" T!e *rade is s!o6n on t!e /inal (erti/i(ate and on t!e studentBs
a(ademi( re(ord"
1inal /ertification tests
5Csico 2A Intermedio 2A -vanDado 2
To obtain (erti/i(ation /or t!e 1+si(o. Intermedio and A2anHado le2els. students are re>uired to 4ass
t!e /inal (erti/i(ation tests"
5inal (erti/i(ation tests e2aluate studentsB le2el o/ (om4eten(y and mastery o/ t!e lan*ua*e.
a((ordin* to t!e ob@e(ti2es and (riteria /or e2aluation set out in t!e (urri(ulum"
5inal (erti/i(ation tests are t!e same /or all students in ea(! s(!ool and enable students to mo2e on
to t!e neAt le2el"
T!e En*lis! De4artment is res4onsible /or administerin*. (orre(tin* and mar7in* t!e tests"
Page 22 of 29
Test structureA content and organisation
a- Tests are stru(tured in /our 4arts9 readin* (om4re!ension. listenin* (om4re!ension. 6ritin* and
b- Students are re>uired to ta7e all /our 4arts o/ t!e eAamination" Students 6!o do not ta7e one o/
t!e 4arts o/ t!e eAamination are mar7ed Non A4to )/ailed-"
(- Readin* (om4re!ension and listenin* (om4re!ension are based on aut!enti( or ada4ted teAts
/rom sour(es o/ s4o7en or 6ritten (ommuni(ation" Tests are desi*ned to e2aluate bot! *lobal
(om4re!ension and detailed understandin*"
)ii- 5or t!e 6ritin* test. students are re>uired to 4rodu(e di//erent ty4es o/ teAts. in di//erent
e- T!e s4ea7in* test is desi*ned to e2aluate studentsB su((ess in (om4letin* t!e re>uired
(ommuni(ation tas7. (orre(tness and 4!oneti( and lin*uisti( suitability" T!e minimum (ontent o/ t!e
test s!ould be sustained monolo*ue and intera(tion 6it! t!e tea(!er or ot!er students"
/- Critin* and s4ea7in* tests are mar7ed by at least t6o members o/ t!e En*lis! De4artment"
Mar%ing s?stem
a- 5inal (erti/i(ation tests /or ea(! le2el are mar7ed usin* a #''04oint s(ale" Ea(! o/ t!e /our 4arts
o/ t!e test is mar7ed usin* a L04oint s(ale"
b- A 4ass mar7 re>uires a minimum o/ #L 4oints /or ea(! o/ t!e /our lan*ua*e s7ills" Students 6ill be
mar7ed A4to )4ass-. Non A4to )/ailed- or Non Presentado )missed eAamination-" Students 6!o
re*ularly attend (lasses 6ill not be mar7ed Non Presentado in t!e Nune eAamination"
(- Students 6!o /ail t!e /inal (erti/i(ation eAam may re>uest a (erti/i(ate statin* t!ey !a2e mastered
one or more o/ t!e /our lan*ua*e s7ills"
d- A 4ass mar7 /or t!e /inal (erti/i(ation test /or t!e 1+si(o le2el enables t!e student to 4ro*ress to
t!e Intermedio le2el" Passin* t!e /inal (erti/i(ation test /or t!e Intermedio le2el enables t!e student to
4ro*ress to t!e A2anHado le2el"
e- Students !a2e t!e (!an(e to re0ta7e t!e eAamination in Se4tember" Students 6!o /ail t!e re0ta7e
must re4eat t!e year and be e2aluated a*ain /or all /our lan*ua*e s7ills"
a- 5inal 3erti/i(ation Tests are (arried out in Nune and o//i(ial students (an re0ta7e t!em in
Se4tember" In Se4tember. students are only tested on t!e s7ills t!ey did not 4ass in Nune" EAternal
students )ensino libre- (an ta7e t!e 5inal 3erti/i(ation Tests only on(e in t!e year )A4do"L. DOG NOm"
? Luns. =' de abril de '#-"
b- 1+si(o le2el tests are (arried out in t!e /irst /i2e days o/ Se4tember"
(- T!e aut!orities 6ill establis! t!e dates and timetable /or Intermedio and A2anHado le2el tests. in
