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Should Newspaper Be Expected To

Reveal Their Sources

Presented By :
Tarannum Parvin SK
Roll No:58
Injournalism, asourceis a person, publication, or other
record or document that gives timelyinformation. Outside
journalism, sources are sometimes known as "news sources".
Eamples of sources include o!cial records, publications or
broadcasts, o!cials in government or business, organi"ations
or corporations, witnessesof crime, accidents or other
events, and people involved with or a#ected by a news event
or issue.

isadvanta!es "# Not Revealin!



Protection #rom reprisal or punishment


'a&ricated sources

(ess credi&ility

'alse and &iased in#ormation

)isin#ormation and propa!anda

*dvanta!es o# not revealin!


)ore in#ormation


Ri!ht to privacy

'reedom o# press
,ases $

$dentity o#


$dentity o# Rape
* case #or whistle.&lower
*nonymity can protect unpopular individuals #rom
retaliation / and their ideas #rom suppression / at the
hand o# an intolerant society
%t a time when laws around the world are being strengthened to
encourage whistle&blowing of corruption at the highest levels, It
would be grossly pitiable were the court to disregard '(I)*s
petition purely on the basis of the +,O*s failure to reveal the
name of its informant. If the court persists with its original
demand for the name of the whistle&blower.

0hy anonymity matters

%s a pre&condition to taking the document on record, it will only

serve to further weaken the state of whistle&blower protection
laws in India,

-nless the anonymity of whistle&blowers is preserved and

protected, it is likely that instances of dishonesty by
public o!cials will become not merely the norm . if it isn*t
already so . but also virtually undetectable

If the shield of anonymity is allowed to wither, the jurisprudence of our

courts will only serve to encourage the worst forms of governmental
transgression. /he attention of the 0upreme 'ourt ought to be on the
message, and not the messenger.
Than1 you

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