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Name: TOTAL: /38

Short Story Unit Test

1. Read all instructions careully! "eore you "e#in to ans$er the %uestions.
&. Ans$er all %uestions in com'lete sentences and in your o$n $ords.
3. (rooread careully as mar)s are a$arded or correct s'ellin# and #rammar.
*. Ans$er e+ery %uestion, -+en i you are not sure! "e o'timistic. .ou may #et 'art mar)s.
(ART A: S/ORT STOR. T-R0S TI0-: 11 minutes /11
22223oreshado$ A. 4an "e dreams or a memory that a character has
usually durin# the risin# action o a story.
3lash"ac) 5. Another $ord or the author6s messa#e
74annot "e e8'ressed in a sin#le $ord.
Incitin# Incident 4. The e+ent that ta)es 'lace at the "e#innin# o the
story that tri##ers the rest o the e+ents.
Omniscient (oint o 9ie$
:. (erson +s. technolo#y is an e8am'le o ;
Theme -. Includes all the elements o the story.
-8ternal conlict 3. Authors create this throu#h diction! settin#! and
character reaction.
(lot <. Author tells all the thou#hts and eelin#s o all
the characters.
/. =hen the author creates reader interest in ho$
the conlict $ill "e resol+ed.
Sus'ense I. =ord 4hoice > 'articularly! the "est $ord used or
that audience at that time.
:iction ?. 4lues a"out e+ents that may ha''en in the story.
Read the attached short story entitled !harles"# $y Shirley %ackson# and
ans&er the 'ollo&in( )*estions on the foolscap +ro,ided- Please ans&er in
clear and com+lete sentences *nless other&ise s+eci.ed-
/- State the +oint-o'-,ie& that is *sed to tell the story- 0oes this +oint-
o'-,ie& create any $iases 'or the reader1 E2+lain- (2 marks)
2- 3ist 2 details mentioned in the introd*ction- (2 marks)
4- 5hat is the incitin( (com+licatin() incident1 (/ mark)
6- 7ame 3 con8icts in the story- 3a$el each statin( &hat ty+e o'
con8ict it is- (9 marks)
:- 5hat is the clima2 1(/mark)
9- Some o' the dialo(*e s*((ests that 3a*rie is e2+eriencin( hostility
to&ards his 'ather- Pro,ide three s+eci.c details 'rom the story to
s*++ort this statement- (4 marks)
;- State two cl*es *sed $y the a*thor to 'oreshado& the endin( o' the
story- (2 marks)
8- 5hat is the ma<or theme o' this story1 (/ mark)
=- !hoose t&o character traits o' 3a*rie- >or each trait state ho& the
a*thor de,elo+s the character o' 3a*rie in the story (diction# character
reaction# settin()- Also# +ro,ide a specifc detail 'rom the story to
s*++ort yo*r o$ser,ations- (9 marks)
/?- E2+lain ho& irony is *sed at the end o' the story- (2 marks)
//-- State one line 'rom the story that yo* 'o*nd e@ecti,e or
memora$le- E2+lain &hy this line stands o*t to yo*- (2 marks)
=- 5e read se,eral short stories incl*din( 3am$ to Sla*(hter# The Time
o' the 5ol,es# The Interlo+ers and Sir Ga&ain and the 3oathly 3ady
Write an opinion paragraph approximately to of a page in length
on the following topic.
!hoose yo*r 'a,o*rite story 'rom those read in class and *sin( at least
three short story terms (e(- !on8ict# narrator# s*s+ense# characters
etc-) E2+lain &hy it is yo*r 'a,o*rite- (9 marks)

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