t!e /irst !al/ o/ Se4tember"
Page 23 of 29
'valuation results= InformationA communication and complaints
Information and communication
A/ter mid0year 4ro*ress tests. tea(!ers 4ro2ide ea(! student 6it! in/ormation in 6ritin* about t!eir
A/ter end0o/0year 4romotion tests and /inal (erti/i(ation tests. students )and t!e 4arents or *uardians o/
undera*e students- are 4ro2ided 6it! in/ormation in 6ritin* about t!e results" T!is (ommuni(ation
s!ould in(lude mar7s /or ea(! s7ill and 6!et!er t!e student is to 4ro*ress to t!e neAt (ourse"
/omplaints procedure
#" Students are *i2en t!e (!an(e to re2ie6 t!e mid0year 4ro*ress test and t!e end0o/0year 4romotion
test 6it! t!e tea(!er" T!e tea(!er 6ill eA4lain !o6 /ar t!ey /ul/illed (ourse ob@e(ti2es"
" Students 6!o !a2e /ailed t!eir eAams and disa*ree 6it! t!eir mar7s /or end0o/0year tests and /inal
(erti/i(ation tests may /ile a (om4laint 6it! t!e E"O"I" !eadtea(!er team" T!is s!ould be done 6it!in
t6o 6or7in* days a/ter t!e mar7s are 4ublis!ed"
=" 3om4laints must be based on one o/ t!e /ollo6in*9
a- T!e ob@e(ti2es. t!e (ontent or t!e assessment *uidelines /or t!e test do not (om4ly 6it! t!e
o//i(ial (urri(ulum or t!e En*lis! De4artmentBs syllabus"
b- Pro(edures. met!ods o/ assessment or mar7in* (riteria 6ere not a44lied 4ro4erly"
D" T!e !eadtea(!er team 6ill ma7e a de(ision (on/irmin* or (orre(tin* t!e dis4uted mar7 in t6o
6or7in* days a/ter t!e (om4laint is /iled"
L" Students )4arents or *uardians /or under0a*e students- may (ontest t!e de(ision 6it! t!e tea(!in*
aut!orities )Dele*a(i,n Pro2in(ial. 3onsellerPa de Edu(a(i,n e Ordena(i,n 8ni2ersitaria-. in t6o
6or7in* days a/ter t!ey are noti/ied o/ t!e de(ision"
$" I/ t!e de(ision is (ontested. t!e tea(!in* aut!orities 6ill as7 /or a re4ort /rom t!e edu(ation
ins4e(tor. and ta7e a /inal de(ision in one mont! /rom t!e date 6!en t!e de(ision 6as (ontested"
0rogress and duration of studies
'xamination re>sitsA duration of studies and attendance
#" O//i(ial students may attend (lasses at t!e E"O"I" /or t6i(e t!e o//i(ial duration o/ ea(! le2el" A/ter
usin* u4 t!e maAimum allo6ed number o/ eAaminations and re0ta7es. students 6ill no lon*er be
4ermitted to attend (lasses. but t!ey may si*n u4 to ta7e t!e /inal (erti/i(ation tests inde4endently"
" 1e/ore =' A4ril. students may *i2e u4 t!eir 4la(e at t!e E"O"I" and t!eir eAamination o4tions /or
t!at year 6ill not be (ounted" T!ey 6ill t!en !a2e to *o t!rou*! t!e admissions 4ro(edure a*ain. in
order to (ontinue t!eir studies at t!e E"O"I"
=" In eA(e4tional (ir(umstan(es )6!i(! in(lude illnesses t!at ma7e it si*ni/i(antly di//i(ult to /inis! t!e
(ourse-. students may be allo6ed an eAtra year to /inalise t!e le2el" A s4e(ial aut!orisation must be
obtained /rom t!e edu(ation aut!orities )t!e Dele*a(i,n Pro2in(ial. 3onsellerPa de Edu(a(i,n e
Ordena(i,n 8ni2ersitaria-" C!en re>uestin* aut!orisation. t!e student s!ould 4ro2ide do(umentary
e2iden(e /or t!e s4e(ial (ir(umstan(es"
D" Students s!ould not miss more t!an 'M o/ total (lass !ours 6it!out a 2alid eA(use" I/ a student
