Autonomic Nervous System Responses. It Is A Fact

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Bandura -> Bobo Doll Experiment 1977

Unethical Induced aggression in children, which
could have negative long-term effects.
Lacks ecological validity Lab conditions
If an adult was acting violently to a child, other children
would not repeat the behavior; or that children were
manipulated into repeating the aggressive behavior; or
that children were only playing rather then aggressing the
Bandura's theory (SLT) was criticized by biological
theorists, who argued it ignores biological states and
autonomic nervous system responses. It is a fact
that some behaviors and responses are not only learned
but partly inherited. This could have related to the Bobo
doll experiment is that children would have reacted
differently to the stimuli, aggression and violence.

ARRM/SLT Process

Charlton et. Al 1993 St. Helena Experiment

Basis of a natural experiment Conducted under
natural conditions
However, the children were unaware that they
were part of, and it is questionable whether proper
consent was given to observe the children.

ARRM SLT Process was incomplete Lacked
motivation as anti-social behavior was never tolerated.

Culturally biased as they only used children from St.

Feshbach and R.D. Singer believed that television
actually decreases the amount of aggression in children
In 1971 they conducted a study within a six-week study
on juvenile boys who regularly watched television violence
compared to juvenile boys who were exposed to non-
violent shows.
After the six-week period, Feshback and R.D. Singer
found out that the juvenile boys that viewed the non-
violent shows were more likely to exhibit aggressive
behavior than the juvenile boys that witnessed the violent
"The study show that the violence on television allows
the viewer to relate with the characters involved in the
violent act. In doing so, the viewer is able to release all
aggressive thoughts and feelings through relation, causing
them to be less aggressive than they would have been
without watching the violent television.
This theory that viewing violence on television leads to
a decrease in aggression is called the Catharsis effect, and
negates certain aspects of the Social Learning Theory.

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