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Reading Club Order Due Date : October 10, 2014

Shop Online:

One-Time Class Activation Code: DXW6B
Dear Families,
Good news! Tis mont!s "colastic Reading Club #l$ers are a%ailable on line& 'n an e##ort to be more
en%ironmentall$ conscious we will not be sending ome (ac)ets o# #l$ers to e%er$one& *owe%er, i# $ou
would li)e a (a(er co($ to e+(lore wit $our cild, (lease let us )now and we will send one ome to $ou&
Cildren read more wen te$ coose teir own boo)s, so we encourage $ou to loo) on line or at te #l$ers
togeter& ,ac is #illed wit grade-s(eci#ic, a##ordable titles and "toria. e/oo)s& /$ going online, $ou can
order #rom an$ #l$er tat "colastic as a%ailable, and $ou can also searc b$ title and0or grade le%el #or
boo)s $ou are interested in&
1lace $our order online at scolastic&com0readingclub or return te order #orm and a cec) made (a$able to
"colastic /oo) Clubs to us&
1lease be aware tat we will (lace te order on te D2, D3T,& "colastic is normall$ %er$ (unctual and
te boo)s will arri%e witin se%en to ten business da$s& 4e will deli%er te boo)s to $our cild as soon as
te$ arri%e&
Tan) $ou #or $our su((ort!
1": /oo)s ma)e wonder#ul gi#ts! 1lease let us )now i# $our order includes a gi#t, and we will contact $ou
wen it arri%es&
Ordering online is fast and easy:
5 !"T!# te one-time Class 3cti%ation Code 6to( o# tis letter7
5 S$O% #rom a care#ull$ curated selection o# te best boo)s, %alue (ac)s, and "toria e/oo)s
5 S&'(T $our order and earn FR,, /oo)s #or our classroom
5 3ll boo) orders will be si((ed to our classroom so we can celebrate te 8o$ o# reading togeter!
*a(($ Reading!
9rs& :aFles ; 9rs& :eRo$

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