does not (om4ly 6it! t!is re>uirement. t!eir mar7 /or t!e mid0term 4ro*ress test )5ebruary- 6ill not be
Page 24 of 29
(ounted. and neit!er 6ill t!eir 4arti(i4ation in (lass a(ti2ities" Fo6e2er. t!ey 6ill be allo6ed to ta7e t!e
end0o/0year 4romotion test and t!e /inal (erti/i(ation test"
L" Students 6!o /ail to turn u4 /or t!e (ourse in t!e /irst ten days must 4ro2ide t!e !ead tea(!er
team 6it! a 2alid. do(umented eA(use" Ot!er6ise t!ey 6ill lose t!eir 4la(e at t!e s(!ool and anot!er
(andidate 6ill be allo6ed to ta7e t!eir 4la(e"
-daptation for disa"led students
#" 3erti/i(ation tests /or disabled students are or*anised and a44lied a((ordin* to 4rin(i4les o/ e>ual
o44ortunity. non0dis(rimination and (om4ensation /or di//eren(es" T!e duration and met!od o/ t!e test
may be ada4ted i/ ne(essary"
" C!en si*nin* u4 /or a (ourse. disabled students s!ould 4ro2ide do(umentary e2iden(e o/ t!eir
disability and /ill in t!e ad !o( /orm su44lied by t!e E"O"I" T!e E"O"I" 6ill in/orm t!e aut!orities in order
to (arry out t!e ne(essary ada4tations"
Page 25 of 29
(. )'/!MM',+'+ M-T')I-.S
Material obri*atorio 7non adEuirir ata consultar co profesor89
ew !ramework " )Pearson&Lon*man- studentsE boo7 6& re/eren(e *uide and 3D0ROM
0 Re(ommended9
#0 Ne6 5rame6or7 =. 6or7boo7 6&studentsE audio
0 Grammar boo7s )(!e(7 6it! your tea(!er /irst. but any o/ t!e boo7s belo6 6ould be *ood-9
En*lis! Grammar in 8se )6it! ans6ers-. 38P
En*lis! Grammar in Ste4s )6it! ans6ers-. Ri(!mond
Fo6 En*lis! Cor7s )6it! ans6ers-. O8P
OA/ord Pra(ti(e Grammar )6it! ans6ers-. O8P
=0 Di(tionaries )a*ain. (!e(7 6it! your tea(!er /irst-
A *ood. u4dated En*lis!0En*lis! di(tionary. li7e9
3ambrid*e Ad2an(ed Learners Di(tionary
Lon*man Di(tionary o/ t!e En*lis! Lan*ua*e
OA/ord Ad2an(ed Learners Di(tionary
Page 26 of 29
-ppendix 1 G)-MM-) ST)4/T4)'S
Intermedio 2=
"="#" 3ontidos *ramati(ais"
SNQ sinta*ma nominal"
SAdA"Q sinta*ma adAe(ti2al"
SAd2"Q sinta*ma ad2erbial"
S4re4"Q Sinta*ma Pre4osi(ional"
1. - oraciGn simple.
#"#" Ti4os de ora(i,n" Elementos (onstituPntes e a sOa 4osi(i,n"
#"#"#"Ora(i,n de(larati2a en /orma a/irmati2a ou ne*ati2a"
#"#"#"#"Res4ostas (urtas9 So&Neit!er R auAiliar"
#"#""Ora(i,n interro*ati2a" Re2isi,n"
#"#""#"Sub@e(t and ob@e(t >uestions"
#"#"="Ora(i,n im4erati2a en /orma a/irmati2a e ne*ati2a"
#"#"="#")DonBt- R V"
#"#"=""LetBs )not- R V"
#"#"D"Ora(i,n eA(lamati2a"
#"#"D"#"C!at R SN )C!at a ni(e day-"
#"#"D"#"" Fo6 R SAdA"
#""5en,menos de (on(ordan(ia"
2. - oraciGn composta.
"#"3oordina(i,n. disAun(i,n e o4osi(i,n" 3onAun(i,ns b+si(as9 and. or. but. !o6e2er. neit!er""" nor.
bot!""" and"
""3om4ara(i,n9 t!an. as""" as"
"="3ausa9 sin(e. as. /or"
"D"5inalidade" Re2isi,n"
"L"Resultado9 so""" t!at. su(!""" t!at"
"$"3ondi(i,n9 ti4os ' )Cood /loats on 6ater-. #
)I/&8nless you study. you 6ill&6onBt 4ass your eAams- e )I/ I 6ere you. I 6ould ta7e an umbrella-"
";"3on(esi,n9 alt!ou*!. !o6e2er. 6!ile"
"?"Rela(i,ns tem4orais"
"?"#" Anterioridade9 be/ore"
"?"" Posterioridade9 a/ter"
"?"=" Simultaneidade9 6!en. 6!ile"
"%"Estilo indire(to (on say. as7. tell"
"%"#"O4ini,n9 tell. say. t!in7 R )t!at- R subordinada"
"#'"5en,menos de (on(ordan(ia"
3. ! sintagma nominal.
