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Stancu Alin Constantin Homework 18 septembrie 2014

Clasa a XII-a A
Qualities help us accomplish performances, records, successes, all what we want and
personal objectives. This is the reason why qualities are very important for us, for our lives,
our families, and society. Mahatma Gandhi said that : A man is but the product
of his qualities and defects.
So....Each person has qualities but also defects. In my case Unfortunately defects exceeding
the qualities, but I will outline just three in each category.

At first i am very agressive person and when someone contradicts me I get angry soon.
Also another flaw is that i talk ( speak) very very quickly and a lot of person cant
understand what i say. Once a national TV station interviewed me and when I heard the
interview I did not understand anything because i spoke very quickly. Soo is a real problem.
And the third defect is
The third defect is my arrogance. Sometimes, maybe often... i treat people with arrogance,
but involuntary...

When i talk about my qualities, im a little bit embarrassed because i have not many
qualities, but Oliver Clement said: Using qualities all the time in our life, we
won't have any more time to use the defects, so i try to do that for became a better
person.. I supose I might mention among the qualities sense of lidership, the honesty and
the ambition. When i really want somethin i will get it.

To sum up even if people see qualities at a distance and defects at close range like VICTOR
HUGO said, i think we cand became better and better if we use qualities all the time in our
life. -

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