Phpas P47 L

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Students will utilize their knowledge of Pennsylvania products from local farms to write a letter to a
local farmer thanking them for the products they produce.

Students will be able to write a Thank You note to a farmer or local business that demonstrates their
knowledge of the friendly letter format.

2. Essential Questions:

What is agriculture?
How does it relate to our daily lives?
What are producers?

3. Vocabulary:

PA Preferred

4. Duration: Five 45-minute lessons (writing piece should proceed through the writing process.)

5. Materials:
Writing paper
Model of the friendly letter (Dear Mr. Meals)
Graphic Organizer: Persuasion Map
Vocabulary list of agricultural words (above)
Information from PA Preferred website Products made in Pennsylvania
Large chart paper
Laptop or tablet with projection system
PA Preferred letterhead
PA Preferred: Writing Lesson - Thank You to Farmer or Local Business
Top Reasons to Buy Local
Exit Ticket

6. Instructional Procedures:
a. Anticipatory set:
1. Using the TOP REASONS poster on buying local, students will learn the definition of
agriculture, importance of a farmers or producers job, and what it means to buy local.
2. Discuss what is agriculture.
3. Today we will be learning about agriculture in Pennsylvania by exploring the PA Preferred
website to learn about products produced in Pennsylvania.
4. Connect a laptop or tablet to the projection system and project the website
( for the students to view as the teacher takes them to the map of
Pennsylvania to explore the products produced in their local area. Ask students, Who loves
strawberries? Show the options of where strawberries are grown.
5. Students will then select a product that they are interested in from the PA Preferred website.

b. Introduction: Begin by explaining to the students that they will be composing a letter to send to a
Pennsylvania producer/farmer thanking them for the product that the student selected in the
anticipatory set.

c. Modeling:
1. Share a model letter (Dear Mr. Meals) to a Pennsylvania producer or farmer for students to see
the authors purpose of writing to them to thank them for the products made or grown in
Pennsylvania (that came from their facility).
2. Emphasize to the students the purpose of the letter, the format of the writing, and that this piece
of writing will be sent to an actual person that is responsible for products that are made or
grown in Pennsylvania.

d. Guided Practice:
1. Using the website or Google Earth, the teacher will guide the students to select
a producer to compose a class letter as another example before asking students to write
2. Brainstorm with the students, a list of vocabulary words related to agriculture that students
might need as they write their letters (see vocabulary list.)
3. If the teacher has gathered resource materials, give students time to look through the books and
gather words that they think might be used as they write. These may be added to the list after
students have had time to share.
4. Post the chart paper with the vocabulary words so that the students are able to refer to them.
While you are writing, direct the students back to the chart when vocabulary words should be
used in the letter.
5. Teacher will work to emphasize each part of the friendly letter format as they compose the
example as a class. The rough draft letter format may be used or large chart paper.
6. Students may utilize the Graphic Organizer: Persuasion Map to organize ideas.
7. Teacher will elicit students ideas and students will help to select the ideas written in the letter.
8. When the final letter is composed, the teacher will either hang it in the room for the students to
see if it is on chart paper or make copies for students to refer to as they write their own letter

e. Independent Practice:
1. With parental guidance, students will access the PA Preferred website. From there or from a
prepared list, students will select a Pennsylvania producer/farmer to write to thanking them for
their work in providing their products to the consumers.
2. Once students have selected their recipient, they should begin composing their own letter to
their Pennsylvania producer/farmer.
3. Students will revise and edit their letters with the teacher.
4. After revising and editing with their teacher, students will rewrite their letters in a final copy.
They will use the PA Preferred letterhead and will mail the letter to the Pennsylvania
5. After finishing their final draft, the teacher will introduce the students to the proper format for
addressing a letter.

f. Closure:
1. Students will address their envelope and carefully insert their letter.
2. Teacher will mail the students letters.
7. Formative Assessment:
a. Formative: Exit ticket Ask students to write down three products produced in Pennsylvania before
concluding the lesson.
b. Summative: At the conclusion of the lesson, each student will have successfully completed a letter to
a Pennsylvania producer/farmer utilizing appropriate vocabulary and written in the proper format.
Prior to mailing, students final letter may be copied for evaluation.

8. Related Materials and Resources:

Informational texts about Pennsylvania agriculture and farms.

9. Accommodations and Adaptations:

Computers at school will be made available if a student has no access at home.
A copy of products and list of farmers/producers will be provided if needed.
Adaptation of the writing process should be accommodated, possibly using a partially started
letter, having lines to complete or writing to one preselected farmer/producer.
Provide a personal word bank for thoughts and correct spelling.

10. Grade Levels: 3-5

11. Related Academic Standards:
4.4: Agriculture and Society Grade 3
4.4: Agriculture and Society Grade 4
Pennsylvania State Standards for Environment and Ecology:
4.4.3.A Identify Pennsylvania crops that provide food for the table and fiber for textiles.
4.4.3.B Explain how agriculture meets the basic needs of humans.
4.4.3.C. Use scientific inquiry to investigate what animals and plants need to grow.
4.4.3.D Identify technology used in agriculture. Identify tools and machinery used in agriculture.
4.4.4.B Describe how humans rely on the food and fiber system. Identify Pennsylvanias important
agricultural products.
Common Core Standards:
CC.1.4.3.A Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information
CC.1.4.3.D Create an organizational structure that includes information grouped and connected
logically with a concluding statement or section.
CC.1.4.3.E Choose words and phrases for effect.
CC.1.4.3.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of Standard English
grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
12. Assessment Anchors:
S4.B.3.3 Identify and describe human reliance on the environment at the individual or the community
13. Eligible Content:
S4.B.3.3.2 Describe the human dependence on the food and fiber systems from production to
consumption (e.g., food, clothing, shelter, products).
14. Big Ideas:

Definition - Agriculture means raising plants and animals for food, clothing, and other things.
State products that are produced in PA.
Understand the writing process.

15. Concepts: Friendly letter format, writing process, agricultural concepts (science environment and

16. Competencies: Successful completion of a letter in the final published form.

206 Fruit Pike
Orchard, PA 00446
January 1, 2013

Dear Mr. Meals,

I want to thank you for being a farmer (or producer of agriculture) and taking care of our environment.
As a farmer (or producer), you must take care of the soil, plants, water, and make your farm sustainable.
Some of our food travels many miles to get to our grocery store, and I do not know where it comes from. As a
consumer, when I see the PA Preferred label on products, I know it is made or grown locally and comes
from Pennsylvania. The money I spend for PA Preferred foods stays in Pennsylvania and helps you and our
economy. Whether I buy my food at a grocery store or farmers market, I know you are making sure my food
is safe and healthy. My favorite food is ________. As I take a delicious bite or see it on my dinner plate, I
will remember how this product was made or grown.

I hope this is your best growing season ever! You are a true hero!


Amy Plum

PA Preferred: Sample Letter to Farmer or Producer

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