="# NO(leo"
="#"#"O substanti2o"
="#"#"#"3lases9 (ontables e non0(ontables"
="#"#""SInero9 su/iAo T. U0essV. distintos leAemas"
="#"#"="NOmero9 sin*ular e 4lural )re*ulares e irre*ulares-"
="#"#"D"3aso9 Aeniti2o" Sin*ular9 substanti2o R Bs" Plural9 substanti2o R Bs" Plural9 substanti2o R B"
="#"#"D"#"O dobre Aeniti2o9 A /riend o/ mine"
="#"#"L" Substanti2os 2erbais" )a(abados en 0in*-"
="#"" Pronomes"
="#""#"Persoais de suAeito e de (om4lemento"
="#"""Wou im4ersoal"
="#""D"Inde/inidos9 some. any. anot!er. e2ery e os seus (om4ostos. )t!e- ot!er)s-.
t!e&t!is&t!ese&t!ose& 6!i(! R AdA"R one)s-X none"
="#""L"Interro*ati2os9 6!atY 6!yY !o6 o/tenY !o6 manyY
="#""$"Pronomes re/leAi2os e en/+ti(os"
Page 27 of 29
="#"";"Pronomes re(P4ro(os"
=""Modi/i(a(i,n do nO(leo"
=""#"#"#" Arti*o determinado9 uso b+si(o. omisi,n en (onteAtos Aerais"
=""#"#"" Arti*o indeterminado9 uso b+si(o. omisi,n (on in(ontables"
=""#"="AdAe(ti2os 4osesi2os"
=""#"D"#" Numerais9 (ardinais e ordinais"
=""#"D"" Outros (uanti/i(adores9 some. anyX mu(!. many. a lot )o/-. )a- little. a )/e6-. e2ery. !al/.
all. a >uarter""" Medidas b+si(as dos sistemas mItri(o e im4erialX (ontainers )a (u4&bottle&*lass o/"""-"
=""" A4osi(i,n"
=""=" Modi/i(a(i,n mediante SN. SAdA" e SPre4"
="=" Orde dos elementos do sinta*ma nominal"
="D" Ora(i,ns de relati2o (on t!at. 6!i(!. 6!o"
="L" 5en,menos de (on(ordan(ia"
="$" 5un(i,ns sint+(ti(as do sinta*ma"
. ! sintagma adxectival.
D"#" NO(leo9 adAe(ti2o"
D"#"#" Grao9 adAe(ti2os (om4arati2os e su4erlati2os" 5ormas irre*ulares"
D"" Modi/i(a(i,n do nO(leo mediante ne*a(i,nX )not""" enou*!- SAd2"9 2ery.
>uite. a little. a bit. too e SPre4"9 *ood at"
D"=" Orde dos elementos do sinta*ma adAe(ti2al"
D"D" 5un(i,ns sint+(ti(as do sinta*ma"
D"L" 1e R adA"X loo7 R adA"
$. ! sintagma ver"al.
L"#" NO(leo9 2erbo"
L"#"#" Tem4o"
L"#"#"#"EA4resi,n do 4resente"
L"#"#"#"#"Presente sim4le" Re2isi,n de /ormas e usos"
L"#"#"#""Presente (ontinuo"
L"#"#""EA4resi,n do 4asado" Re2isi,n de /ormas e usos"
L"#"#""#"A((i,ns !abituais no 4asado used to"
L"#"#""="8so do 4retIrito 4er/e(to sim4le" Re2isi,n e eAtensi,n" L"#"#""="#"A((i,ns a(abadas"
L"#"#""=""A((i,ns ina(abadas (on /or. sin(e"
L"#"#""="="Tem4o 4asado inmediato (on @ust"
L"#"#""="D"Tem4o 4asado inde/inido (on still. yet. already. ne2er. e2er"
L"#"#""D"Pasado (ontinuo"
L"#"#""L"Pasado 4er/e(to"
L"#"#"="EA4resi,n do /uturo"
L"#"#"="#"5uturo sim4le" Re2isi,n e eAtensi,n"
L"#"#"=""Cill en a((i,ns >ue o(orrer+n (on se*uridade )IBll be L in A4rilZ- e inten(i,ns /irmes )IBll
/inis! t!is today-"
L"#"#"#"="1e *oin* to"
L"#"#"#"D"Presente (ontinuo"
L"#"="Modalidade" Re2isi,n e eAtensi,n"
L"#"="#"5a(tualidade9 indi(ati2o"
L"#"=""Ne(esidade&deseAo9 6ant R SNX 6ant&need to in/initi2eX IBd li7e R to in/initi2eX 3an&3ould I
!a2e"""YX C!at&Fo6 about R SNYX S!all R suAeito R in/"Y
L"#"="="Obri*a e ausen(ia desta9 must&s!ould )not-. ou*!t to. )donBt- !a2e to. neednBt"
L"#"="D"Fabilidade9 (an&(anBtX (ould )nBt-"
L"#"="L"Permiso9 (an&(anBtX (ouldX may. 6ould )(ortesPa-"
L"#"="$"Posibilidade9 (an&may"
L"#"=";"Pro!ibi(i,n9 mustnBt&(anBt&donBt R in/"X no R in*"
Page 28 of 29
L"#"="?"Inten(i,n9 be *oin* toX 4resente (ontinuo. 6ant"
L"#"="%"O/re(ementos e suAesti,ns9 s!all"
L"#"D" Verbos (on 4artP(ula" 5orma e uso"
L"#"D"#"Turn. *o. loo7. ma7e"
L"#"L" Estruturas !abituais de in/initi2o (on to. sin to e 0in*9 li7e. lo2e. !ate R in*X 6ant R to in/initi2eX
6ould li7e R to in/initi2e"L"#"$" Verbos (on dous obAe(tos"
L"#";" Loo7 R adA"
L"#"?" 5un(i,ns sint+(ti(as do sinta*ma"
L"#"%" A 2oH 4asi2a"
L"#"%"#"Presente e 4asado sim4les"
&. ! sintagma adver"ial.
$"# NO(leo"
$"#"#"#"3lases9 tem4o )no6. last 6ee7. already-.
lu*ar )!ere. t!ere-. mo2emento )le/t. ri*!t-. /re(uen(ia )o/ten. ne2er-. modo )>ui(7ly. (are/ully-. *rao
)2ery. too-. interro*ati2os"
$"#"#""Grao9 4ositi2o. (om4arati2o e su4erlati2o"
$"#"#"="5orma(i,n de ad2erbios9 su/iAo T. en 0ly"
$"#""Lo(u(i,ns ad2erbiais"
$"" Modi/i(a(i,n do nO(leo mediante SAdA"
$"=" Posi(i,n dos elementos do sinta*ma9 SAd2" R nO(leo"
$"D" 5un(i,ns sint+(ti(as do sinta*ma"
(. ! sintagma preposicional.
;"#" NO(leo"
;"#"#" Pre4osi(i,ns9 tem4o )at. on. in-. dura(i,n )durin*. /or-. lu*ar )to. on. at )!ome-. neAt to-.
dire(i,n )to. into-. 4ertenHa"
;"#"" Lo(u(i,ns 4re4osi(ionais )at t!e be*innin* o/-"
;"" Orde dos elementos do sinta*ma 4re4osi(ional"
;""#" Ora(i,ns (on 4re4osi(i,n ao /inal9 C!o did you (ome 6it!Y
;"=" 5un(i,ns sint+(ti(as do sinta*ma" /ontidos fonFticos.
#"Sons e /onemas 2o(+li(os" Re2isi,n da sOa identi/i(a(i,n e 4rodu(i,n"
#"#"3ontraste entre (alidade e (antidade"
#""Diton*os R s(!6a"
"Sons e /onemas (onson+nti(os" Re2isi,n da sOa identi/i(a(i,n e 4rodu(i,n"
"#"3ontraste entre (onsoantes Aordas e sonoras"
"="Se(uen(ias /inais e /inais"
"="#" 3onsonant (lusters9 S4ain. s(!ool"
="Pro(esos /onol,Ai(os9 enla(e. asimila(i,n e elisi,n"
="#"Termina(i,n dos substanti2os 4lurais e =[ 4ersoa do sin*ular9 &s&. &H& e &iH&"
=""Termina(i,n 0ed9 &t&. &d& e &0id&"
="="5ormas /ortes e dIbiles"
D" Patr,ns de entoa(i,n. a(eno e ritmo 4ara as /un(i,ns (omuni(ati2as estudadas"
D"#"A(eno de elementos lIAi(os illados"
D""Patr,ns tonais no sinta*ma"
D"="Variantes a(entuais 4osi(ionais"
L" Prin(i4ais di/erenHas entre a 2ariedade est+ndar brit+ni(a. ameri(ana e outras"
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